Mueller hires another Dem donor. Oh no freaking bias Mueller's a bad joke

Anyone who truly understands the scope of this investigation and knows anything about Trump's nefarious lifestyle knows this end result will be a blockbuster like no other.

"Nefarious" lifestyle? You mean like grabbing pussies or something?

You're just jealous because he never grabbed yours.
Obviously you don't know of him not renting to blacks history and the Justice Dept stepping in, and him defrauding the victims of Trump University and defrauding small business owners in Atlantic City etc etc.
The whiny little bitch isn't going to be able to sue his way out of this one.

Compared to Obama's drug dealing, his sucking men's dicks in exchange for cocaine, and his mommy posing for nudie pictures, none of that even moves the needle in my Give-A-Fuckometer.
There ya go.... you reveal yourself to be the Alex Jones type lunatic you really are.,
I knew if I strung you along long enough you'd show the forum who you really are..

Never listened to or read a single thing Alex Jones has done. If you don't know about those by now, you've been living under a rock for the last 8 years.
You've fallen for the tin foil hat right wing smear machine.
Your " gay Obama" comment was the funniest yet..
Yes I've heard of it from you dopes on the right.
You have a whole army of lying RW web sites that cater to dupes like you.
Has he hired any good defense attorneys yet...........Might need some before this is over..............

"Nefarious" lifestyle? You mean like grabbing pussies or something?

You're just jealous because he never grabbed yours.
Obviously you don't know of him not renting to blacks history and the Justice Dept stepping in, and him defrauding the victims of Trump University and defrauding small business owners in Atlantic City etc etc.
The whiny little bitch isn't going to be able to sue his way out of this one.

Compared to Obama's drug dealing, his sucking men's dicks in exchange for cocaine, and his mommy posing for nudie pictures, none of that even moves the needle in my Give-A-Fuckometer.
There ya go.... you reveal yourself to be the Alex Jones type lunatic you really are.,
I knew if I strung you along long enough you'd show the forum who you really are..

Never listened to or read a single thing Alex Jones has done. If you don't know about those by now, you've been living under a rock for the last 8 years.
You've fallen for the tin foil hat right wing smear machine.
Your " gay Obama" comment was the funniest yet..
Yes I've heard of it from you dopes on the right.
You have a whole army of lying RW web sites that cater to dupes like you.

What "right-wing smear machine"? I'm just trying to tell you things everyone else knows already. I don't know anything about any "right-wing websites" you keep alluding to.
Why would Trump reveal his tax returns ??
A court order.
Do some research on Nixon and Watergate.

So you continue to believe that the IRS knows nothing about Trump's financial dealings?
I see you won't answer my question why he's scared to release his tax returns. Just think u voted for someone who was secretive and looked like a guilty man.

How about you give me a copy of your tax returns. I'd really like to look at them and share them with my friends. Ok, good buddy?
Still scared to death to answer my question so you get more ludicrous with your posts.
I'm as clean as a whistle.
Do you think Trump is?
Ha ha ha ha

No, I was serious. Don't I get the same privilege to look at your tax returns, as you have to look at his.

Now quit being obtuse.
Im not President and under investigation for treason and obstruction of justice.
The fact you so embarrass yourself with refusing to explain why Trump is scared to release his tax returns by making it personal with me.... shows your spinning your wheels..
Obviously you don't know of him not renting to blacks history and the Justice Dept stepping in, and him defrauding the victims of Trump University and defrauding small business owners in Atlantic City etc etc.
The whiny little bitch isn't going to be able to sue his way out of this one.

Compared to Obama's drug dealing, his sucking men's dicks in exchange for cocaine, and his mommy posing for nudie pictures, none of that even moves the needle in my Give-A-Fuckometer.
There ya go.... you reveal yourself to be the Alex Jones type lunatic you really are.,
I knew if I strung you along long enough you'd show the forum who you really are..

Never listened to or read a single thing Alex Jones has done. If you don't know about those by now, you've been living under a rock for the last 8 years.
You've fallen for the tin foil hat right wing smear machine.
Your " gay Obama" comment was the funniest yet..
Yes I've heard of it from you dopes on the right.
You have a whole army of lying RW web sites that cater to dupes like you.

What "right-wing smear machine"? I'm just trying to tell you things everyone else knows already. I don't know anything about any "right-wing websites" you keep alluding to.
Challenge: give me a legitamite site " revealing Gay Obama."
This should be good.
Your deflection from Trump is noted..
Obviously you don't know of him not renting to blacks history and the Justice Dept stepping in, and him defrauding the victims of Trump University and defrauding small business owners in Atlantic City etc etc.
The whiny little bitch isn't going to be able to sue his way out of this one.

Compared to Obama's drug dealing, his sucking men's dicks in exchange for cocaine, and his mommy posing for nudie pictures, none of that even moves the needle in my Give-A-Fuckometer.
There ya go.... you reveal yourself to be the Alex Jones type lunatic you really are.,
I knew if I strung you along long enough you'd show the forum who you really are..

Never listened to or read a single thing Alex Jones has done. If you don't know about those by now, you've been living under a rock for the last 8 years.
You've fallen for the tin foil hat right wing smear machine.
Your " gay Obama" comment was the funniest yet..
Yes I've heard of it from you dopes on the right.
You have a whole army of lying RW web sites that cater to dupes like you.

What "right-wing smear machine"? I'm just trying to tell you things everyone else knows already. I don't know anything about any "right-wing websites" you keep alluding to.
" what everybody else knows."
Where do you think these lies came from?
You're really as dumb as a rock.
Typical... the trump whores always deflect to Obama when reality gets very heavy for Trump.
So you continue to believe that the IRS knows nothing about Trump's financial dealings?
I see you won't answer my question why he's scared to release his tax returns. Just think u voted for someone who was secretive and looked like a guilty man.

How about you give me a copy of your tax returns. I'd really like to look at them and share them with my friends. Ok, good buddy?
Still scared to death to answer my question so you get more ludicrous with your posts.
I'm as clean as a whistle.
Do you think Trump is?
Ha ha ha ha

No, I was serious. Don't I get the same privilege to look at your tax returns, as you have to look at his.

Now quit being obtuse.
Im not President and under investigation for treason and obstruction of justice.
The fact you so embarrass yourself with refusing to explain why Trump is scared to release his tax returns by making it personal with me.... shows your spinning your wheels..

Since when is Trump under investigation for "treason"? Is that something you just made up? Like myself and several other posters said, there's no law stating that he has to release his returns.

You don't make the laws in this country, we have a legislative branch that does that. I would suggest to you that if you want to help make laws, run for a political office. Otherwise, you're just one more voice in the digital wilderness, crying out to be heard.
On Susan Rice, the Issue Is Abuse of Power, Not Criminality

The allegation against Rice and the Obama administration is that the unmasking of Trump-campaign and transition officials appears — cumulatively, and probably in many specific instances of it — to have run afoul of minimization instructions. These instructions are proposed by the Justice Department and ordered by the FISA court.

Here, it is critical to bear in mind something that can easily be forgotten. The sole purpose of foreign intelligence collection is to understand the actions and intentions of foreign powers and their operatives. If the government’s purpose is to understand the actions and intentions of American citizens, there are two proper ways to go about that: (a) conduct a criminal investigation in which the American citizens can be targeted for court-authorized surveillance based on probable cause of a crime, or (b) conduct a FISA investigation in which the American citizens can be targeted for court-authorized surveillance based on probable cause that they are acting as agents of a foreign power.

If neither of those two alternatives is chosen, then the American citizens are not supposed to be the subject of the intelligence collection effort — they are supposed to be protected. The snooping to which they are subjected is an incidental byproduct (i.e., an unintentional albeit inevitable consequence) of snooping on foreign powers. The incidental snooping deprives them of privacy protections rooted in law — the requirement that the government obtain a judicial warrant before seizing and eavesdropping on their communications.

Read more at: On Susan Rice, the Issue Is Abuse of Power, Not Criminality
JGalt can't find a legit site to back up his Obama lies.
He also can't come up with a good reason why Trump's petrified about having his finances looked into.

Same ole same ole.
Typical... the trump whores always deflect to Obama when reality gets very heavy for Trump.

Damn skippy.........Because the abuses of power under Obama were HISTORIC.

Perhaps Trump should do to you what they did to American citizens just for their beliefs.............

Perhaps they should wiretap your ass in violation of law as well..........OH IT WAS INCIDENTAL..........

And if a FROG had wings he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumped.

Don't like it.............change the channel
All these lawyers have two things in common. They are all democrats and all Democrat donors. Now they are all being paid. Sounds more like payback.
JGalt can't find a legit site to back up his Obama lies.
He also can't come up with a good reason why Trump's petrified about having his finances looked into.

Same ole same ole.

Seems to me more like your leftists are the one who are truly "terrified". Your entire ideology became irrelevant in 2016 and now you're suffering from a collective impotence to change this country back to what it was under Obama.

But sadly, you can't. You can't change anything. In spite of all your rage, you're still just rats in a cage. Now be a good rat and eat your cheese nibbles. Maybe learn to do some little rat tricks to entertain us.
Show me how the hacking of a few emails changed the election bub.....................

How many votes were lost to POOR CLINTON............

While your at it..........why were so many people spied on during the Obama administration.......

Like our allies.............Germany and others........and how that administration tried to influence elections abroad.

Plenty of dirt on Obama and Clinton.............are you having trouble with your POLITICAL INVESTIGATION WITH TRUMP.

Too dang bad.
What a huge waste of taxpayer money.

But the zillions spent investigating the Clinton's wasn't, right?
Don't need Zillions to investigate her...............just a Grand Jury and a trial............

Hell...........refusing to turn over emails under a court order......and then confessed to destroying them..........

Well.........that's enough to do some time by itself.
16 lawyers and they haven found jack...

How sad is that

Starr was special counsel for 5 years. The BUSH-APPOINTED former FBI director Mueller has been in the job less than three months. If he's given 5 years I'm confident he'll find plenty.

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