Mueller intended for Congress to decide if trump obstructed justice....NOT BARR!

Aren't any of you republican morons interested in how Russia was able to influence our elections AND threaten to do it again ? Can any of you realize how many meetings trumps campaign people had with top Russians ? You believe the adoption BS? Pull your dumb republican heads out of the sand and start thinking of America first
The allegations were about "collusion". Does the angry crazy left concede that (candidate) Trump never colluded with the Russians? That would be a major step to achieving mental stability. It's difficult understand how in the world an investigation that took two years and over 3,000 subpoenas was designed to entrap the President in an obstruction web. The left is drifting into fantasy land.
He did collude, his team did collude.

Mueller never once said they did not collude.... he made no judgement on collusion.

Mueller mentioned collusion only ONCE in his 400 page report and he said the word was meaningless in the legal realm.

Mueller found that he could not charge them on Conspiracy, with the Russians, because the Trump team did not do the actual theft of the emails...

but then he goes in to COUNTLESS times, hundreds of pages worth of how the Trump team worked with the Russians and took the help of the Russians, to help Trump win the election... while lying to us, telling us that they had NO CONTACTS with any Russians, no business arrangements with any Russians.... took no help from any Russians....

ALL LIES from Trump and team.

You think you voted him in to office, you think he won fair and square, well....HE DID NOT. You did not put him in there, the Russians did.... but you do not care, cuz you got what you wanted... cheating and dishonesty and lack of integrity and lack of ethics, does not matter to you all....

Wait a minute: What kind of help could the Russians provide to Trump that helped him win? Did the Russians sneak into the country and vote in our election that we're not aware of or something?
They targeted areas with vile lies about Hillary on social media Trump and his campaign were in bed with putin Hopefully Trump will do something, anything to stop russia from hacking into our elections again but I doubt he will Couldn't your shit for brains Trump at least tell Putin ,any more involvement in our elections and there will be severe sanctions?

You mean like Obama didn't?
They hacked into Obamas election ?? The one he won overwhelmingly??
Because the server was not just for her private emails. She was using that server to store and manipulate government emails, and then professional erased those government emails after a subpoena from the US Congress. She used that server to forward classified emails to entities not secured by our government, including her sidekick that stored them on her computer that was used by her husband to send dirty pictures of himself all over the world.
Recall that during Bills admin FOIA requests caught them renting the Lincoln Bedroom, accepting actual paper bags full of cash, and lots of other illegal money, some of it they had to return.

Recall also about 45% of her official office visits as SoS was from Clinton Foundation donors, many of which also had business with the US government in the works.

I'd bet the farm that the real trove of corruption revolves around the Clinton Foundation, Bills speaking fees, and how Hillary used the office of SoS to get them.

The confidential emails were a byproduct.

Let's hope we find out in the coming months as Barr is suggesting. I want to see all these Trump haters stand behind Barr's report if he finds something petty substantial. What do you want to bet no matter what he finds, they will defend Clinton and DumBama to their grave?

Naturally. After years of insisting that Mueller must be believed, suddenly what he found will be a lie.
The allegations were about "collusion". Does the angry crazy left concede that (candidate) Trump never colluded with the Russians? That would be a major step to achieving mental stability. It's difficult understand how in the world an investigation that took two years and over 3,000 subpoenas was designed to entrap the President in an obstruction web. The left is drifting into fantasy land.
He did collude, his team did collude.

Mueller never once said they did not collude.... he made no judgement on collusion.

Mueller mentioned collusion only ONCE in his 400 page report and he said the word was meaningless in the legal realm.

Mueller found that he could not charge them on Conspiracy, with the Russians, because the Trump team did not do the actual theft of the emails...

but then he goes in to COUNTLESS times, hundreds of pages worth of how the Trump team worked with the Russians and took the help of the Russians, to help Trump win the election... while lying to us, telling us that they had NO CONTACTS with any Russians, no business arrangements with any Russians.... took no help from any Russians....

ALL LIES from Trump and team.

You think you voted him in to office, you think he won fair and square, well....HE DID NOT. You did not put him in there, the Russians did.... but you do not care, cuz you got what you wanted... cheating and dishonesty and lack of integrity and lack of ethics, does not matter to you all....

Wait a minute: What kind of help could the Russians provide to Trump that helped him win? Did the Russians sneak into the country and vote in our election that we're not aware of or something?
They targeted areas with vile lies about Hillary on social media Trump and his campaign were in bed with putin Hopefully Trump will do something, anything to stop russia from hacking into our elections again but I doubt he will Couldn't your shit for brains Trump at least tell Putin ,any more involvement in our elections and there will be severe sanctions?

Because they might have ran ads against Hillary on Facebook means they changed the election? Even you can't be so gullible to actually believe that, can you? Hillary, who spent a billion dollars campaigning can't win because of Facebook ads? :26:
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

You are so fucking mad, you're shitting your pants.

The allegations were about "collusion". Does the angry crazy left concede that (candidate) Trump never colluded with the Russians? That would be a major step to achieving mental stability. It's difficult understand how in the world an investigation that took two years and over 3,000 subpoenas was designed to entrap the President in an obstruction web. The left is drifting into fantasy land.
He did collude, his team did collude.

Mueller never once said they did not collude.... he made no judgement on collusion.

Mueller mentioned collusion only ONCE in his 400 page report and he said the word was meaningless in the legal realm.

Mueller found that he could not charge them on Conspiracy, with the Russians, because the Trump team did not do the actual theft of the emails...

but then he goes in to COUNTLESS times, hundreds of pages worth of how the Trump team worked with the Russians and took the help of the Russians, to help Trump win the election... while lying to us, telling us that they had NO CONTACTS with any Russians, no business arrangements with any Russians.... took no help from any Russians....

ALL LIES from Trump and team.

You think you voted him in to office, you think he won fair and square, well....HE DID NOT. You did not put him in there, the Russians did.... but you do not care, cuz you got what you wanted... cheating and dishonesty and lack of integrity and lack of ethics, does not matter to you all....

Wait a minute: What kind of help could the Russians provide to Trump that helped him win? Did the Russians sneak into the country and vote in our election that we're not aware of or something?
Huh? What kind of help? Are you kidding? they stole DNC emails and Podesta emails, and disbursed them with false stories through the press, initially generated by RT, the Russian press.... they arranged to dump the stolen emails prior to the DNC convention and promote lies to keep Bernie voters from voting for Hillary, they dumped a load of emails the day Trump's Access Hollywood video came out to distract from his own woes, they promoted ads and tweets, and robots to pass around fake stories and promoted animosity between the Bernie camp and the Hillary camp, the Russians were given polling data via Trump's campaign manager several times throughout the campaign, including on the three Democratic leaning states that Trump got the electoral votes for that shocked everyone, the Russians stole additional polling data from these State registration systems to target them with ads promoting hatred, to divide the Democratic voter.... Roger Stone directed the timing of the stolen email releases to benefit Trump, with wikileaks, Trump got a heads up on what the emails would be and used them at his rallies 163 times in just the month before the election....

the plan was to divide the Democrats, to keep people from voting for Hillary, to make people stay at home....

It was not a plan to make more people vote for Trump, it was a plan to make fewer people vote for Hillary... to divide the Democrats.

I did not even mention a tenth of what the Trump team did, WITH the Russians..... there are hundreds of pages in the Mueller report of what the Trump team did, and the lies they told to the American people.... cheat, lie and steal, should be their motto.... certainly NOT make America great again....
Aren't any of you republican morons interested in how Russia was able to influence our elections AND threaten to do it again ? Can any of you realize how many meetings trumps campaign people had with top Russians ? You believe the adoption BS? Pull your dumb republican heads out of the sand and start thinking of America first

You elected a President with a terrorist name twice, and you are asking us to think of America first? You support a woman who used her own money to pay a former foreign agent who spent that money dealing with the Russian government, and you tell us to put America first?
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!
Yes, Mueller left it up to Congress and gave them the road map, for Impeachment Inquiry...

Barr jumped in, where he did NOT belong.

Jaworski and Ken Starr, did the same for Nixon and Clinton... they did not press charges against these Presidents, they turned over a road map for Congress, to impeach them, or in the least, to begin impeachment hearings.

We have a bunch of crooked people in the white house, beginning with Barr.
Barr was doing his job.
You people need to stop with the speculation and learn the law.
Naturally. After years of insisting that Mueller must be believed, suddenly what he found will be a lie.
I guess Putin got to Muller and Barr.

I suspect Putin is busy using his mind control machine on IG Horowitz right now.
Because the server was not just for her private emails. She was using that server to store and manipulate government emails, and then professional erased those government emails after a subpoena from the US Congress. She used that server to forward classified emails to entities not secured by our government, including her sidekick that stored them on her computer that was used by her husband to send dirty pictures of himself all over the world.
Recall that during Bills admin FOIA requests caught them renting the Lincoln Bedroom, accepting actual paper bags full of cash, and lots of other illegal money, some of it they had to return.

Recall also about 45% of her official office visits as SoS was from Clinton Foundation donors, many of which also had business with the US government in the works.

I'd bet the farm that the real trove of corruption revolves around the Clinton Foundation, Bills speaking fees, and how Hillary used the office of SoS to get them.

The confidential emails were a byproduct.

Let's hope we find out in the coming months as Barr is suggesting. I want to see all these Trump haters stand behind Barr's report if he finds something petty substantial. What do you want to bet no matter what he finds, they will defend Clinton and DumBama to their grave?

Naturally. After years of insisting that Mueller must be believed, suddenly what he found will be a lie.
What Mueller found is NOT a lie.... you just are being lazy, and don't want to read it and KNOW what he found.

You take what your messiah Trump tells you and repeat his lies.
They targeted areas with vile lies about Hillary on social media Trump and his campaign were in bed with putin Hopefully Trump will do something, anything to stop russia from hacking into our elections again but I doubt he will Couldn't your shit for brains Trump at least tell Putin ,any more involvement in our elections and there will be severe sanctions?
Haha Haha...

Hillary outspent Trump by about $.5Billion.

The MSM easily sent 1000 times as many social media lies about Trump.

Hillary's problem was Hillary.

Get a life.
What Mueller found is NOT a lie.... you just are being lazy, and don't want to read it and KNOW what he found.

You take what your messiah Trump tells you and repeat his lies.
Then you agree with Mueller's exoneration of Trump?

Welcome to Realville.
Last edited:
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

Am I the only one who thinks JimH52 looks like this?
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.
Congress - the House, specifically - has the option to impeach.
It won't, because the Democrats know it is a losing issue.
Game over.
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!
Nobody cares.
The allegations were about "collusion". Does the angry crazy left concede that (candidate) Trump never colluded with the Russians? That would be a major step to achieving mental stability. It's difficult understand how in the world an investigation that took two years and over 3,000 subpoenas was designed to entrap the President in an obstruction web. The left is drifting into fantasy land.
He did collude, his team did collude.

Mueller never once said they did not collude.... he made no judgement on collusion.

Mueller mentioned collusion only ONCE in his 400 page report and he said the word was meaningless in the legal realm.

Mueller found that he could not charge them on Conspiracy, with the Russians, because the Trump team did not do the actual theft of the emails...

but then he goes in to COUNTLESS times, hundreds of pages worth of how the Trump team worked with the Russians and took the help of the Russians, to help Trump win the election... while lying to us, telling us that they had NO CONTACTS with any Russians, no business arrangements with any Russians.... took no help from any Russians....

ALL LIES from Trump and team.

You think you voted him in to office, you think he won fair and square, well....HE DID NOT. You did not put him in there, the Russians did.... but you do not care, cuz you got what you wanted... cheating and dishonesty and lack of integrity and lack of ethics, does not matter to you all....

Wait a minute: What kind of help could the Russians provide to Trump that helped him win? Did the Russians sneak into the country and vote in our election that we're not aware of or something?
Huh? What kind of help? Are you kidding? they stole DNC emails and Podesta emails, and disbursed them with false stories through the press, initially generated by RT, the Russian press.... they arranged to dump the stolen emails prior to the DNC convention and promote lies to keep Bernie voters from voting for Hillary, they dumped a load of emails the day Trump's Access Hollywood video came out to distract from his own woes, they promoted ads and tweets, and robots to pass around fake stories and promoted animosity between the Bernie camp and the Hillary camp, the Russians were given polling data via Trump's campaign manager several times throughout the campaign, including on the three Democratic leaning states that Trump got the electoral votes for that shocked everyone, the Russians stole additional polling data from these State registration systems to target them with ads promoting hatred, to divide the Democratic voter.... Roger Stone directed the timing of the stolen email releases to benefit Trump, with wikileaks, Trump got a heads up on what the emails would be and used them at his rallies 163 times in just the month before the election....

the plan was to divide the Democrats, to keep people from voting for Hillary, to make people stay at home....

It was not a plan to make more people vote for Trump, it was a plan to make fewer people vote for Hillary... to divide the Democrats.

I did not even mention a tenth of what the Trump team did, WITH the Russians..... there are hundreds of pages in the Mueller report of what the Trump team did, and the lies they told to the American people.... cheat, lie and steal, should be their motto.... certainly NOT make America great again....

So what are you mad about, because you suspect the Russians of doing something that your MSM does every single day in this country?

Trump had nothing to do with any stolen emails. Do you think Trump wrote the code to hack it or Russia told him how to do it? Trump was a citizen during that time. The emails were stolen under the watch of Barack Hussein Obama, but that was Trumps fault????? Why not blame Ben Carson too?

Is it also Trump's fault that Pedesta's email password was actually P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D? Gee, I have no idea how he got hacked.

Stone directed the stolen emails? Link please. But even if he did, how is that collusion with Russia or meddling with our elections? And who is the person who disclosed that Hollywood tape anyway? I think the Russians did it.

Whatever the Russians did or didn't do had no effect on our election. You put forth this drunken pig under FBI investigation as your nominee who called anybody supporting Trump a deplorable, and then think Russia changed the election and not the Democrats? She couldn't even make a sober public appearance to commend the worst domestic attack in our history, but it's Russia's fault.

Well I happen to have expert testimony that it's impossible for Russia or anybody else to have an impact on our election, and here he is:

Aren't any of you republican morons interested in how Russia was able to influence our elections AND threaten to do it again ? Can any of you realize how many meetings trumps campaign people had with top Russians ? You believe the adoption BS? Pull your dumb republican heads out of the sand and start thinking of America first

Facebook posts don't vote. I have seen Dem ads with Rep pushing grandma in a wheelbarrow wheelchair? Off a cliff. Obammy used Tax money to put ads in foriegn newspapers like Israel.

Try again Ed. Facebook posts about Parkinsons after falling down in NY seemed appropriate? With the blue medical glasses and all.
Aren't any of you republican morons interested in how Russia was able to influence our elections AND threaten to do it again ? Can any of you realize how many meetings trumps campaign people had with top Russians ? You believe the adoption BS? Pull your dumb republican heads out of the sand and start thinking of America first

Do you remember the 100s' of paid pro-Beast posters on USMB in OCT 2016? Vanished NOV 09 2016? Where were they located? You don't have any you Edward?
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!
Yes, Mueller left it up to Congress and gave them the road map, for Impeachment Inquiry...

Barr jumped in, where he did NOT belong.

Jaworski and Ken Starr, did the same for Nixon and Clinton... they did not press charges against these Presidents, they turned over a road map for Congress, to impeach them, or in the least, to begin impeachment hearings.

We have a bunch of crooked people in the white house, beginning with Barr.

There is no doubt about it. This WH and the cabinet trump chose is the largest group of snakes ever assembled in Washington, DC....
Barr is the highest law enforcement man in America so of course this situation involves him.
How do you unhinged nuts reconcile your fantasies with reality?
Y'all had no problem with the AG, Lynch, when it came to Hillary Clinton so what's up with this hypocritical bullshit?

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