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Mueller investigation is far from over

If Trump supporters think Robert Mueller is finished with Donald Trump and his little little group, please reconsider.

Special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating the Trump campaign's alleged Russia ties has added a veteran cyber prosecutorā€”the latest sign that the investigation is far from over, contrary to what President Donald Trump's lawyer has told him. Ryan Dickey was re-assigned from the Justice Department's computer crime and intellectual property division to Muellerā€™s team Mueller spokesman Peter Carr confirmed.

"The Russian portion of this is much more massive, much more multi-faceted and going to require a lot more work," he added. Mueller's team now comprises 18 prominent investigators specializing in fields including organized crime, white-collar crime and public corruption. Sources familiar with the investigation said the that the probe could last at least another year.

We speak about the ā€œMueller probeā€ as a single entity, but itā€™s important to understand that there are no fewer than five (known) separate investigations under the broad umbrella of the special counselā€™s officeā€”some threads of these investigations may overlap or intersect, some may be completely free-standing, and some potential targets may be part of multiple threads. But itā€™s important to understand the different ā€œbucketsā€ of Muellerā€™s probe.

The Trump folks can cry "fake news" and "whichunt" all they want, but this is going to get major league ugly before it's finished!

Trump-Russia investigation far from over as Mueller adds veteran cyber prosecutor to his team

Bob Muellerā€™s Investigation Is Largerā€”and Further Alongā€”Than You Think
Futile fucking efforts by the liberal assholes to prove something that never existed.

Hello....Bob Mueller is a Republican, nominated by George W Bush, a Republican, to run the FBI, and assigned by Rob Rosenstein, a Republican to work as special counsel. So tell us Einstein...where are the Liberals here you're talking about?? You're not the brightest light in the sky, are you??
Rosenstein for whom you site with certification/credentials here, has already said that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED, AND IT DIDNOT CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION, SO GO POUND SAND LEFTIST.
He said:
In THIS indictment, THIS, as in the indictments he presented on Friday.....

Do you not understand English, or are you just doing and saying, what Simon Says?

There are lots and lots and lots and lots of different parts of the Russian investigation in to their interference....the part that was presented last Friday, was not even on the radar.....just an itty bitty tip of the ice-berg.....

there is a long long way to go before the fat lady sings...

And everyone can sing in unison, 'the coast is clear'....

Save your breath, until the investigation is actually over!
. Well if Trump don't stop the bullcrap, then yes we may end up learning that he can't stop it because there is not enough power to stop the radicals who got trounced during the campaign. So I ask who is truly running the deep state republi-crats or Demon-crats ??

The agenda's we're strong, and both sides want heads on the platter it seems.
There is no Deep State. Trump or any President, as proven with Nixon and Bill Clinton, can not stop The Law....no president is above the law, nor should we ever expect them to be above the law....they are NOT Kings, we live in a Democracy and are a Nation made of laws, not of men..... THAT'S what made us different, when we were created..

President Trump, needs to sit back and let the investigation come to its natural end.....when the investigation is over, it'll be over.

He really is coming off as if he has a great deal to hide...and guilty of something? He needs to stop his bull crud...IF HE IS INNOCENT and his team is innocent, then he truly has nothing to worry about....

Just with what came out on Friday....3 of his Trump campaign team, COLLUDED with these Russians, but they did so, unwittingly..... they are NOT GUILTY, because the Russian operatives fooled them.....they did not intentionally commit any of the crimes connected to these Russians.

And it very well may be, when all is said and done, that NONE of Team Trump wittingly helped the Russians....and Team Trump will all be cleared of that.....be patient.....

we need to find out all of the 'how' on the Russians who operated this mission of theirs...it'll make us all safer, and save our democracy from the Russian goal of disrupting it.
If Trump supporters think Robert Mueller is finished with Donald Trump and his little little group, please reconsider.

Special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating the Trump campaign's alleged Russia ties has added a veteran cyber prosecutorā€”the latest sign that the investigation is far from over, contrary to what President Donald Trump's lawyer has told him. Ryan Dickey was re-assigned from the Justice Department's computer crime and intellectual property division to Muellerā€™s team Mueller spokesman Peter Carr confirmed.

"The Russian portion of this is much more massive, much more multi-faceted and going to require a lot more work," he added. Mueller's team now comprises 18 prominent investigators specializing in fields including organized crime, white-collar crime and public corruption. Sources familiar with the investigation said the that the probe could last at least another year.

We speak about the ā€œMueller probeā€ as a single entity, but itā€™s important to understand that there are no fewer than five (known) separate investigations under the broad umbrella of the special counselā€™s officeā€”some threads of these investigations may overlap or intersect, some may be completely free-standing, and some potential targets may be part of multiple threads. But itā€™s important to understand the different ā€œbucketsā€ of Muellerā€™s probe.

The Trump folks can cry "fake news" and "whichunt" all they want, but this is going to get major league ugly before it's finished!

Trump-Russia investigation far from over as Mueller adds veteran cyber prosecutor to his team

Bob Muellerā€™s Investigation Is Largerā€”and Further Alongā€”Than You Think
Says this man?
The Parkland schools shootings can be linked directly back to Mueller and Rosenstein. They are both complacent in distracting the FBI with nonsense Russia collusion investigations and illegal searches into private, irrelevant personal information, derelict in their duties and directly responsible for interfering with the FBI's operations and preventing the processing of information routinely provided to the FBI that could have saved childrens lives.

Both should now face special counsel investigations.

Democrats and the Left must ask itself......how many more children are they willing to sacrifice for their endeavor to dig up non-existent dirt on Trump?

FACT: The shootings could have been prevented if not for Leftist interference
FACT: The Left is so busy trying to attack political opposition, lives are being sacrificed
FACT: The Left is then USING the tragedy they created to further a Gun Control agenda

This has GOT TO STOP
Guns aren't killing innocent children......the Left and their wicked, twisted agendas are!

there are 35,000 FBI agents in the FBI, and 20 people or so, on Mueller's team...

and the people that Mueller has from the FBI are counter intelligence, which only has to do with espionage...

not domestic gun violence or mass murderers sought out....that is a completely different area of the FBI and it is downright silly to even relate these SEPARATE divisions of the FBI and distort the truth...
I have no doubt Mueller is not done wasting FBI resources and everyone's time and money to chase Russians on Facebook. Too bad the FBI is so focused on finding a way to indict President Trump, they let a mass murderer slip through their fingers.
You misspelled "Americans Paul Manafort,Carter Page, Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Russian criminals, and whoever else gets charged in the future".
What part of no American's we're INVOLVED in cullusion with the Russians don't you understand ?? Flynn will be vindicated soon as well. The charges against those you listed are separate from the investigation on Russian cullusion in which there was none during the campaign. Allegations were made by butt hurt Hillary and the pimps out of soreness from losing, and the witch hunt began soon afterwards. Comey tricked the nation into a special council because of his alledged cullusion with Hillary, and we got off to the races.
What part of "the investigation has months left" don't you understand?

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