Mueller now has the inside scoop on the Comrade's Russia connection

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
The break-up with the president's legal team suggests a turning point in the Russia investigation, especially if Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.

If, in fact, Flynn is cooperating, this development could be very significant for Mueller’s investigation. As a member of the foreign policy team on Trump’s presidential campaign, he likely has information about any contacts with the Russian government by members of the campaign. Flynn may be able to provide the crucial links between all of the disparate pieces of evidence that have come to light to date – the June 2016 meeting with Russians to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton, the overtures for meetings with George Papadopoulos, the travels of Carter Page. A cooperator is often disliked by a jury because of his own crimes, but if his testimony can be corroborated by other independent evidence, such as telephone records, bank records or surveillance recordings, then he can become a powerful narrator who can pull together the pieces of the story in a way that makes sense.

And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

The turkey just turned sour in con stomachs

The Daily Beast, lol.
Oh, they've really got him now. Funny how they always claim to have something new

Actually, Mueller is doing a stellar job in building a case after ONLY SEVEN months....
Patience, son, have some patience.......LOL
. Mueller being allowed to conduct a witch hunt outside of the boundaries set within the special investigation criteria over a possible Russian cullusion charge, and upon the elite in this back and forth bullcrap, will have far reaching consequences that will be regrettable for all. Allowing corruption by a corrupt party to bring down a president will have far reaching consequences that will be a huge negative going foward. No evidence of cullusion should have shut the investigation down 4 months ago. To allow something to go on for the purpose of a witch Hunt is corrupt in and of itself. Everyone agreed there was no cullusion, but to allow an investigation to take place due to the prosecutor being angry at the way his friend was treated is unbelievable. McCain putting his anger over the people of this nation is another crock that people have since recognized. The Americans are fed up and tired of the bullcrap, and they know that Mueller is working for a corrupt party seeking retribution over the loss of their twisted agenda, and over the loss of the weakling they had lined up to get the job so that agenda could continue to be fed.

You mean like when Ken Starr started out investigating Vince Foster's death, and ended up years later determining that Clinton got a consensual blowjob? You mean like that? If so, come back in a couple of years, and you might have a valid comparison.
Oh, they've really got him now. Funny how they always claim to have something new

Actually, Mueller is doing a stellar job in building a case after ONLY SEVEN months....
Patience, son, have some patience.......LOL
. Mueller being allowed to conduct a witch hunt outside of the boundaries set within the special investigation criteria over a possible Russian cullusion charge, and upon the elite in this back and forth bullcrap, will have far reaching consequences that will be regrettable for all. Allowing corruption by a corrupt party to bring down a president will have far reaching consequences that will be a huge negative going foward. No evidence of cullusion should have shut the investigation down 4 months ago. To allow something to go on for the purpose of a witch Hunt is corrupt in and of itself. Everyone agreed there was no cullusion, but to allow an investigation to take place due to the prosecutor being angry at the way his friend was treated is unbelievable. McCain putting his anger over the people of this nation is another crock that people have since recognized. The Americans are fed up and tired of the bullcrap, and they know that Mueller is working for a corrupt party seeking retribution over the loss of their twisted agenda, and over the loss of the weakling they had lined up to get the job so that agenda could continue to be fed.

You mean like when Ken Starr started out investigating Vince Foster's death, and ended up years later determining that Clinton got a consensual blowjob? You mean like that? If so, come back in a couple of years, and you might have a valid comparison.

Remind us all how long Ken Starr's Clinton investigation lasted....
If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
The break-up with the president's legal team suggests a turning point in the Russia investigation, especially if Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.

If, in fact, Flynn is cooperating, this development could be very significant for Mueller’s investigation. As a member of the foreign policy team on Trump’s presidential campaign, he likely has information about any contacts with the Russian government by members of the campaign. Flynn may be able to provide the crucial links between all of the disparate pieces of evidence that have come to light to date – the June 2016 meeting with Russians to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton, the overtures for meetings with George Papadopoulos, the travels of Carter Page. A cooperator is often disliked by a jury because of his own crimes, but if his testimony can be corroborated by other independent evidence, such as telephone records, bank records or surveillance recordings, then he can become a powerful narrator who can pull together the pieces of the story in a way that makes sense.

And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

The turkey just turned sour in con stomachs
. The Dems end goals won't pan out, and after all that has come to light in dirty politics, the war will get more serious, so becareful what you ask for because you might not like the end results. Can the Dems withstand by way of what they are dishing out in the rebound of it all ? Doubtful, but many might start dumping their baggage in hopes to survive the onslaught.

Oh look, another Miss Chloe! May I ask how you were divined this special knowledge of the results of an investigation that has not yet been completed?
Did I suggest in my post that I had knowledge of anything before the investigation had ended ? Nope.. I just said that the results by what ever dirty tactics were possibly being used to bring about the results wanted, instead of what the evidence shows will have far reaching consequences. Otherwise both parties can play the game as equally good when it comes to getting down and dirty, but does that serve the United States and it's citizens well ? No it doesn't, but party before the good of the nation right ?
It's exactly what he's doing. Why would he be above that if he wasn't above paying the Russians to make up a story about pissing in beds?

Moron.....if you think that Mueller is basing his probe on Steele's dossier, you're more of an idiot than previously shown.......Mueller is going after Trump's Obstruction of Justice attempts ...a-la Comey's firing....
That's not what I said, idiot. I'm saying the man is dishonest and every bit as corrupt as Hillary and Obama. Someone of that character would not be above suborning perjury. Damn, you're dense.
Oh, they've really got him now. Funny how they always claim to have something new

Actually, Mueller is doing a stellar job in building a case after ONLY SEVEN months....
Patience, son, have some patience.......LOL
. Mueller being allowed to conduct a witch hunt outside of the boundaries set within the special investigation criteria over a possible Russian cullusion charge, and upon the elite in this back and forth bullcrap, will have far reaching consequences that will be regrettable for all. Allowing corruption by a corrupt party to bring down a president will have far reaching consequences that will be a huge negative going foward. No evidence of cullusion should have shut the investigation down 4 months ago. To allow something to go on for the purpose of a witch Hunt is corrupt in and of itself. Everyone agreed there was no cullusion, but to allow an investigation to take place due to the prosecutor being angry at the way his friend was treated is unbelievable. McCain putting his anger over the people of this nation is another crock that people have since recognized. The Americans are fed up and tired of the bullcrap, and they know that Mueller is working for a corrupt party seeking retribution over the loss of their twisted agenda, and over the loss of the weakling they had lined up to get the job so that agenda could continue to be fed.

You mean like when Ken Starr started out investigating Vince Foster's death, and ended up years later determining that Clinton got a consensual blowjob? You mean like that? If so, come back in a couple of years, and you might have a valid comparison.
. That could be a comparison, so you are on the attack over that ? What will be the counter attack by those you are attacking now with that kind of think ? You see it never ends, and the people suffer big time as a result of it all, but who gives a crap as long as their (the bad people's) bread is being buttered during the times in which they are holding out their hands in that way ? To hell with the country on whole right ?
If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
The break-up with the president's legal team suggests a turning point in the Russia investigation, especially if Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.

If, in fact, Flynn is cooperating, this development could be very significant for Mueller’s investigation. As a member of the foreign policy team on Trump’s presidential campaign, he likely has information about any contacts with the Russian government by members of the campaign. Flynn may be able to provide the crucial links between all of the disparate pieces of evidence that have come to light to date – the June 2016 meeting with Russians to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton, the overtures for meetings with George Papadopoulos, the travels of Carter Page. A cooperator is often disliked by a jury because of his own crimes, but if his testimony can be corroborated by other independent evidence, such as telephone records, bank records or surveillance recordings, then he can become a powerful narrator who can pull together the pieces of the story in a way that makes sense.

And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

The turkey just turned sour in con stomachs
. The Dems end goals won't pan out, and after all that has come to light in dirty politics, the war will get more serious, so becareful what you ask for because you might not like the end results. Can the Dems withstand by way of what they are dishing out in the rebound of it all ? Doubtful, but many might start dumping their baggage in hopes to survive the onslaught.

Oh look, another Miss Chloe! May I ask how you were divined this special knowledge of the results of an investigation that has not yet been completed?
Did I suggest in my post that I had knowledge of anything before the investigation had ended ? Nope.. I just said that the results by what ever dirty tactics were possibly being used to bring about the results wanted, instead of what the evidence shows will have far reaching consequences. Otherwise both parties can play the game as equally good when it comes to getting down and dirty, but does that serve the United States and it's citizens well ? No it doesn't, but party before the good of the nation right ? You said it "won't pan out". That is clear language. But you backtracked a bit there, which was rational of you to do, so I'm good.
Oh, they've really got him now. Funny how they always claim to have something new

Actually, Mueller is doing a stellar job in building a case after ONLY SEVEN months....
Patience, son, have some patience.......LOL
. Mueller being allowed to conduct a witch hunt outside of the boundaries set within the special investigation criteria over a possible Russian cullusion charge, and upon the elite in this back and forth bullcrap, will have far reaching consequences that will be regrettable for all. Allowing corruption by a corrupt party to bring down a president will have far reaching consequences that will be a huge negative going foward. No evidence of cullusion should have shut the investigation down 4 months ago. To allow something to go on for the purpose of a witch Hunt is corrupt in and of itself. Everyone agreed there was no cullusion, but to allow an investigation to take place due to the prosecutor being angry at the way his friend was treated is unbelievable. McCain putting his anger over the people of this nation is another crock that people have since recognized. The Americans are fed up and tired of the bullcrap, and they know that Mueller is working for a corrupt party seeking retribution over the loss of their twisted agenda, and over the loss of the weakling they had lined up to get the job so that agenda could continue to be fed.

You mean like when Ken Starr started out investigating Vince Foster's death, and ended up years later determining that Clinton got a consensual blowjob? You mean like that? If so, come back in a couple of years, and you might have a valid comparison.

Remind us all how long Ken Starr's Clinton investigation lasted....

More than 4 years and cost over 80 million dollars.
Oh, they've really got him now. Funny how they always claim to have something new

Actually, Mueller is doing a stellar job in building a case after ONLY SEVEN months....
Patience, son, have some patience.......LOL
. Mueller being allowed to conduct a witch hunt outside of the boundaries set within the special investigation criteria over a possible Russian cullusion charge, and upon the elite in this back and forth bullcrap, will have far reaching consequences that will be regrettable for all. Allowing corruption by a corrupt party to bring down a president will have far reaching consequences that will be a huge negative going foward. No evidence of cullusion should have shut the investigation down 4 months ago. To allow something to go on for the purpose of a witch Hunt is corrupt in and of itself. Everyone agreed there was no cullusion, but to allow an investigation to take place due to the prosecutor being angry at the way his friend was treated is unbelievable. McCain putting his anger over the people of this nation is another crock that people have since recognized. The Americans are fed up and tired of the bullcrap, and they know that Mueller is working for a corrupt party seeking retribution over the loss of their twisted agenda, and over the loss of the weakling they had lined up to get the job so that agenda could continue to be fed.

You mean like when Ken Starr started out investigating Vince Foster's death, and ended up years later determining that Clinton got a consensual blowjob? You mean like that? If so, come back in a couple of years, and you might have a valid comparison.

Remind us all how long Ken Starr's Clinton investigation lasted....

More than 4 years and cost over 80 million dollars.

4 years, eh? That's surprising, given that his entire party was screaming "This is a witch hunt, and you have nothing!" after only 7 months.

Wait....they weren't?
Oh, they've really got him now. Funny how they always claim to have something new

Actually, Mueller is doing a stellar job in building a case after ONLY SEVEN months....
Patience, son, have some patience.......LOL
. Mueller being allowed to conduct a witch hunt outside of the boundaries set within the special investigation criteria over a possible Russian cullusion charge, and upon the elite in this back and forth bullcrap, will have far reaching consequences that will be regrettable for all. Allowing corruption by a corrupt party to bring down a president will have far reaching consequences that will be a huge negative going foward. No evidence of cullusion should have shut the investigation down 4 months ago. To allow something to go on for the purpose of a witch Hunt is corrupt in and of itself. Everyone agreed there was no cullusion, but to allow an investigation to take place due to the prosecutor being angry at the way his friend was treated is unbelievable. McCain putting his anger over the people of this nation is another crock that people have since recognized. The Americans are fed up and tired of the bullcrap, and they know that Mueller is working for a corrupt party seeking retribution over the loss of their twisted agenda, and over the loss of the weakling they had lined up to get the job so that agenda could continue to be fed.

You mean like when Ken Starr started out investigating Vince Foster's death, and ended up years later determining that Clinton got a consensual blowjob? You mean like that? If so, come back in a couple of years, and you might have a valid comparison.
. That could be a comparison, so you are on the attack over that ? What will be the counter attack by those you are attacking now with that kind of think ? You see it never ends, and the people suffer big time as a result of it all, but who gives a crap as long as their (the bad people's) bread is being buttered during the times in which they are holding out their hands in that way ? To hell with the country on whole right ?

Quit whining. I didn't put the idiot in office, Don't try to blame me for the results of his misdeeds.
If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
The break-up with the president's legal team suggests a turning point in the Russia investigation, especially if Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.

If, in fact, Flynn is cooperating, this development could be very significant for Mueller’s investigation. As a member of the foreign policy team on Trump’s presidential campaign, he likely has information about any contacts with the Russian government by members of the campaign. Flynn may be able to provide the crucial links between all of the disparate pieces of evidence that have come to light to date – the June 2016 meeting with Russians to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton, the overtures for meetings with George Papadopoulos, the travels of Carter Page. A cooperator is often disliked by a jury because of his own crimes, but if his testimony can be corroborated by other independent evidence, such as telephone records, bank records or surveillance recordings, then he can become a powerful narrator who can pull together the pieces of the story in a way that makes sense.

And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

The turkey just turned sour in con stomachs
. The Dems end goals won't pan out, and after all that has come to light in dirty politics, the war will get more serious, so becareful what you ask for because you might not like the end results. Can the Dems withstand by way of what they are dishing out (the rebound of it all) ? Doubtful, but many might start dumping their baggage in hopes to survive the onslaught.
You all claimed trump was the "rebound"

Not working out well, is it?
It's exactly what he's doing. Why would he be above that if he wasn't above paying the Russians to make up a story about pissing in beds?

Moron.....if you think that Mueller is basing his probe on Steele's dossier, you're more of an idiot than previously shown.......Mueller is going after Trump's Obstruction of Justice attempts ...a-la Comey's firing....
. So he's biased because of his friend Comey's firing ? Well it has been shown what Comey was up to, so it isn't looking good on Mueller.
Amazing! Comey testified no voting machines were altered changing someone's vote by any Russian hacking.

The only collusion I can see is the Silent White Majority came together and made Trump president.

Trump did not get elected by a majority vote, and even now, many who voted for him are turning against him. Let's not pretend he is in anyway the people's choice.
It's exactly what he's doing. Why would he be above that if he wasn't above paying the Russians to make up a story about pissing in beds?

Moron.....if you think that Mueller is basing his probe on Steele's dossier, you're more of an idiot than previously shown.......Mueller is going after Trump's Obstruction of Justice attempts ...a-la Comey's firing....
. So he's biased because of his friend Comey's firing ? Well it has been shown what Comey was up to, so it isn't looking good on Mueller.

No reason to believe he is biased in any way. He's doing his job.
Amazing! Comey testified no voting machines were altered changing someone's vote by any Russian hacking.

The only collusion I can see is the Silent White Majority came together and made Trump president.

Trump did not get elected by a majority vote, and even now, many who voted for him are turning against him. Let's not pretend he is in anyway the people's choice.
Pretty impressive to claim to speak for the American people when their God has JARs in the 30s
The phony Russian collusion investigation is Trump's Benghazi.......

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
The break-up with the president's legal team suggests a turning point in the Russia investigation, especially if Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.

If, in fact, Flynn is cooperating, this development could be very significant for Mueller’s investigation. As a member of the foreign policy team on Trump’s presidential campaign, he likely has information about any contacts with the Russian government by members of the campaign. Flynn may be able to provide the crucial links between all of the disparate pieces of evidence that have come to light to date – the June 2016 meeting with Russians to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton, the overtures for meetings with George Papadopoulos, the travels of Carter Page. A cooperator is often disliked by a jury because of his own crimes, but if his testimony can be corroborated by other independent evidence, such as telephone records, bank records or surveillance recordings, then he can become a powerful narrator who can pull together the pieces of the story in a way that makes sense.

And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

The turkey just turned sour in con stomachs
. The Dems end goals won't pan out, and after all that has come to light in dirty politics, the war will get more serious, so becareful what you ask for because you might not like the end results. Can the Dems withstand by way of what they are dishing out (the rebound of it all) ? Doubtful, but many might start dumping their baggage in hopes to survive the onslaught.
You all claimed trump was the "rebound"

Not working out well, is it?
. Waves don't roll out over Trump alone in which has now been seen in the Roy Moore case, and with the Al Franken case. More like crashing waves in tsunami form rolling over everyone and everything..
If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
The break-up with the president's legal team suggests a turning point in the Russia investigation, especially if Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.

If, in fact, Flynn is cooperating, this development could be very significant for Mueller’s investigation. As a member of the foreign policy team on Trump’s presidential campaign, he likely has information about any contacts with the Russian government by members of the campaign. Flynn may be able to provide the crucial links between all of the disparate pieces of evidence that have come to light to date – the June 2016 meeting with Russians to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton, the overtures for meetings with George Papadopoulos, the travels of Carter Page. A cooperator is often disliked by a jury because of his own crimes, but if his testimony can be corroborated by other independent evidence, such as telephone records, bank records or surveillance recordings, then he can become a powerful narrator who can pull together the pieces of the story in a way that makes sense.

And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

The turkey just turned sour in con stomachs
. The Dems end goals won't pan out, and after all that has come to light in dirty politics, the war will get more serious, so becareful what you ask for because you might not like the end results. Can the Dems withstand by way of what they are dishing out (the rebound of it all) ? Doubtful, but many might start dumping their baggage in hopes to survive the onslaught.
You all claimed trump was the "rebound"

Not working out well, is it?
. Waves don't roll out over Trump alone in which has now been seen in the Roy Moore case, and with the Al Franken case. More like crashing waves in tsunami form rolling over everyone and everything..
Hint ~ The sexual scandals do not help the sexual predator in chief
If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
The break-up with the president's legal team suggests a turning point in the Russia investigation, especially if Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.

If, in fact, Flynn is cooperating, this development could be very significant for Mueller’s investigation. As a member of the foreign policy team on Trump’s presidential campaign, he likely has information about any contacts with the Russian government by members of the campaign. Flynn may be able to provide the crucial links between all of the disparate pieces of evidence that have come to light to date – the June 2016 meeting with Russians to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton, the overtures for meetings with George Papadopoulos, the travels of Carter Page. A cooperator is often disliked by a jury because of his own crimes, but if his testimony can be corroborated by other independent evidence, such as telephone records, bank records or surveillance recordings, then he can become a powerful narrator who can pull together the pieces of the story in a way that makes sense.

And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

The turkey just turned sour in con stomachs
. The Dems end goals won't pan out, and after all that has come to light in dirty politics, the war will get more serious, so becareful what you ask for because you might not like the end results. Can the Dems withstand by way of what they are dishing out in the rebound of it all ? Doubtful, but many might start dumping their baggage in hopes to survive the onslaught.

Oh look, another Miss Chloe! May I ask how you were divined this special knowledge of the results of an investigation that has not yet been completed?
Did I suggest in my post that I had knowledge of anything before the investigation had ended ? Nope.. I just said that the results by what ever dirty tactics were possibly being used to bring about the results wanted, instead of what the evidence shows will have far reaching consequences. Otherwise both parties can play the game as equally good when it comes to getting down and dirty, but does that serve the United States and it's citizens well ? No it doesn't, but party before the good of the nation right ? You said it "won't pan out". That is clear language. But you backtracked a bit there, which was rational of you to do, so I'm good.
. Not panning out means there are long lasting consequences to such things, and just as someone used the Ken Starr case or analogy, they actually proved what I say to be true.

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