Mueller's Folly

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Anything Comey is near will end up in either the NYTimes or WaPo and you can bet Comey is VERY near Mueller's Folly. The two men are as tight as Barrack and Michelle...heh. And they both have the Obozo stink on them:


So who put this tag-team together in the first place? Herr Rosenstein of course....shortly after Comey's cowardly handoff of his "memos" to the NYTimes via his conduit college professor pal. Coincidence? Nah.


And why would Rosenstein play along? Because he wants the big chair at the DOJ which is why Jeff Sessions is being targeted in the whisper campaign. At this point Sessions should un-recuse himself, and ask the President to fire both Rosenstein and Mueller, and Comey again by proxy.
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So Mueller decides who will be our president....says who? what the fuck is going on here?


The shelf-life on this charade has expired and it's time to move on.
Is it a leak for people to say they've been interviewed? And did you NOT think obstruction of justice was going to be investigated after Trump fired Comey and told Lester Holt that Russia was a reason for that?
As usual, Tom, your insight is spot on. Trump is being forced into the position where if Mueller does not recuse himself (and I would be shocked if he did and if he doesn't, proof that the man is not on the up and up), then Trump is almost forced to replace him, and if Trump replaces him, the Dems are looking for that as the proof of a presidential constitutional crisis claiming Trump is guilty of firing everyone as soon as they get TOO CLOSE to discovering his crime. Whatever that might be.

They call for impeachment, the GOP folds under pressure because McConnell and Ryan are wimps who have not ever really been true friends of Trump's in the first place.

The problem with draining the swamp is that you eventually run out of water and are left with nothing but alligators!

Is it a leak for people to say they've been interviewed? And did you NOT think obstruction of justice was going to be investigated after Trump fired Comey and told Lester Holt that Russia was a reason for that?
Link? Is that really what Trump said or is there some massive misreading between the lines going on here.
Anything Comey is near will end up in either the NYTimes or WaPo and you can bet Comey is VERY near Mueller's Folly. The two men are as tight as Barrack and Michelle...heh. And they both have the Obozo stink on them:


So who put this tag-team together in the first place? Herr Rosenstein of course....shortly after Comey's cowardly handoff of his "memos" to the NYTimes via his conduit college professor pal. Coincidence? Nah.


And why would Rosenstein play along? Because he wants the big chair at the DOJ which is why Jeff Sessions is being targeted in the whisper campaign. At this point Sessions should un-recuse himself, and ask the President to fire both Rosenstein and Mueller, and Comey again by proxy.

maybe Russia can help him out, the media would appreciate it ... :eusa_whistle:
Rosenstein certainly seems like a Swamp Rat, either way definitely needs to go. Big mistake in hiring him.
Rosenstein certainly seems like a Swamp Rat, either way definitely needs to go. Big mistake in hiring him.

Not a mistake....Comey and Rosenstein dreamed it up....Rosy becomes the next AG and Comey gets the FBI back.
Is it a leak for people to say they've been interviewed? And did you NOT think obstruction of justice was going to be investigated after Trump fired Comey and told Lester Holt that Russia was a reason for that?

He didn't tell Lester Holt that so there's no reason to enlighten you further.
Is it a leak for people to say they've been interviewed? And did you NOT think obstruction of justice was going to be investigated after Trump fired Comey and told Lester Holt that Russia was a reason for that?
Link? Is that really what Trump said or is there some massive misreading between the lines going on here.

What the world knows but the Left pretends they don't understand is that Trump is a high-pressure, high-stakes businessman, not a politician. He is not a literalist even when he says he is being literal. They spin that as him being an idiot, confused, even a liar, but he just throws out there whatever comes to mind. That is how he sees it at that time! At least he is being honest. I have listened to him on a hundred interviews and as you pin him down, his story changes. He is not being evasive, he is simply not a public speaker. This presidential world of politics is all very unnatural for him. HIS world is the boardroom and one-on-one with another person.

His way of thinking is generalities, he decides to make a deal, and as he gets closer and closer to the deal and resolves it into smaller and smaller details, he sees things differently as circumstances demand. His plans change as new facts come to bear. That may be endless fodder for the Left to criticize him on, and may seem bad for a president, but that is the way his brain works. So how can I vote for a guy like that?

A). He is being forthright and honest to the people as best as he can. That is a first for a president!

B). He has a proven track record of doing the right thing, keeping his word and getting things done. I don't need to understand him to know I trust him.
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dimshits had better get off of Trumps back, it has begun to wear really thin, and is becoming more and more angering minute by minute. They are about to wake the Alaskan Brown, and piss him off.
Is it a leak for people to say they've been interviewed? And did you NOT think obstruction of justice was going to be investigated after Trump fired Comey and told Lester Holt that Russia was a reason for that?
Link? Is that really what Trump said or is there some massive misreading between the lines going on here.

What the world knows but the Left pretends they don't understand is that Trump is a high-pressure, high-stakes businessman, not a politician. He is not a literalist even when he says he is being literal. They spin that as him being an idiot, confused, even a liar, but he just throws out there whatever comes to mind. That is how he sees it at that time! At least he is being honest. I have listened to him on a hundred interviews and as you pin him down, his story changes. He is not being evasive, he is simply not a public speaker. This presidential world of politics is all very unnatural for him. HIS world is the boardroom and one-on-one with another person.

His way of thinking is generalities, he decides to make a deal, and as he gets closer and closer to the deal and resolves it into smaller and smaller details, he sees things differently as circumstances demand. His plans change as new facts come to bear. That may be endless fodder for the Left to criticize him on, and may seem bad for a president, but that is the way his brain works. So how can I vote for a guy like that?

A). He is being forthright and honest to the people as best as he can. That is a first for a president!

B). He has a proven track record of doing the right thing, keeping his word and getting things done. I don't need to understand him to know I trust him.

All true plus he's used to making a decision and having it put into play immediately. He's never had to delegate and wait for approval before so he angers quickly when he thinks he's not being taken seriously. The only people who've given him trouble in the past are contractors, banks, and unions...all of whom he can either charm or buffalo. Now he's dealing with a Congress who isn't in any hurry to do his bidding until they're convinced he won't be impeached and a media who detests him. I just hope he can do what he promised and hand the ball off to Pence or Rubio in 2020...more than 4 years of what he's going through now in his early 70's will ruin his health if he tries for another 4 years.
dimshits had better get off of Trumps back, it has begun to wear really thin, and is becoming more and more angering minute by minute. They are about to wake the Alaskan Brown, and piss him off.


that sorry motherfucker IS NOT bigger than this country. All of you Trump ass lickers are a minority, not a majority.
dimshits had better get off of Trumps back, it has begun to wear really thin, and is becoming more and more angering minute by minute. They are about to wake the Alaskan Brown, and piss him off.


that sorry motherfucker IS NOT bigger than this country. All of you Trump ass lickers are a minority, not a majority.
well beside comey stating that trump was never under investigation, what don't you get?
All true plus he's used to making a decision and having it put into play immediately. He's never had to delegate and wait for approval before so he angers quickly when he thinks he's not being taken seriously. The only people who've given him trouble in the past are contractors, banks, and unions...all of whom he can either charm or buffalo. Now he's dealing with a Congress who isn't in any hurry to do his bidding until they're convinced he won't be impeached and a media who detests him. I just hope he can do what he promised and hand the ball off to Pence or Rubio in 2020...more than 4 years of what he's going through now in his early 70's will ruin his health if he tries for another 4 years.

As CEO, he is used to having final word on things and having hands on. It's hard to delegate when you're in a swamp full of alligators and you're not sure which ones you can really trust! That is all he probably meant with Comey, considering Comey's actions last year, he just wanted to know, "If I keep you as Director, are you going to be someone I can depend on, be reliable?" Any reasonable person would have understood that, any competent and honest Director would have at least clarified it right there and then, not peed his leg like Comey did, then run out to his car and take down notes to hide under his pillow to use against Trump like a little girl when the time was right. I guess Trump's first instincts WERE right!

that sorry motherfucker IS NOT bigger than this country. All of you Trump ass lickers are a minority, not a majority.

That's what Hillary thought too, ya foul-mouthed seedy little bitch.
FUCK TRUMP! that sorry motherfucker IS NOT bigger than this country. All of you Trump ass lickers are a minority, not a majority.

Ooooo! Feel the Bern! Don't you just love the bitter bile?! I bet there are a lot MORE of us Trump ass lickers than you Hillary twat twerkers! About ten more states worth!


Hillary! Give me a little FART so I know you still LOVE ME!! <sniff sniff>

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