Münster vehicle attack...


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Merkel’s Germany:

A man has shot himself dead after ploughing a minibus into a crowd of people in the German city of Münster, killing three people and leaving 26 injured.

Six people are in critical condition and dozens more are injured after the vehicle was driven at high speed towards families outside a traditional German restaurant in the university town, 300 miles west of Berlin.

Terrified diners watched as the driver shot and killed himself inside the vehicle. Police say they are not looking for any other suspects and 'expect the danger is over'.

It is not yet known if the incident is terror related, but it comes after a wave of deadly vehicle attacks across western Europe. German media have said the police are 'assuming' it is an attack though the motive remains unclear.

Read more: Car crashes into a crowd in Germany leaving three dead | Daily Mail Online
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Car crashes into a crowd in Germany leaving three dead | Daily Mail Online

Take a guess at who the perp is?
It just seems odd that he would kill himself, this goes against the Jihadi M.O. They would normally want to take out as many people as possible.

As much as this on the surface appears to be a terror attack, and I wouldn't bet against it, I will wait for the details as usual. If he had jumped out and shot at people and been killed by the hands of police I wouldn't doubt it. The suicide raises some confusion with me.

Update: Someone apparently referencing German media on the ground posted this on twitter.
As I said, from the beginning, it didn't fit the M.O as he shot himself. Of course, I will await the official determination.

Peter R. Neumann‏ @PeterRNeumann
#Muenster : Police says suspect is 48 year old German with history of mental health issues. They are currently searching his apartment. No indication that this was terrorism. According to @sz and @BILD
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It just seems odd that he would kill himself, this goes against the Jihadi M.O. They would normally want to take out as many people as possible.

As much as this on the surface appears to be a terror attack, and I wouldn't bet against it, I will wait for the details as usual. If he had jumped out and shot at people and been killed by the hands of police I wouldn't doubt it. The suicide raises some confusion with me.
TOTAL fake Jihadist, only pretending to hate YouTube.
Here in France, Police said it was too early to talk about an terror attack. An investigation is underway

This is in the anniversary of the Stockholm truck attack.

Also possible reports of two others that got away, but unconfirmed.

Another Germany Muslim Terror Attack In Münster
Very sad but fortunately a relatively low number of casualties.Thankfully he didn't have an AR15 style weapon.
The difference being...

Automobile deaths are virtually all the result of accidental misuse of a necessary mode of transportation, while...

Gun deaths are virtually all the result of intentional and correct use of an unnecessary means of killing one's fellow human beings...


And, if we license operators of the former and register the vehicles used by the former...

We should definitely require the same measure of accountability from operators of the latter...


Nobody's looking to take away your guns...

Merely to ensure that you're properly vetted regarding a criminal or dangerous mental health background, properly licensed, properly trained...

Merely to ensure that your firearms are properly registered, that your acquisition and disposal transactions are properly approved and tracked...

Merely to ensure that you properly and periodically renew your license and registration and training...

Merely to ensure that you generally undertake the responsibility that should come with the exercise of your Right to Bear Arms in modern society.


These things are already largely being done in some States and in some jurisdictions...

But a great many States and jurisdictions do not hold their gun owners to the same level of accountability...

Time to put that role on the shoulders of the Federal government, where it belongs in modern times...

To ensure a uniformity of accountability and related processing from coast to coast...

Oh, there will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth from some quarters, but it's coming, like it or not...

The challenge is no longer to preserve a status quo that is fast becoming unsustainable on the political front...

The challenge now is to preserve as much as can be preserved by finding a Middle Ground that the majority of both sides can live with...

Piss and moan and bitch all they like, Gun Owners and the NRA are behind the eight ball presently and it's just going to get worse...

Especially after the next reversal of the political "poles" and the election of a Liberal President and House and Senate...

That's coming, too... it's just a matter of when...

Best to hedge your bets and find that Middle Ground now, while you're still in the Driver's Seat, because that's not gonna last forever...

We've reached a Tipping Point, and the next round of Liberal Leadership is going to hem you in much worse, if you don't "deal" now...

For those who can push past your myopia and ancient, crusted-over dogma, and see that inevitable future, and have the sense to act on it...

The choice is yours.
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