Good advice to young women be a good wife and mother

So plucked out of your arse then.
What happens when there are more jobs available than there are people that seek employment? Think real hard about that one and then prove to the world what most already know. You’re an idiot that requires a link to something so friggen basic.
What happens when there are more jobs available than there are people that seek employment? Think real hard about that one and then prove to the world what most already know. You’re an idiot that requires a link to something so friggen basic.
Actually that sort of employment situation is similar to the supply of crude oil. When the demand is greater than the supply, then the price goes up. And when the price goes up, people who didn't previously run their well pumps (because of the cost) suddenly find it's economically advantageous to do so under the higher price.

Same with unemployment. When wages go up (because of a supply shortage) people will enter/re-enter the job market because it would be to their economic advantage to start working again.
We are in decline. The 90-million-dollar helicopter on Mars may have cost 10% of that without DEI. China has slaves compared to us. And u ain't paying attention.
The space shuttles, built long before DEI cost $4 billion each.
The hubble telescope, build long before DEI, had the main mirror ground to the wrong specifications, and needed "glasses" to correct its vision.
What's great is that they can choose.

My experience is that working woman tend to shame those who stay at home to raise a family.

If you want to

But don't look down your oversized nose at those who chose otherwise.
C’mon the big media corporations belittle stay-at-home moms constantly.
We’ve all figured out by now that the ruling class tries to grow their power by 1) destroying the institution of the family and 2) promoting population reduction.


What happens when there are more jobs available than there are people that seek employment? Think real hard about that one and then prove to the world what most already know. You’re an idiot that requires a link to something so friggen basic.
Wages will go up. That is a good thing.
I never said to look down at anyone. But there is the twisted dick notion out there that the growing number of child free couples is somehow bad for the nation.
Well, it is bad for the nation as a whole. That concept is turning the country from one populated by intelligent, educated, caring individuals to one inhabited by illiterate savages.
Not that having children should be done simply for the benefit of the nation. Children were, at one time, seen as a path to self fulfillment, for both men and women. Now fulfillment is centered around the self.
Well, it is bad for the nation as a whole. That concept is turning the country from one populated by intelligent, educated, caring individuals to one inhabited by illiterate savages.
Not that having children should be done simply for the benefit of the nation. Children were, at one time, seen as a path to self fulfillment, for both men and women. Now fulfillment is centered around the self.
We live in a selfish society.

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