Good advice to young women be a good wife and mother

If both spouses agree this is what they want then yes. If not, a different arrangement is the way to go
I never waited that long. Thst was first date discussion, and if it didn’t go well, the date was over. Probably why I didn’t get married until I was 40z
There are Needs in life and there are Wants. Companies exist to make money, not support their employees excesses in life.

Greed. As noted, you argue for something and then argue for something else that makes what you initially argue for harder for families.
Or maybe you reduce your standard of living. Do you NEED two vacations a year? Luxury cars? Heeelry? Neeest electronics? 2800 square foot house? Eating out 4-5 nights a week?
No one doesn't need those things. But if one wants those things then they may have to focus on work rather than having a family. A growing number want nice things too. Can we blame them?
I never waited that long. Thst was first date discussion, and if it didn’t go well, the date was over. Probably why I didn’t get married until I was 40z
Well you were smart. Waited until you were financially stable and found the one that agrees with your lifestyle.
Or maybe you reduce your standard of living. Do you NEED two vacations a year? Luxury cars? Heeelry? Neeest electronics? 2800 square foot house? Eating out 4-5 nights a week?
Corporate greed over the health of society. Thats what I said..
You know that people who buy things keep the economy going ?
Better wages happen when fewer people are competing for jobs. If only one household member works, wages rise naturally.

Problems solve themselves
I guess that you have a link to that. Meanwhile come back from the 50s Norm.
He'll be a future politician with the party that has morals.
I look for real examples of this assertion and my eye lifgts on Lauren Boebert.Maybe the whole family is just trash but I wonder if her teenage son might have not had kids or robbed houses if Lauren had been around the home rather than making a fool of herself in DC.. Is it just possible ?
No one doesn't need those things. But if one wants those things then they may have to focus on work rather than having a family. A growing number want nice things too. Can we blame them?
If you want those things, work harder or better. Make better decisions. Don’t expect buy a $200K house on a gas station salary.
Well you were smart. Waited until you were financially stable and found the one that agrees with your lifestyle
It wasn’t so much a choice. It took that long to actually find a traditional, conservative woman.
Corporate greed over the health of society. Thats what I said..
You know that people who buy things keep the economy going ?
Somebody having a 73” tv doesn’t improve society. A proper nuclear family does.

I don’t give a fuck about the economy. I’m interested in Right and Wring. Nothing else.

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