Good advice to young women be a good wife and mother

I whole heartedly agreed with his message. I don't know ANY young women as excited about their career as they are in planning their wedding or the birth of their first child.

But the main point is that those women who want a career are completely free to have one, and that is a good thing. I have been one of those women.

And those women who want to be a wife, mother, homemaker are completely free to do that if they marry a man who doesn't need her to help provide the income. I have been one of those women too.

And nobody, but nobody should see wife, mother, homemaker's vocation as somehow inferior or demeaning to her or lesser than those women who want careers outside the home. In my opinion, that mentality is one of the huge reasons our culture and society is as messed up as it is.
Someone needs to advise these women that most people hate their job, have a boss they despise, coworkers they either don't know, or cannot stand. They don't like the time and money spent every day on their commute to and from work.

85% of people are unhappy in their jobs

91% say parenting is their greatest joy
Then human society IS as doomed as I have believed. Without that feminine, nurturing, domestic energy in the house, no family can ever really reach its full potential. Never have been and never will be able to.
The system is set up for people to make good money. Why would anyone want to barely get by?
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There is NOT a problem with births, etc. Just let people work if they want. It DOES NOT MATTER. There is zero negative with more young women foregoing kids. There's still a good surplus.
Oooooooh no not enough births in the usa....cmon people grow up
Sure, and then when it's time for you to retire, they will drastically cut or eliminate your retirement benefits, because there won't be enough of a labor force to pay your social security or Medicare, and not enough doctors, plumbers etc..
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Sure, and then when it's time for you to retire, they will drastically cut or eliminate your retirement benefits, because there won't be enough of a labor force to pay your social security or Medicare, and not enough doctors, plumbers etc..
I don't need it although I've been collecting for 20 some years. So whatever. Create it so that it's worthwhile to have a family. It's on the nation to do so.
Someone needs to advise these women that most people hate their job, have a boss they despise, coworkers they either don't know, or cannot stand. They don't like the time and money spent every day on their commute to and from work.

85% of people are unhappy in their jobs

91% say parenting is their greatest joy
Except for one four month period that was pure hell for all of us, we were blessed to raise our children in small towns with plenty of competent loving support for the kids when I had to work. And over my working career I have had jobs I thoroughly enjoyed and looked forward to going to work. And all of those were very lenient in allowing me to adjust my schedule according to the childrens' needs and schedules. And some that pretty much sucked. I was happiest when we ran our own business working from a home office. I could pretty much completely set my own schedule, and work when I wanted to.
What's great is that they can choose.

My experience is that working woman tend to shame those who stay at home to raise a family.

If you want to

But don't look down your oversized nose at those who chose otherwise.
When feminism knocked down barriers, women finally could choose. But don’t dennigrate women who aspire to more than wife and mother.

When your life is coming to a close, that won't be what's important to you.
You don’t know what will be Or that, like many women they can do both. Why constrain her vision to wifery?
.0000000000000000001 percent of the population is somehow supposed to keep me up at night? B
When feminism knocked down barriers, women finally could choose. But don’t dennigrate women who aspire to more than wife and mother.

Yes, that has nothing to do with what I posted.

Feminism helped some women. Divorce has hurt a lot more.

Nobody denigrated anyone.
-He went on to tell the women that he "would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

Notably, that jock focused only on women.
Notably, he did NOT say: "And to the men listening, I guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

WTH? Does he think that only women get married?
That women bring children into this world and and raise them, all by themselves?

Where is this jock's awareness that men have a responsibility also ---to be good husbands, to be good fathers?

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