Good advice to young women be a good wife and mother


Notably, that jock focused only on women.
Notably, he did NOT say: "And to the men listening, I guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

WTH? Does he think that only women get married?
That women bring children into this world and and raise them, all by themselves?

Where is this jock's awareness that men have a responsibility also ---to be good husbands, to be good fathers?
Are you trying to use “jock” as an insult?
So one can't make money and live properly?
It’s not about the money. It’s about the role. It is the MAN’s role to be the leader, breadwinner, and head of the household. It is the woman’s role to support her Husband, do the domestic tasks, and be the primary parent.
It’s not about the money. It’s about the role. It is the MAN’s role to be the leader, breadwinner, and head of the household. It is the woman’s role to support her Husband, do the domestic tasks, and be the primary parent.
It is all about biology.
How do we fill those spots if everyone stops having kids?
Maybe improve the conditions for families to be able to make choices. Better wages lower housing costs, that sort of thing. Maybe support unions. But you guys oppose all that.
You support corporate elites and those things are not in their interests..
Are you saying if you are a nuclear physicist, you can’t be a good wife and mother?
The number of hours in a day says it can’t be done… Sleep - 8 hours. Work -10 hours. Housework - 6 hoursMothering - 8 hours. Wifeing - 4 hours. Overall - 32 hours. DOES NOT ADD UP.
Maybe improve the conditions for families to be able to make choices. Better wages lower housing costs, that sort of thing. Maybe support unions. But you guys oppose all that.
You support corporate elites and those things are not in their interests
Or maybe you reduce your standard of living. Do you NEED two vacations a year? Luxury cars? Heeelry? Neeest electronics? 2800 square foot house? Eating out 4-5 nights a week?
Maybe improve the conditions for families to be able to make choices. Better wages lower housing costs, that sort of thing. Maybe support unions. But you guys oppose all that.
You support corporate elites and those things are not in their interests..

Better wages happen when fewer people are competing for jobs. If only one household member works, wages rise naturally.

Problems solve themselves
It’s not about the money. It’s about the role. It is the MAN’s role to be the leader, breadwinner, and head of the household. It is the woman’s role to support her Husband, do the domestic tasks, and be the primary parent.
If both spouses agree this is what they want then yes. If not, a different arrangement is the way to go.

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