Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) killed wicked ones


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) killed wicked ones. They were refusing to acknowledge that God created them, though they knew it well.

The Muslims came saying, embrace Islam and become as such our brothers; else pay a tax. You know that whoso says this is speaking in the name of God in truth. He does it after God asked him to, in truth. They knew well that they were denying God. They were denying God's right to be the Lord, God who created them and created the earths and the skies. They were not denying a candy to a child, they were denying Lordship to the Lord of lords. They were supremely wicked ones.

When they refused both to embrace Islam and become their brothers, and to pay a tax; being supremely wicked, then the Muslims fought and killed them. How would they not kill them when God ordered them to fight ? If He orders you to fight He will not let you lose.
"The Muslims came saying, embrace Islam and become as such our brothers; else pay a tax."

You forgot to add: "Oh and if you don't " I KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!"
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) killed wicked ones. They were refusing to acknowledge that God created them, though they knew it well.

The Muslims came saying, embrace Islam and become as such our brothers; else pay a tax. You know that whoso says this is speaking in the name of God in truth. He does it after God asked him to, in truth. They knew well that they were denying God. They were denying God's right to be the Lord, God who created them and created the earths and the skies. They were not denying a candy to a child, they were denying Lordship to the Lord of lords. They were supremely wicked ones.

When they refused both to embrace Islam and become their brothers, and to pay a tax; being supremely wicked, then the Muslims fought and killed them. How would they not kill them when God ordered them to fight ? If He orders you to fight He will not let you lose.

Now you are getting down to it: Muhammad killed people. He also had them killed in barbaric ways, and there are reputable hadiths to prove it. Muhammad was a lying bandit who used the fear of God to scare silly Arabs.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) killed wicked ones. They were refusing to acknowledge that God created them, though they knew it well.

The Muslims came saying, embrace Islam and become as such our brothers; else pay a tax. You know that whoso says this is speaking in the name of God in truth. He does it after God asked him to, in truth. They knew well that they were denying God. They were denying God's right to be the Lord, God who created them and created the earths and the skies. They were not denying a candy to a child, they were denying Lordship to the Lord of lords. They were supremely wicked ones.

When they refused both to embrace Islam and become their brothers, and to pay a tax; being supremely wicked, then the Muslims fought and killed them. How would they not kill them when God ordered them to fight ? If He orders you to fight He will not let you lose.

But Jesus never ordered anyone to kill in his name. So whose name did Muhammad do this in? Not in the name of God. Jesus is the One who revealed the will of God, Muslim 75. What do you think of what this man has to say? Listen to what him and let me know what you think.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) killed wicked ones. They were refusing to acknowledge that God created them, though they knew it well.

The Muslims came saying, embrace Islam and become as such our brothers; else pay a tax. You know that whoso says this is speaking in the name of God in truth. He does it after God asked him to, in truth. They knew well that they were denying God. They were denying God's right to be the Lord, God who created them and created the earths and the skies. They were not denying a candy to a child, they were denying Lordship to the Lord of lords. They were supremely wicked ones.

When they refused both to embrace Islam and become their brothers, and to pay a tax; being supremely wicked, then the Muslims fought and killed them. How would they not kill them when God ordered them to fight ? If He orders you to fight He will not let you lose.

So you are condoning murder......

Duly noted.

The relgion of peace in a nutshell.
Prophet Muhammad established a just society based on Allah's laws.

And invited all mankind to participate in it. ...... :cool:
And if we don't accept the invitation......
Prophet Muhammad established a just society based on Allah's laws.

And invited all mankind to participate in it. ...... :cool:

It's not an invitation if it is by force. God Almighty has given all mankind a free will to choose to love Him and have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ or to choose not to love Him and have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. God Almighty has never forced anyone. Allah is not God. Baal Allah is a demon god that is pre-Islamic. There is no salvation in Islam. All who stay in it and deny Christ as LORD will perish. Muslims must receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Salvation is a free gift it is not something that is earned. God is a holy God. He does not condone murder, child sacrifice, prostitution, child abuse, extortion, murder, violence, multiple marriages, adultery, suicide. Those who do such things cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
The Quran lays out the perfect plan for a society based on truth and justice for all of its citizens.

This is a free gift from Allah to all mankind.

Only the evil people will rebel and fight against God's words. ..... :cool:
Anyone else find it odd that Allah was willing to take money to let "infidels" live?

Mohammad was indoctrinated by the Vatican - much of it was from the teachings of Augustine who first was assigned to plant the story of a coming Arab prophet (planned hundreds of years before Mohammad) they have the same type system - one can buy an indulgence from the Pope and get their loved ones out of purgatory. (purgatory doesn't exist) They also teach that it is the Pope who forgives sins (absolves people of their sins) NOT JESUS CHRIST. The forced conversions to Catholicism went on for hundreds and hundreds of years - at the threat of torture and death - and they are going to return to it before it's over. No question about it. If you examine the doctrines of Islam and Catholicism you can see exactly where they got it from (Mohamedans). The Vatican plan was to use the Arabs (which they had a hard time converting) to wipe out Jews and Protestants for them - and to take Jerusalem - which the Vatican wants for their headquarters.
Prophet Muhammad is the perfect example for all mankind to emulate and follow. ...... :cool:
Actually, dear, I can only suggest that you try emulating the very acts of banditry, piracy, murder, etc., as practiced by Muhammud (swish) here in the Great Satan.

You will quickly be arrested and jailed. .........:cool:
Prophet Muhammad established a just society based on Allah's laws.

And invited all mankind to participate in it. ...... :cool:

Invited ? or I kill you! you ever get a RSVP like that to a friends wedding?
The Quran lays out the perfect plan for a society based on truth and justice for all of its citizens.

This is a free gift from Allah to all mankind.

Only the evil people will rebel and fight against God's words. ..... :cool:

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When they refused both to embrace Islam and become their brothers, and to pay a tax; being supremely wicked, then the Muslims fought and killed them. How would they not kill them when God ordered them to fight ? If He orders you to fight He will not let you lose.

And there you have it in a nut shell. Subscribe to my beliefs or be killed. Seems nothing has changed in 1400 years. Religion of peace? More like a cult of hate.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) killed wicked ones. They were refusing to acknowledge that God created them, though they knew it well.

The Muslims came saying, embrace Islam and become as such our brothers; else pay a tax. You know that whoso says this is speaking in the name of God in truth. He does it after God asked him to, in truth. They knew well that they were denying God. They were denying God's right to be the Lord, God who created them and created the earths and the skies. They were not denying a candy to a child, they were denying Lordship to the Lord of lords. They were supremely wicked ones.

When they refused both to embrace Islam and become their brothers, and to pay a tax; being supremely wicked, then the Muslims fought and killed them. How would they not kill them when God ordered them to fight ? If He orders you to fight He will not let you lose.

I'm gonna say no to your Satanic death cult, guy.

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