Muhammad the confused “prophet” Do Koran errors invalidate Islam?

Doesnt it say the sky was once smoke instead of gas?
The term smoke was understood by the ancient people to describe a substance floating in the air.

Much like the ancient Greek's used the term "Milky Way" to describe a portion of our galaxy using common words. .... :cool:

Koran is confused over which was created first, heaven or Earth. Oops!
I assume your thread premise applies to the bible as well?


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The koran says he created 2 mates of everything. Which, would imply male/female, when that obviously isnt true.
That verse in the Qur'an was commenting on the overwhelming duality of the universe.

Light and dark, life and death, hot and cold, night and day, good and evil, male and female, sun and moon, heaven and hell, etc.

51:49 "And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember."
The so-called “prophet of Islam” is the last and greatest prophet, according to Islam, following the long line of biblical prophets. Putting aside the utter absurdity of an Arab prophet in Arabia following the long line of Jewish prophets in Israel, Muhammad should have been fully knowledgeable of those prophets who preceded him.

But, Muhammad evidently was seriously lacking in knowledge In one of his “messages” in his Koran, allegedly dictated by “Allah” Muhammad confuses the family of the famous biblical figure Abraham He thinks Jacob was Abraham’s son rather than the grandson, and he isn’t aware of Ishmael from whom Muslims claim Muhammad descended! Surat Maryam [19:47-49] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

(Abraham] said, "Peace will be upon you. I will ask forgiveness for you of my Lord. Indeed, He is ever gracious to me.


And I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allah and will invoke my Lord. I expect that I will not be in invocation to my Lord unhappy."

So when he had left them and those they worshipped other than Allah , We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet.

This is a well-known glaring Koran error, which is one reason Muhammad’s “prophethood” was discredited as a fraud among Christians, Jews, and even Arabs familiar with the Bible.

Below, an eminent scholar discusses the mistake and Muhammad’s confusion

Since Islam’s legitimacy depends on the Koran’s alleged infallibility as allegedly dictated by “Allah” to his alleged “Messenger”, does this collosal and embarrassing mistake delegitimize the Koran as a farce and render Islam as a hoax?
Followers will just claim an interpretation error or something if any belief of theirs is proven wrong. It's what all religious people have done for millenia.
That, and kill non Muslims.
The koran says he created 2 mates of everything. Which, would imply male/female, when that obviously isnt true.
That verse in the Qur'an was commenting on the overwhelming duality of the universe.

Light and dark, life and death, hot and cold, night and day, good and evil, male and female, sun and moon, heaven and hell, etc.

51:49 "And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember."
try 36:36
Doesnt it say the sky was once smoke instead of gas?
The term smoke was understood by the ancient people to describe a substance floating in the air.

Much like the ancient Greek's used the term "Milky Way" to describe a portion of our galaxy using common words. .... :cool:

Koran is confused over which was created first, heaven or Earth. Oops!
I assume your thread premise applies to the bible as well?

Funny: Muslims claim Hagar is the Matriarch of
Thats reasonable. What about the other one?
No sure I correctly understand the question? .... :dunno:
The koran says he created 2 mates of everything. Which, would imply male/female, when that obviously isnt true.

Muhammad fashioned the Koran as the Bible adapted for Arabs, obtaining biblical material from Jews and Christians. Unfortunately, he famously screwed much of the information up, explaining the discrepancies and di
The koran says he created 2 mates of everything. Which, would imply male/female, when that obviously isnt true.
That verse in the Qur'an was commenting on the overwhelming duality of the universe.

Light and dark, life and death, hot and cold, night and day, good and evil, male and female, sun and moon, heaven and hell, etc.

51:49 "And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember."

Which was created first, heaven or Earth? Koran can’t decide


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try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:
try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:

Koran is basically Muhammad’s personal diary. Here he rants about relatives who didn’t believe his bogus “messages”


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try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:

Funny: Allah’s Plan For Mankind: Unlimited wives for Muhammad! His wife figured out his scam


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try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:
there are asexual lizards and sharks.
Being completely false and leading people to ignorance shoudnt be a virtue. Kind of ruins its credibility.
You had a reasonable explanation for the first one but not this one.
Dont worry. Your brother religions has some false scientific knowledge as well.
try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:

Funny: Muhammad canceled Koran verses but doesn’t indicate which ones So Muslims read, recite, even memorize canceled verses What a farce LOL


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there are asexual lizards and sharks.
Being completely false and leading people to ignorance shoudnt be a virtue. Kind of ruins its credibility.
Like I said, the Qur'an isn't a science book. Plus the ancient people wouldn't have had any idea about asexual lizards and sharks, nor would they care.

The Qur'an presents timeless spiritual teachings about man's existence and place in the universe. .... :cool:
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The so-called “prophet of Islam” is the last and greatest prophet, according to Islam, following the long line of biblical prophets. Putting aside the utter absurdity of an Arab prophet in Arabia following the long line of Jewish prophets in Israel, Muhammad should have been fully knowledgeable of those prophets who preceded him.

But, Muhammad evidently was seriously lacking in knowledge In one of his “messages” in his Koran, allegedly dictated by “Allah” Muhammad confuses the family of the famous biblical figure Abraham He thinks Jacob was Abraham’s son rather than the grandson, and he isn’t aware of Ishmael from whom Muslims claim Muhammad descended! Surat Maryam [19:47-49] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

(Abraham] said, "Peace will be upon you. I will ask forgiveness for you of my Lord. Indeed, He is ever gracious to me.


And I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allah and will invoke my Lord. I expect that I will not be in invocation to my Lord unhappy."

So when he had left them and those they worshipped other than Allah , We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet.

This is a well-known glaring Koran error, which is one reason Muhammad’s “prophethood” was discredited as a fraud among Christians, Jews, and even Arabs familiar with the Bible.

Below, an eminent scholar discusses the mistake and Muhammad’s confusion

Since Islam’s legitimacy depends on the Koran’s alleged infallibility as allegedly dictated by “Allah” to his alleged “Messenger”, does this collosal and embarrassing mistake delegitimize the Koran as a farce and render Islam as a hoax?
The so-called “prophet of Islam” is the last and greatest prophet, according to Islam, following the long line of biblical prophets. Putting aside the utter absurdity of an Arab prophet in Arabia following the long line of Jewish prophets in Israel, Muhammad should have been fully knowledgeable of those prophets who preceded him.

But, Muhammad evidently was seriously lacking in knowledge In one of his “messages” in his Koran, allegedly dictated by “Allah” Muhammad confuses the family of the famous biblical figure Abraham He thinks Jacob was Abraham’s son rather than the grandson, and he isn’t aware of Ishmael from whom Muslims claim Muhammad descended! Surat Maryam [19:47-49] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

(Abraham] said, "Peace will be upon you. I will ask forgiveness for you of my Lord. Indeed, He is ever gracious to me.


And I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allah and will invoke my Lord. I expect that I will not be in invocation to my Lord unhappy."

So when he had left them and those they worshipped other than Allah , We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet.

This is a well-known glaring Koran error, which is one reason Muhammad’s “prophethood” was discredited as a fraud among Christians, Jews, and even Arabs familiar with the Bible.

Below, an eminent scholar discusses the mistake and Muhammad’s confusion

Since Islam’s legitimacy depends on the Koran’s alleged infallibility as allegedly dictated by “Allah” to his alleged “Messenger”, does this collosal and embarrassing mistake delegitimize the Koran as a farce and render Islam as a hoax?

Your own link disproves everything you said. There is nothing within the pages of the Qur'an (Koran) that suggests Jacob was Abraham's son. You based your assumption on the following text: “We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet.” Within this text, there is no reference whatsoever to the relationship of either patriarch to Abraham and a fair reading would be that God gave Abraham both a son (Issac) and a grandson (Jacob) who would both be prophets. Then you say: “He [Muhammad] isn’t aware of Ishmael from whom Muslims claim Muhammad descended! This is utter nonsense! One thing I know about you and it is this: You have never read the Qur'an. If you say you did I will call you a liar. Ishmael is a central figure in the Qur'an. Just for you, here is a link to an on-line Qur'an with both verse-search and word-search (M.H. Shakir Version). Read it and escape from your prison of ignorance.

The Koran

Now, do a simple word search by typing the word Ismail (Ishmael) and you will find a dozen references to the man.

By the way, if you are researching the Qur'an you may want to know that the English names and Arabic names of the patriarchs are not the same.

Ayub is Job
Dawood is David
Haroun is Aaron
Ibrahim is Abraham
Isa is Jesus
Ishaq is Issac
Ismail is Ishmael
Musa is Moses
Nuh is Noah
Sulaiman is Solomon
Yaqoub is Jacob
Yunas is Jonah

I read the Koran---and I believe that Joel did too---just as I did---in translation----You have offered nothing new----that includes your glossary of names----ie the Arabic adaptations.
Saying "I gave you"---to grandpa ----a grandson---is a little awkward. We can blame the translator
try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:
there are asexual lizards and sharks.
Being completely false and leading people to ignorance shoudnt be a virtue. Kind of ruins its credibility.
You had a reasonable explanation for the first one but not this one.
Dont worry. Your brother religions has some false scientific knowledge as well.

Islamic “science”: Cures for diseases are on flies’ wings So claimed Muhammad Master of all wisdom But which cures for which diseases?


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try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:

Koran is basically Muhammad’s personal diary. Here he rants about relatives who didn’t believe his bogus “messages”

more like his MANIFESTO in which he declares HIMSELF
emperor of the Universe. Muslims often deride the Christian
concept of TRINITY by pointing out that Jesus never identified HIMSELF as "god" ----true-----but MUHUMMAD DID IDENTIFY HIMSELF as the most important person in the universe forever and forever. --------Judaism is monotheistic,
Christianity has a trinity and islam has the HOLY DUITY
The so-called “prophet of Islam” is the last and greatest prophet, according to Islam, following the long line of biblical prophets. Putting aside the utter absurdity of an Arab prophet in Arabia following the long line of Jewish prophets in Israel, Muhammad should have been fully knowledgeable of those prophets who preceded him.

But, Muhammad evidently was seriously lacking in knowledge In one of his “messages” in his Koran, allegedly dictated by “Allah” Muhammad confuses the family of the famous biblical figure Abraham He thinks Jacob was Abraham’s son rather than the grandson, and he isn’t aware of Ishmael from whom Muslims claim Muhammad descended! Surat Maryam [19:47-49] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

(Abraham] said, "Peace will be upon you. I will ask forgiveness for you of my Lord. Indeed, He is ever gracious to me.


And I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allah and will invoke my Lord. I expect that I will not be in invocation to my Lord unhappy."

So when he had left them and those they worshipped other than Allah , We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet.

This is a well-known glaring Koran error, which is one reason Muhammad’s “prophethood” was discredited as a fraud among Christians, Jews, and even Arabs familiar with the Bible.

Below, an eminent scholar discusses the mistake and Muhammad’s confusion

Since Islam’s legitimacy depends on the Koran’s alleged infallibility as allegedly dictated by “Allah” to his alleged “Messenger”, does this collosal and embarrassing mistake delegitimize the Koran as a farce and render Islam as a hoax?
The so-called “prophet of Islam” is the last and greatest prophet, according to Islam, following the long line of biblical prophets. Putting aside the utter absurdity of an Arab prophet in Arabia following the long line of Jewish prophets in Israel, Muhammad should have been fully knowledgeable of those prophets who preceded him.

But, Muhammad evidently was seriously lacking in knowledge In one of his “messages” in his Koran, allegedly dictated by “Allah” Muhammad confuses the family of the famous biblical figure Abraham He thinks Jacob was Abraham’s son rather than the grandson, and he isn’t aware of Ishmael from whom Muslims claim Muhammad descended! Surat Maryam [19:47-49] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

(Abraham] said, "Peace will be upon you. I will ask forgiveness for you of my Lord. Indeed, He is ever gracious to me.


And I will leave you and those you invoke other than Allah and will invoke my Lord. I expect that I will not be in invocation to my Lord unhappy."

So when he had left them and those they worshipped other than Allah , We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet.

This is a well-known glaring Koran error, which is one reason Muhammad’s “prophethood” was discredited as a fraud among Christians, Jews, and even Arabs familiar with the Bible.

Below, an eminent scholar discusses the mistake and Muhammad’s confusion

Since Islam’s legitimacy depends on the Koran’s alleged infallibility as allegedly dictated by “Allah” to his alleged “Messenger”, does this collosal and embarrassing mistake delegitimize the Koran as a farce and render Islam as a hoax?

Your own link disproves everything you said. There is nothing within the pages of the Qur'an (Koran) that suggests Jacob was Abraham's son. You based your assumption on the following text: “We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and each [of them] We made a prophet.” Within this text, there is no reference whatsoever to the relationship of either patriarch to Abraham and a fair reading would be that God gave Abraham both a son (Issac) and a grandson (Jacob) who would both be prophets. Then you say: “He [Muhammad] isn’t aware of Ishmael from whom Muslims claim Muhammad descended! This is utter nonsense! One thing I know about you and it is this: You have never read the Qur'an. If you say you did I will call you a liar. Ishmael is a central figure in the Qur'an. Just for you, here is a link to an on-line Qur'an with both verse-search and word-search (M.H. Shakir Version). Read it and escape from your prison of ignorance.

The Koran

Now, do a simple word search by typing the word Ismail (Ishmael) and you will find a dozen references to the man.

By the way, if you are researching the Qur'an you may want to know that the English names and Arabic names of the patriarchs are not the same.

Ayub is Job
Dawood is David
Haroun is Aaron
Ibrahim is Abraham
Isa is Jesus
Ishaq is Issac
Ismail is Ishmael
Musa is Moses
Nuh is Noah
Sulaiman is Solomon
Yaqoub is Jacob
Yunas is Jonah

I read the Koran---and I believe that Joel did too---just as I did---in translation----You have offered nothing new----that includes your glossary of names----ie the Arabic adaptations.
Saying "I gave you"---to grandpa ----a grandson---is a little awkward. We can blame the translator

God wrote the Koran in Arabic because God is an Arab and does not understand any other languages That’s why he didn’t write the Koran in English, Persian, Turkish, French etc Heh heh
try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:
there are asexual lizards and sharks.
Being completely false and leading people to ignorance shoudnt be a virtue. Kind of ruins its credibility.
You had a reasonable explanation for the first one but not this one.
Dont worry. Your brother religions has some false scientific knowledge as well.

Islamic “science”: Cures for diseases are on flies’ wings So claimed Muhammad Master of all wisdom But which cures for which diseases?

for the record----rambam was educated in ISLAMIC MEDICINE ---in Cordoba. His comment about the
medical science of his time as found in "The Guide
to the Perplexed" is------VERY PRIMITIVE. He rejects
just about every treatment as USELESS
try 36:36
Qur'an 36:36 "Glory be to Allah Who created all things in pairs: the plants of the earth, mankind themselves and other living things which they do not know."

The Qur'an isn't a science book, and besides, the ancient people wouldn't have understood about viruses and bacteria, if that's the angle your coming from?

The Qur'an explains concepts and spirituality in terms people of that time could relate to. .... :cool:

Koran is basically Muhammad’s personal diary. Here he rants about relatives who didn’t believe his bogus “messages”

more like his MANIFESTO in which he declares HIMSELF
emperor of the Universe. Muslims often deride the Christian
concept of TRINITY by pointing out that Jesus never identified HIMSELF as "god" ----true-----but MUHUMMAD DID IDENTIFY HIMSELF as the most important person in the universe forever and forever. --------Judaism is monotheistic,
Christianity has a trinity and islam has the HOLY DUITY

Here, Muhammad’s sock puppet Allah conveniently texts Muhammad permission to marry his former daughter-in-law, a scandal considered incest which caused an uproar And Muslims mindlessly read, recite and memorize this foolishness!


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