Muhammad, the greatest man (peace be upon him and his family)

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) repeatedly said that he was the greatest of all human beings

Where did he say that? If it was in the Quran I would have picked up on it as a sign of his arrogance.
He said so multiple times in the Hadiths. The Qur'an also stipulates it a great many times, but not necessarily word per word. The Qur'an is understood from the interpretation of scholars, not by just any reader.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) once replied to someone asking him how can one be loved by both the people and God (who is, by the way, above any form of humanness). Muhammad replied that if he gives up the world, God will love him; and if he gives up what people own, the people will love him. Muhammad is the greatest teacher.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the greatest of all human beings.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) once replied to someone asking him how can one be loved by both the people and God (who is, by the way, above any form of humanness). Muhammad replied that if he gives up the world, God will love him; and if he gives up what people own, the people will love him. Muhammad is the greatest teacher.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the greatest of all human beings.
Did Mo really kill Sarah because she molested him while he was in Mecca? Serves her right is all can say.
Bigfoot. Maybe. Cucacabra? Perhaps. Ghosts? Could be. UFO abductions, hmm. Mohamed. Biggest FRAUD in history. Next to Jesus. But big plus for Christians: they aren't blowing up innocent muslims just for random made up reasons. We westerners are blowing Muslims up out of self preservation. Hint hint. Please stop the violence, PLEASE!
Bigfoot. Maybe. Cucacabra? Perhaps. Ghosts? Could be. UFO abductions, hmm. Mohamed. Biggest FRAUD in history. Next to Jesus. But big plus for Christians: they aren't blowing up innocent muslims just for random made up reasons. We westerners are blowing Muslims up out of self preservation. Hint hint. Please stop the violence, PLEASE!
Ya, small problem with that. Islam only plays nice until it gets the upper hand. Islam has reached critical mass. It's all down hill from here. M75 is the death of us all and he is smiling gleefully into his monitor as he reads this.
Islam already knows it killed off the human race. Sunni and Shiite are just fighting for who takes credit. We're all dead and we just don't know it yet. Just ask M75. Oh ya, he doesn't talk to the dead, against his religion.
Islam already knows it killed off the human race. Sunni and Shiite are just fighting for who takes credit. We're all dead and we just don't know it yet. Just ask M75. Oh ya, he doesn't talk to the dead, against his religion.
I know, boyo. I know. Islam is a cancer on the human race, it will end us as a species if we don't fight the darkness and superstition things like Islam brings. Islam is pure stupidity and mindlessness.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) once replied to someone asking him how can one be loved by both the people and God (who is, by the way, above any form of humanness). Muhammad replied that if he gives up the world, God will love him; and if he gives up what people own, the people will love him. Muhammad is the greatest teacher.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the greatest of all human beings.
Such idol worship of Mo' (swish) is more than just a little creepy....... dude.
There is no affliction that strikes mankind except Islam could have prevented it, and Islam always leads to a situation free of it. "On the Straight Way."

Something Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) insisted upon and made it essential is social equality. All men are equal, save, of course, through fear of God (and God is by the way above any form of humanness). Whoso accepts Islam, he/she becomes your brother/sister. An Arab is not better than a non-arab, a rich man is not better than a poor man, a president is not better than a homeless person. Muslims are not only ordered to pay charity to the poor as an bligation, they must also do that in person; going to that poor man, giving him the money and building a relationship with him.

But of course, Muslims generally don't do this, only the sincere Muslims do. Most Muslims also don't know that this is the way charity money must be administered.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the greatest of leaders. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the greatest of all human beings.
As far as I can see God does not interfere in human affairs. If he was going to he would have shut Muhammad's mouth.
There is no affliction that strikes mankind except Islam could have prevented it, and Islam always leads to a situation free of it. "On the Straight Way."

Something Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) insisted upon and made it essential is social equality. All men are equal, save, of course, through fear of God (and God is by the way above any form of humanness). Whoso accepts Islam, he/she becomes your brother/sister. An Arab is not better than a non-arab, a rich man is not better than a poor man, a president is not better than a homeless person. Muslims are not only ordered to pay charity to the poor as an bligation, they must also do that in person; going to that poor man, giving him the money and building a relationship with him.

But of course, Muslims generally don't do this, only the sincere Muslims do. Most Muslims also don't know that this is the way charity money must be administered.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the greatest of leaders. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the greatest of all human beings.
You tell lies for Mo. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Ali biography - Muslim caliph Ali and Islam to the death of Muhammad Encyclopedia Britannica
At Ghadīr Khumm in 632, while returning to Medina from his last pilgrimage, the Prophet made certain statements about ʿAlī that have been interpreted in very different ways by Sunnis and Shīʿites. According to both traditions, Muhammad said that ʿAlī was his inheritor and brother and that whoever accepted the Prophet as his mawlā (“master” or “trusted friend”) also should accept ʿAlī as his mawlā. (The term mawlā is related to wīlāyah or walāyah, meaning “rule,” “initiation,” “spiritual authority,” or “power.”) The Shīʿites regard these statements as constituting the investiture of ʿAlī as the successor of the Prophet and as the first Imam; the Sunnis, by contrast, take them only as an expression of the Prophet’s closeness to ʿAlī and of his wish that ʿAlī, as his cousin and son-in-law, inherit his family responsibilities upon his death. Many later Islamic Sufis and esoterists also interpret the episode as the transfer of the Prophet’s spiritual power and authority to ʿAlī, whom they regard as the walī (usually translated as “saint”) par excellence.

Ali biography - Muslim caliph Ali and the first caliphs Encyclopedia Britannica
Although he continued to have staunch supporters, ʿAlī’s authority was weakened in many areas during the last two years of his caliphate. A number of prominent Muslims even met in Adrūh in 659 with the thought of deposing both ʿAlī and Muʿāwiyah and appointing as caliph ʿAbd Allāh, son of ʿUmar, but they did not reach a final decision. Meanwhile, some of the Khārijites decided to assassinate ʿAlī, Muʿāwiyah, and ʿAmr ibn al-ʿAṣ. Although the latter two escaped, ʿAlī did not: on the 19th of Ramadan in the year 661, he was struck in the back of the head with a poisoned sword while praying in the mosque of Kufa. He died two days later and was buried in Al-Najaf. Along with Qom in Iran, Al-Najaf became—and remains to this day—one of the most important seats of Shīʿite learning and also a major pilgrimage site.​
I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam.

The Qur'an is a book from God Himself (who is above any form of humanness). It is obvious that this book is from God. You don't read some small excerpts from it except that you know that this book comes from God Himself.

God gave this magnificent book as a gift to His beloved and most dear one, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God says, for instance:

"Those who reject Faith say: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him all at once? Thus (is it revealed), that We may strengthen your heart thereby, and We have rehearsed it to you in slow, well-arranged stages, gradually."

The Criterion (Surah 25), V 32

Muhammad is the one who received this great magnificent book. Muhammad was the one who received this sublime gift from God. He received sublime favours from God.

"We have granted you the Fount of Abundance"

The Abundance (Surah 108), V 1

Muhammad is the greatest of all human beings.
The occult teaches that we are accountable for every action and its consequences. We have to settle all accounts over countless incarnations until all debts are paid. To me this means that Muhammad is the most unlikely person that ever lived who will find peace. His actions in his lifetime were cruel and barbaric, (see the hadith I posted above) Not only that there have been many wars because of his lies about God, and they are still going on today.
He said himself in the Quran the worst thing you can do is lie about God. As far as I am concerned even Hitler has less karma than Muhammad because Hitler and his followers were defeated and he left no fanatics to carry on fighting in the world. But not so Muhammad, his wars go on and on and his soul carries the burden of that.

It's impossible to lie about God.

God is impossible to prove and/or disprove, so there is no standard of truth against which to measure any statements made about Him.

Believe what is said or don't believe... the choice remains the one historical consistency.
What changed recently is the ways in which Monkeys think about those choices.
Evolve much? :thup:
As far as I can see God does not interfere in human affairs. If he was going to he would have shut Muhammad's mouth.

If there was a God who cared, Chris Columbus and company would have met Katrina's big sister and the Europeans wouldn't have discovered their vulnerable cousins to the west until after The Catholic Inquisitors lost power.

If God is, She doesn't seem concerned with Monkey history or Monkey-on-Monkey violence and abuse.
The occult teaches that we are accountable for every action and its consequences. We have to settle all accounts over countless incarnations until all debts are paid. To me this means that Muhammad is the most unlikely person that ever lived who will find peace. His actions in his lifetime were cruel and barbaric, (see the hadith I posted above) Not only that there have been many wars because of his lies about God, and they are still going on today.
He said himself in the Quran the worst thing you can do is lie about God. As far as I am concerned even Hitler has less karma than Muhammad because Hitler and his followers were defeated and he left no fanatics to carry on fighting in the world. But not so Muhammad, his wars go on and on and his soul carries the burden of that.

It's impossible to lie about God.

God is impossible to prove and/or disprove, so there is no standard of truth against which to measure any statements made about Him.

Believe what is said or don't believe... the choice remains the one historical consistency.
What changed recently is the ways in which Monkeys think about those choices.
Evolve much? :thup:

I don't see why it is impossible to make up lies about God. In fact I am sure that Muhammad did this. He invented terrible punishments in eternal hell for unbelievers, to scare people into obeying him. Of course that is my assumption, and I cannot prove he lied, I just deduced it. It amounts to my unsubstantiated opinion based upon my belief that God is not the monster described in the Quran.

It is true there is no way to prove the existence or non existence of God, either by science or reason.
And I happen to agree with you on this one... I too cannot believe that the god of the Muslims is The God. It just doesn't make sense in a world that I would consider rational.

I'm being picky about the words while using that post to re-emphasize my long-game thesis that God, Origins,
Destiny and After-life are unprovable; and therefore EVERY faith, including the ones that rational people find disturbing, is just as valid as any faith.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) repeatedly said that he was the greatest of all human beings (including Jesus, who in Islam is a human being, not a God or the son of a God).

Now Muhammad, 1500 years after his coming has 1.6 billion followers (or something like that), and the number of his followers keep increasing. That represents about 1/4th of the planet (or a little less).

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the greatest of all human beings.
Because he described how to wipe your ass after a big dump with an uneven number of (preferably smooth) rocks? Or because he married a 9 year old?

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