Muller is Blackmailing Manafort


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Over some bogus tax issue to get him to turn on POTUS where there is nothing to turn. Real Nazi tactics.

That's how people are falsely accused and convicted

Seems this article addressed my same concerns. Guess I'm not the first to think this way


Special Counsel Looking to Blackmail Manafort Against Trump to Force Him to Resign

The special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is leading the Russia inquiry against Trump, executed a search warrant at the Northern Virginia home of President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul J. Manafort, for tax documents and foreign banking records, according to a person familiar with the matter. Normally, Mueller would simply ask Mr. Manafort’s lawyers for the documents as was done with Hillary. The issue of a search warrant is very aggressive and the probable cause is they believe he will destroy his tax records and will not hand them over.

Mueller is deliberately treating Manafort as a criminal and this is all set to bring criminal charges against him for a collateral tax issue that will have nothing to really do with Trump. The search warrant, demanding tax and foreign banking records, suggests that investigators are looking at criminal charges related to the federal Bank Secrecy Act, which requires Americans to report their foreign banking accounts.

Special Counsel Looking to Blackmail Manafort Against Trump to Force Him to Resign
Over some bogus tax issue to get him to turn on POTUS where there is nothing to turn. Real Nazi tactics.

That's how people are falsely accused and convicted

Um, that's done all the time.

Here's the real problem the Orange Shitgibbon has. The people he associates with are just as disreputable as he is.

Unlike Ollie North or Susan McDougal or Scooter Libby, who were willing to fall on their swords to protect their president, Trump has to worry that the kind of sleazebags he associates with will cut a deal on him.
Over some bogus tax issue to get him to turn on POTUS where there is nothing to turn. Real Nazi tactics.

That's how people are falsely accused and convicted


How can you blackmail somebody over a BOGUS tax issue? What he's going to do? threaten to frame him if he doesn't cooperate?
Over some bogus tax issue to get him to turn on POTUS where there is nothing to turn. Real Nazi tactics.

That's how people are falsely accused and convicted


How can you blackmail somebody over a BOGUS tax issue? What he's going to do? threaten to frame him if he doesn't cooperate?

It's a slow bleed. Al Sharpton is proof they don't go after EVERYONE .

Won't matter though.

There is no there......... there

Over some bogus tax issue to get him to turn on POTUS where there is nothing to turn. Real Nazi tactics.

That's how people are falsely accused and convicted

Um, that's done all the time.

Here's the real problem the Orange Shitgibbon has. The people he associates with are just as disreputable as he is.

Unlike Ollie North or Susan McDougal or Scooter Libby, who were willing to fall on their swords to protect their president, Trump has to worry that the kind of sleazebags he associates with will cut a deal on him.

More wishful think Camp. You watch to much court TV so now you are a legal expert just like you were a military expert. Basically you talk out all three of your ass's and all your comments are just as stupid as the last. If Muller had something he would not have had to pick the locks at maniforts home to exicute a search warrant. You are speculating using info you got from Maddow. Please expla, why if Muller has his snitch is Trump not facing charges yet?
Won't matter though.

There is no there......... there

If that's true then neither Manafort nor Trump have anything to worry about, there's no deal for the prosecutor if he/she doesn't have anything to hang over the head of a would be informant.

Was married to a cop for 20 years. It is very common for anprocicuter to make a whit ton of noise while they dig. This is done so any spineless mother fuckers bolt. Then they got a snitch. In over a year in a whitehouse and special council that leaks like a sieve, there just isn't anyway "charges eminent in Trump Russia investigation" would not be leaked and on every electronic device screen and print media on earth. Muller just needs to shoot one to let everyone know he wasn't fucking around before he go's.
Here's the bottom line, right wingers:

Manafort has ALWAYS been a slime bucket, way before he became Trump's campaign manager... and the fact that Trump STILL appointed him as his campaign manager, best....that Trump is incompetent worst.....that Trump is just as sleazy.
Over some bogus tax issue to get him to turn on POTUS where there is nothing to turn. Real Nazi tactics.

That's how people are falsely accused and convicted

Not only that he was wire tapped by Obama Bin Spying and so was Trump Tower for 18 months before and after the election based on a FAKE DOSSIER paid for, Funded By The Democrat Party & The Clinton Campaign which was funneled to The FBI through Russian, Ukrainian and British Spies to James Comey who then leaked the Dossier to everyone else.

So if you are issued a warrant in a SECRET COURT to wiretap a rival political party, Presidential Candidate and his staff based on False Information, and a FALSE ALLEGATION of Russian Collusion, and this SECRET COURT'S sole reason for existence is to pursue foreign terrorists, other Foreign Bad actors and you Illegally use your Unconstitutional Wiretapping Authority to Wiretap a Presidential Campaign to try to INTERFERE with an ELECTION By Smearing numerous members of The Trump Campaign Team by Unmasking them and leaking classified information and it is PROVEN beyond a Shadow of a DOUBT that Barak Obama was Trying to Alter OUTCOME OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION...... Shouldn't not only whatever ticky tacky infraction you DREDGED UP be Inadmissable, but Shouldn't BOTH THE Obama Administration & James Comey be under Investigation and FISA COURTS be DISBANDED?
Mueller is forced to go after Trump surreptitiously because any direct investigation of "Russia hacking" leads directly back to the Democrats murdering Seth Rich for downloading and leaking the e-mails to Wikileaks
Mueller is forced to go after Trump surreptitiously because any direct investigation of "Russia hacking" leads directly back to the Democrats murdering Seth Rich for downloading and leaking the e-mails to Wikileaks
I think so called FAKE RUSSIAN HACKING was a cover story for Pakistani Hacking by the DNC and Illegal Wiretapping and Hacking by The Obama Administration
Over some bogus tax issue to get him to turn on POTUS where there is nothing to turn. Real Nazi tactics.

That's how people are falsely accused and convicted

I'm sure you're upset when other criminals get squeezed to flip..
Don't know about him but I sure am, they don't even let law enforcement use torture anymore, no rack, no iron maiden, no judas cradle, notta... pffft they don't squeeze criminals anymore they fucking hug & kiss 'em.

Torquemada now there's a dude that knew how to squeeze criminals in order to make them flip. :p

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