Muller ready to deliver core findings on Trump probe after midterms


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Mueller ready to deliver core findings on Trump probe after midterms: report
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is set to issue findings of some of the core aspects of his investigation into the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia shortly after the November midterm elections, Bloomberg reported.

Oh yes of course AFTER MIDTERMS, so that way if the DEMORETARDS win they will begin the impeachment process, These scum stop at nothing to win the house or to win the senate.

Losers will always lie , cheat, steal INFILTRATE FROM WITH IN...... that's not reality to sheep their Gods are perfect......

They either will claim nothing if the deep state hasn't gotten a hold of them, or have finally found bs lies to piece together making it look true that's how demotards work.
If he had anything it would have been leaked by now.
Mueller ready to deliver core findings on Trump probe after midterms: report
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is set to issue findings of some of the core aspects of his investigation into the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia shortly after the November midterm elections, Bloomberg reported.

Oh yes of course AFTER MIDTERMS, so that way if the DEMORETARDS win they will begin the impeachment process,

They can start those proceedings regardless of when he releases the information and if there was nothing to find, what are you so worried about?
Trump spoke to the Saudi king concerning the whereabouts of the Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

Characteristically, Trump believed the Saudi king's denial, illustrating an enormous amount of naiveté. Did Trump think there was any possibility of the king's confession?

That said, Trump told reporters on a rainy White House lawn, “The King firmly denied any knowledge” of the disappearance. Then he added this stunning caveat, “it sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers.”

Trump is the only one on the planet who is suggesting that "rogue killers" somehow gained entrance to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul and for some reason murdered the Post journalist.

“The King firmly denied any knowledge” sounds very similar to another statement Trump made at a news conference in Helsinki in July when he revered the word of another autocrat. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said.

Trump does not stop there. At one point he fell in love with an autocrat who murdered his own brother and uncle, has imprisoned thousands of his own people in gulags, and has threatened the United States with nuclear annihilation. Despite Kim Jong Un's failure to take any steps toward denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula per his promise, Trump made this statement recently, "I was really being tough. And so was he. And we'd go back and forth. And then we fell in love. OK? No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they're great letters. We fell in love."

Reminder, this is our President speaking.

Trump is also enamored with still another autocrat, Xi Jinping, the communist dictator of China. “President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade. China will take down its trade barriers because it is the right thing to do,” Trump said a few months back.

Trump was wrong about that, but that is for another thread.

Of course, Trump is wrong a lot. Already he has been proven wrong about his ludicrous "rogue killers." No one took him seriously, anyway.
Besides Trump's enchantment with autocrats there is another facet to all this.

Is there a pattern here? “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump once told a crowd at an Alabama rally during the election campaign.

In 2001, Trump sold the entire 45th floor of the Trump World Tower across from the United Nations in New York for $12 million, the biggest purchase in that building to that point, according to the brokerage site Streeteasy. The buyer: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"For the record, I have no financial interests in Saudi Arabia (or Russia, for that matter). Any suggestion that I have is just more FAKE NEWS (of which there is plenty)!" Trump tweeted today.

He does not have financial interests in Saudi Arabia, but he has deep Saudi financial interests in the United States. A Saudi billionaire, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, purchased his yacht from Trump and a stake in New York's Plaza Hotel in the 1990s bailing out Trump from financial distress. A public relations firm working for the kingdom spent nearly $270,000 on lodging and catering at his Washington hotel near the Oval Office through March of last year, according to filings to the Justice Department. That is in addition to the financial interests already described.

So, it is no surprise that Trump first tried this ludicrous gambit to protect the king and the crown prince. “The king firmly denied any knowledge of it. I don't want to get into (Salman’s) mind,” but he added, “it sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers."

Yeah, right. That went over like a lead balloon.

Now he says, "And it depends whether or not the King [Salman] or Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman knew about it, in my opinion. Number one, what happened, but whether or not they knew about it." No doubt, the king and the crown prince will deny knowing anything about the murder beforehand. Trump can determine whether or not they are being truthful and he will respond accordingly. Reader can decide what that means in light of Trump's financial interests.

"Here we go again with you're guilty until proven innocent," Trump said in an interview today.

In July, a federal judge rejected Trump’s latest effort to stop a lawsuit that alleges Trump is violating the Constitution by continuing to do business with foreign governments.

Is there any doubt that Trump's financial interests have an impact on his judgment concerning foreign governments like Saudi Arabia?
If they have anything perceived to help dims, hurt Republicans at the polls they wouldn’t hesitate to release it regardless of protocol or anything else.
The obligatory Republicans are speaking up on cue concerning the murder of the Washington Post journalist.

Senator Bob Corker has said, "If it's found that they, as everything indicates today ... murdered a journalist, that will hugely change our relationship. I mean, there's no question about it," Corker told reporters, adding, "I think they did it and I think, unfortunately, he's deceased."

Senator Lindsey Graham stated, “I’m not going back to Saudi Arabia as long as this guy is in charge,” Graham said of bin Salman. “I’ve been their biggest defender on the floor of the United States Senate. This guy is a wrecking ball. He had [Khashoggi] murdered in a consulate in Turkey and to expect me to ignore it, I feel used and abused. The MBS figure is to me toxic, he can never be a world leader on the world stage.”

Senator Marco Rubio made this contribution for the cause. "I don't care how much money it is. There isn't enough money in the world to purchase back our credibility on human rights and the way nations should conduct themselves."

This is strictly for public consumption to give gullible Americans the impression the GOP is on their side. This has all happened before, several times, especially when Trump steps on it. It happened after Trump's bigoted remarks after Charlottesville. It happened after Singapore when Trump gushed about Kim after giving away the ranch and getting nothing in return. It happened after Trump's incredulous comments at Helsinki when he declined American intelligence and accepted the word of a communist dictator because he sounded sincere. Prominent Republicans object. Nothing changes.

This showy performance by Rubio, Graham, and Corker does not mean a damn thing. The GOP leadership will do what it has always done in the past. It will put a rubber stamp on whatever Trump decides to do, no matter how self-serving his decision may be, and Trump's business connections to the Saudis will be swept under the rug.

American voters will lift up that rug and vote accordingly on Nov. 6. Maybe they will think something is wrong if American foreign policy is being bought by the Saudis. They will be watching Trump closely.
Nobody gives a shit about Muleface and his endless witch hunt. His efforts were already smarmy(Stormy) enough but then libs had to top themselves with the ghoulish Kavanaugh debacle which has disgraced and disinterested all of their disruptive efforts.
Given two years, Anybody could dig up dirt on anybody at anytime and We Know that.
Whatever Mueller comes up with will not be acted upon, will have no effect and Trump will continue to MAGA.
They can start those proceedings regardless of when he releases the information and if there was nothing to find, what are you so worried about?
Were there any benefit to the dems, Muller would have leaked or released the details prior to the election....Besides, they have to keep the number of outraged crackpot leftists at its highest possible level.
Mueller ready to deliver core findings on Trump probe after midterms: report
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is set to issue findings of some of the core aspects of his investigation into the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia shortly after the November midterm elections, Bloomberg reported.

Oh yes of course AFTER MIDTERMS, so that way if the DEMORETARDS win they will begin the impeachment process, These scum stop at nothing to win the house or to win the senate.

Losers will always lie , cheat, steal INFILTRATE FROM WITH IN...... that's not reality to sheep their Gods are perfect......

They either will claim nothing if the deep state hasn't gotten a hold of them, or have finally found bs lies to piece together making it look true that's how demotards work.
Muller got nothing.jpg
Nobody gives a shit about Muleface and his endless witch hunt. His efforts were already smarmy(Stormy) enough but then libs had to top themselves with the ghoulish Kavanaugh debacle which has disgraced and disinterested all of their disruptive efforts.
Given two years, Anybody could dig up dirt on anybody at anytime and We Know that.
Whatever Mueller comes up with will not be acted upon, will have no effect and Trump will continue to MAGA.
Tis TRUE that Republicans do not care one iota about cheating.... it is THE ONLY WAY they can win...

gerrymandering to the nth degree, cutting hours and days to early voting, disenfranchising students and Native Americans of their vote, and poor people.... mostly blacks of their vote, and cutting polling places to vote in only the Democratic areas.... leaving the least accurate voting apparatus in Democratic regions.... having Russian and other foreign entities help.... you name the cheating and Republicans do it... and that is a fact.
Nobody gives a shit about Muleface and his endless witch hunt. His efforts were already smarmy(Stormy) enough but then libs had to top themselves with the ghoulish Kavanaugh debacle which has disgraced and disinterested all of their disruptive efforts.
Given two years, Anybody could dig up dirt on anybody at anytime and We Know that.
Whatever Mueller comes up with will not be acted upon, will have no effect and Trump will continue to MAGA.
Tis TRUE that Republicans do not care one iota about cheating.... it is THE ONLY WAY they can win...

gerrymandering to the nth degree, cutting hours and days to early voting, disenfranchising students and Native Americans of their vote, and poor people.... mostly blacks of their vote, and cutting polling places to vote in only the Democratic areas.... leaving the least accurate voting apparatus in Democratic regions.... having Russian and other foreign entities help.... you name the cheating and Republicans do it... and that is a fact.

Your identity politics is part of the problem. Not “Republicans “ but “politicians”
Mueller ready to deliver core findings on Trump probe after midterms: report
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is set to issue findings of some of the core aspects of his investigation into the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia shortly after the November midterm elections, Bloomberg reported.

Oh yes of course AFTER MIDTERMS, so that way if the DEMORETARDS win they will begin the impeachment process, These scum stop at nothing to win the house or to win the senate.

Losers will always lie , cheat, steal INFILTRATE FROM WITH IN...... that's not reality to sheep their Gods are perfect......

They either will claim nothing if the deep state hasn't gotten a hold of them, or have finally found bs lies to piece together making it look true that's how demotards work.

If he had something it would come out before midterms to hurt republicans, if he doesn’t have anything it will come out after midterms so it won’t hurt democrats during the election

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Trump spoke to the Saudi king concerning the whereabouts of the Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

Characteristically, Trump believed the Saudi king's denial, illustrating an enormous amount of naiveté. Did Trump think there was any possibility of the king's confession?

That said, Trump told reporters on a rainy White House lawn, “The King firmly denied any knowledge” of the disappearance. Then he added this stunning caveat, “it sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers.”

Trump is the only one on the planet who is suggesting that "rogue killers" somehow gained entrance to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul and for some reason murdered the Post journalist.

“The King firmly denied any knowledge” sounds very similar to another statement Trump made at a news conference in Helsinki in July when he revered the word of another autocrat. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said.

Trump does not stop there. At one point he fell in love with an autocrat who murdered his own brother and uncle, has imprisoned thousands of his own people in gulags, and has threatened the United States with nuclear annihilation. Despite Kim Jong Un's failure to take any steps toward denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula per his promise, Trump made this statement recently, "I was really being tough. And so was he. And we'd go back and forth. And then we fell in love. OK? No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they're great letters. We fell in love."

Reminder, this is our President speaking.

Trump is also enamored with still another autocrat, Xi Jinping, the communist dictator of China. “President Xi and I will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade. China will take down its trade barriers because it is the right thing to do,” Trump said a few months back.

Trump was wrong about that, but that is for another thread.

Of course, Trump is wrong a lot. Already he has been proven wrong about his ludicrous "rogue killers." No one took him seriously, anyway.

Maybe you should call someone because evidently you must know 100% who did it.
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Sorry liberals if that saying is to hard for you to comprehend.

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Besides Trump's enchantment with autocrats there is another facet to all this.

Is there a pattern here? “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump once told a crowd at an Alabama rally during the election campaign.

In 2001, Trump sold the entire 45th floor of the Trump World Tower across from the United Nations in New York for $12 million, the biggest purchase in that building to that point, according to the brokerage site Streeteasy. The buyer: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"For the record, I have no financial interests in Saudi Arabia (or Russia, for that matter). Any suggestion that I have is just more FAKE NEWS (of which there is plenty)!" Trump tweeted today.

He does not have financial interests in Saudi Arabia, but he has deep Saudi financial interests in the United States. A Saudi billionaire, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, purchased his yacht from Trump and a stake in New York's Plaza Hotel in the 1990s bailing out Trump from financial distress. A public relations firm working for the kingdom spent nearly $270,000 on lodging and catering at his Washington hotel near the Oval Office through March of last year, according to filings to the Justice Department. That is in addition to the financial interests already described.

So, it is no surprise that Trump first tried this ludicrous gambit to protect the king and the crown prince. “The king firmly denied any knowledge of it. I don't want to get into (Salman’s) mind,” but he added, “it sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers."

Yeah, right. That went over like a lead balloon.

Now he says, "And it depends whether or not the King [Salman] or Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman knew about it, in my opinion. Number one, what happened, but whether or not they knew about it." No doubt, the king and the crown prince will deny knowing anything about the murder beforehand. Trump can determine whether or not they are being truthful and he will respond accordingly. Reader can decide what that means in light of Trump's financial interests.

"Here we go again with you're guilty until proven innocent," Trump said in an interview today.

In July, a federal judge rejected Trump’s latest effort to stop a lawsuit that alleges Trump is violating the Constitution by continuing to do business with foreign governments.

Is there any doubt that Trump's financial interests have an impact on his judgment concerning foreign governments like Saudi Arabia?

That guy deserves the idiot award of the year

Posthumous of course.

Mueller ready to deliver core findings on Trump probe after midterms: report
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is set to issue findings of some of the core aspects of his investigation into the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia shortly after the November midterm elections, Bloomberg reported.

Oh yes of course AFTER MIDTERMS, so that way if the DEMORETARDS win they will begin the impeachment process, These scum stop at nothing to win the house or to win the senate.

Losers will always lie , cheat, steal INFILTRATE FROM WITH IN...... that's not reality to sheep their Gods are perfect......

They either will claim nothing if the deep state hasn't gotten a hold of them, or have finally found bs lies to piece together making it look true that's how demotards work.

He could, of course, reveal them today. But, we all know he won't.

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