Muller's Investigation Team stacked with Big Hillary and Democrat $$$ Supporters


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
If you wanted to dispose of Trump, you could hardly have assembled a more biased team.
This appears to be a clear case of the Establishment working against Trump and any true Republicans.

Mueller probe: Meet the lawyers who gave $$ to Hillary, now investigating team Trump

Mueller probe: Meet the lawyers who gave $$ to Hillary, now investigating team Trump

If by ANY chance the Left managed to do the elitists, Establisment bidding for them and succeed, the American people (minus the true traitors and communist and Progressives of course) should stop at nothing to do whatever it takes to stop this obvious attempt at a coup.

Fortunately, the Left can probably count on the meek, quiet, shy and shamed right to keep it's mouth shut while they ram the Constitution up their asses and laugh.
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If you wanted to dispose of Trump, you could hardly have assembled a more biased team.
This appears to be a clear case of the Establishment working against Trump and any true Republicans.

Mueller probe: Meet the lawyers who gave $$ to Hillary, now investigating team Trump

Mueller probe: Meet the lawyers who gave $$ to Hillary, now investigating team Trump
Ya, we all know this already. It's as lop sided biased partisan corrupt and as lop sided biased partisan corrupt can be.

And another thing, when emails and records were requested of the democrats, they refused, used bleach bit to erase and hammers to destroy hard drives. But according to the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, there was nothing to see there, just move along, it's a nothing burger. But when it comes to Don Jr. and Jared, they willing and immediately turn over whatever is requested.

The democrats are about as partisan, corrupt filthy as partisan corrupt filthy goes. They are the true political criminals, and America sees it. It's no wonder they've lost so many seats of power since 2010, and why they will continue to lose elections... and will continue as long as they keep it up.
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I know. It just aggravates the hell outta me what they're getting away with.

And the massive hypocrisy. Obviously the Establishment is helping the Dems via the media and collusion within the political ranks. point is we can't just keep sitting on the side lines watching it come to pass.

People think that what happened in Venezuela and almost happened in Egypt could "never" happen here and they are dead wrong. In fact, we're absolutely headed that way given enough time.
I know. It just aggravates the hell outta me what they're getting away with.
Believe me, Americans see it, and if dems think they're going to sweep into power come 2018 they're sadly mistaken, because the vast majority of Americans think the worst republican is still better than the best democrat.
Hey on the bright side Mueller has really done himself in by loading up the team with Democrat freaking hacks. Their report when issued will have none, zero, nada credibility.
Hey on the bright side Mueller has really done himself in by loading up the team with Democrat freaking hacks. Their report when issued will have none, zero, nada credibility.
right? I want to know so what? what is Mueller going to do? can't arrest a president. got to have congress impeach. I'd say it's going to be tough to get a GOPer to say ok, he sold a home in Florida in '09 so he took money to win 2016 presidential race. Dude, one can't make this shit up. it's truly amazing how much of our money is wasted on dumb shits.

Newsflash: Trump is a Big Hillary $$$$ and Democrat supporter -- and his newly hired Bagdad Moochie Bob gave like 5 times more to dems than anyone on that pathetically compiled list.
I know. It just aggravates the hell outta me what they're getting away with.
Believe me, Americans see it, and if dems think they're going to sweep into power come 2018 they're sadly mistaken, because the vast majority of Americans think the worst republican is still better than the best democrat.

I doubt that. The evangelicals are splintering, and they are getting less and less. People want progress, not go backwards in time. Your children will be angry with you if you refuse to admit to global warming and do nothing to stop pollution.

Newsflash: Trump is a Big Hillary $$$$ and Democrat supporter -- and his newly hired Bagdad Moochie Bob gave like 5 times more to dems than anyone on that pathetically compiled list.

I know Trump loved Hillary. Even after the election he said Bill and Hillary are GOOD people. Now he wants them hung.
If you wanted to dispose of Trump, you could hardly have assembled a more biased team.
This appears to be a clear case of the Establishment working against Trump and any true Republicans.

Mueller probe: Meet the lawyers who gave $$ to Hillary, now investigating team Trump

Mueller probe: Meet the lawyers who gave $$ to Hillary, now investigating team Trump

If by ANY chance the Left managed to do the elitists, Establisment bidding for them and succeed, the American people (minus the true traitors and communist and Progressives of course) should stop at nothing to do whatever it takes to stop this obvious attempt at a coup.

Fortunately, the Left can probably count on the meek, quiet, shy and shamed right to keep it's mouth shut while they ram the Constitution up their asses and laugh.

Talk about a nothing burger.
From reading the background of these lawyers, they also have the kind of experience needed for such an investigation, and maybe that is why Mueller, a Republican, chose them.


Newsflash: Trump is a Big Hillary $$$$ and Democrat supporter -- and his newly hired Bagdad Moochie Bob gave like 5 times more to dems than anyone on that pathetically compiled list.

You talking about Greasy Guido Scaramucci? He's like a Trump Mini-Me....expensive suits, expensive hair, fake tan, and lots of bullshit coming out whenever he opens his mouth.

Newsflash: Trump is a Big Hillary $$$$ and Democrat supporter -- and his newly hired Bagdad Moochie Bob gave like 5 times more to dems than anyone on that pathetically compiled list.
and is now president of the US. wow eh? and everyone who voted for him knew all of that. so?
Hey on the bright side Mueller has really done himself in by loading up the team with Democrat freaking hacks. Their report when issued will have none, zero, nada credibility.

Eight out of fifteen didn't make contributions to any candidates. So you think that means they're Democrats? What kind of logic is that, dumbass?

"Of the 15 attorneys currently on staff for Mueller, at least seven have donated to Democratic candidates and campaigns, including Trump's 2016 rival Hillary Clinton. The rest have not made political donations, according to federal records; and none of the attorneys on Mueller’s roster donated money to Trump. """
damn you leftists sure a jealous bunch. can't have anyone conservative be successful. wow, amazing, astounding, double standard, hypocrisy driven bunch.
Hey on the bright side Mueller has really done himself in by loading up the team with Democrat freaking hacks. Their report when issued will have none, zero, nada credibility.

Eight out of fifteen didn't make contributions to any candidates. So you think that means they're Democrats? What kind of logic is that, dumbass?

"Of the 15 attorneys currently on staff for Mueller, at least seven have donated to Democratic candidates and campaigns, including Trump's 2016 rival Hillary Clinton. The rest have not made political donations, according to federal records; and none of the attorneys on Mueller’s roster donated money to Trump. """
eight out of fifteen, funny. can't make this shit up. BTW, what's mueller going to do if he finds something on someone that isn't trump?
If you wanted to dispose of Trump, you could hardly have assembled a more biased team.
This appears to be a clear case of the Establishment working against Trump and any true Republicans.

Mueller probe: Meet the lawyers who gave $$ to Hillary, now investigating team Trump

Mueller probe: Meet the lawyers who gave $$ to Hillary, now investigating team Trump

If by ANY chance the Left managed to do the elitists, Establisment bidding for them and succeed, the American people (minus the true traitors and communist and Progressives of course) should stop at nothing to do whatever it takes to stop this obvious attempt at a coup.

Fortunately, the Left can probably count on the meek, quiet, shy and shamed right to keep it's mouth shut while they ram the Constitution up their asses and laugh.

Talk about a nothing burger.
From reading the background of these lawyers, they also have the kind of experience needed for such an investigation, and maybe that is why Mueller, a Republican, chose them.

nothing burger all you got.

Newsflash: Trump is a Big Hillary $$$$ and Democrat supporter -- and his newly hired Bagdad Moochie Bob gave like 5 times more to dems than anyone on that pathetically compiled list.

I know Trump loved Hillary. Even after the election he said Bill and Hillary are GOOD people. Now he wants them hung.
Trump showed Hillary dignity at the Capitol on inauguration day. He did it hoping she and her cohorts would accept him as president and move on. That was clearly not the case. Now she must be exposed for her treachery.
Hey on the bright side Mueller has really done himself in by loading up the team with Democrat freaking hacks. Their report when issued will have none, zero, nada credibility.
right? I want to know so what? what is Mueller going to do? can't arrest a president. got to have congress impeach. I'd say it's going to be tough to get a GOPer to say ok, he sold a home in Florida in '09 so he took money to win 2016 presidential race. Dude, one can't make this shit up. it's truly amazing how much of our money is wasted on dumb shits.

We've gone almost a year with people being paid to dig up shit to connect Trump to Russia and STILL no one has examined the DNC servers. This is freaking nuts.
Hey, are you forgetting Trump donated Heavily to the Clinton too? Or does that not count but everyone else's does?

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