MUMBAI: Muslims outraged over U.S. sniffer dog named 'Khan'


Active Member
Dec 30, 2009
Muslims in Mumbai are up in arms against a United States military sniffer dog allegedly with name tag of 'Khan' that has landed in the city as part of President Barack Obama security arrangements.


Yeah, but who cares? Muslims are enraged by any dogs.

On Tuesday, the German Shepherd arrived in the Mumbai airport from a Hercules C130 transport plane. The German Shepherd allegedly had a tag around its neck which read 'MWD Khan.' MWD stands for Military Working Dog. Khan is alleged to be the name of the dog.

(In the UK, Muslims force police sniffer dogs to wear booties because they find dogs repulsive)

Angry Muslims in the city and the state are threatening to protest this 'insult' to the community. The issue became a rage when a tabloid had reported the incident and quoted veteran actor Raza Murad objecting to the dog being named 'Khan.'

Maharashtra Samajwadi Party leader MLA Abu Asim Azmi also threatened to undertake a protest.

He said that the US deliberately wants to incite the Muslims through such acts and the party would stage a protest on the issue.

Prominent Muslim religious heads have expressed anger and dismay on the information of a US dog being named 'Khan.' Maulana Syed Athar Ali said that it is a known fact that Muslims detest pigs and dogs.

"To name a dog a Muslim name by US security agencies is to deliberately incite the Muslim community. We would be meeting soon and devise a strategy to protest and seek apology from the US," said Maulana Athar Ali.

Obama's security dog named 'Khan': Muslims irked - India News
The Religion of Perpetual Outrage

Maybe the feds can pay off the troublemakers with U.S. citizenship or a 100 billion dollars or something. He can just print more.
Wait till they find out about the one called Sinbad ....And yeh Muslims aren't happy unless they are pissed off about some slight committed by a westerner....Ooooops,I guess I better be a little more careful because the next thing I know there will be a little explosive charge in the center of my next Tootsie PoP..
The Religion of Perpetual Outrage

Maybe the feds can pay off the troublemakers with U.S. citizenship or a 100 billion dollars or something. He can just print more.

"The Religion of Perpetual Outrage," what a perfect slogan for Islam.
Our POTUS can't even VISIT in his feeble attempt to Kiss Their Asses, without them becoming enraged?!?

I just wEnder how many "I'm sorry"s it'll take to calm them down, besides the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER DAY our gov is pouring into their economy.

If the muslims of India do not like who we invite, then they can leave India.

The dog Khan is a welcome guest in India, and we will accord him the right to be called Khan.
Can I just point out that the Daily Express is not the most notoriously accurate 'newspaper'. It's tabloid journalism at its finest.
If the muslims of India do not like who we invite, then they can leave India.

The dog Khan is a welcome guest in India, and we will accord him the right to be called Khan.

Thanks Hindu Patriot. Most people are unaware that Muslims have slaughtered approx. 80 million Hindus over the years.
In a related story, legions of suicide kittens begin training in Pakistan.

So, I've heard. There were also suicide dogs found on planes. Where is PETA when you need


Here's a story about the suicide dogs translated from the French link, Le Figaro: **SIGH** Muslims have finally found a place in their hearts for dogs Bare Naked Islam's Weblog

well, I just gotta know why you are talking about "suicide dogs" and showing pictures of a kitty. Leave the kitty out of your madness.
In a related story, legions of suicide kittens begin training in Pakistan.

So, I've heard. There were also suicide dogs found on planes. Where is PETA when you need


Here's a story about the suicide dogs translated from the French link, Le Figaro: **SIGH** Muslims have finally found a place in their hearts for dogs Bare Naked Islam's Weblog

well, I just gotta know why you are talking about "suicide dogs" and showing pictures of a kitty. Leave the kitty out of your madness.

I was responding to the post by Mini14 that mentioned suicide kittens.

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