Murderers Get Caught Because With Each New Murder They Get More And More Bold


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Ever since Jeffery Epstein was murdered in his jail cell...the murders have become more brazen. Eventually they are going to get caught. It's inevitable. The criminals who are responsible for these murders is going to eventually go too far and they're going to get caught.

Just the other day a Obama Administration DHS whistleblower was murdered, and the police originally claimed it was a suicide, but are now having to back away from that false claim. The victim even predicted his own murder. He said that if they ever claim he committed suicide it's guaranteed that he was murdered. The only solace to the guilty parties is that it happened in a state controlled by Democrats:

February 26, 2020
Official Investigation into the shooting death of DHS whistleblower Philip Haney continues
By Peter Barry Chowka
The sheriff’s office in rural Amador County, California, which originally labeled the death by a single gunshot of DHS Obama era whistleblower Philip Haney last week as “self inflicted,” has now backed away from that assertion. A follow-up press release from the office of the Sheriff – Coroner on Monday had this to say:

On February 22, the Amador County Sheriff's Office released initial details regarding Philip Haney being found deceased in our jurisdiction. . . Unfortunately, there was misinformation being immediately put out that we have determined Mr. Haney’s death to be a suicide. This is not the case. We are currently in the beginning phase of our investigation and any final determination as to the cause and manner of Mr. Haney’s death would be extremely premature and inappropriate. No determination will be made until all evidence is examined and analyzed.

This latest official statement, on top of an avalanche of comments by his friends and colleagues on social media, further opens the door to the widespread suspicion that Haney was the victim of politically motivated foul play.
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This is a continuing series of cover up murders designed to protect the last administration.
Oh Bull Shit- it's about the District of Criminals covering it's collective ass- just like it always has.
Can you say the 911 commission (3000 murders)- or the Warren Commission (1 murder)
They all count or none count.
Interesting. From the Sheriff’s statement-
Unfortunately, there was misinformation immediately being put out that we have determined Mr. Haney’s death to be a suicide. This is not the case. We are currently in the beginning phase of our investigation and any final determination as to the cause and manner of Mr. Haney’s death would be extremely premature and inappropriate. No determination will be made until all evidence is examined and analyzed.

This investigation is still active and will be ongoing. No further details will be provided at this time.
Coroner’s Investigation Update – Philip Haney
This is a continuing series of cover up murders designed to protect the last administration.
Oh Bull Shit- it's about the District of Criminals covering it's collective ass- just like it always has.
Can you say the 911 commission (3000 murders)- or the Warren Commission (1 murder)
They all count or none count.'s all or nothing. They're all real or they're all bull shit. 911 was caused by Jews. 911 was just explosions set off by Bush to cover up evidence of criminal activity. We didn’t see those jets fly into those buildings. JFK was killed by a communist sympathizer, not CIA snipers. Jeffery Epstein hung himself...yet no cameras were working to monitor him.'s all or nothing. They're all real or they're all bull shit. 911 was caused by Jews. 911 was just explosions set off by Bush to cover up evidence of criminal activity. We didn’t see those jets fly into those buildings. JFK was killed by a communist sympathizer, not CIA snipers. Jeffery Epstein hung himself...yet no cameras were working to monitor him.
Trying, desperately, to reduce the evidence to some sort of topical subject renders they argument(s) subjective.

Let's go back and review your OP

Ever since Jeffery Epstein was murdered in his jail cell

This type crap has been going on long before Epstein, not just "ever since". Words mean things or they don't.
They "all" are the same CYA from the District of Criminals who don't care which side of the aisle you reside on- in fact they prefer you keep arguing about who the lesser evil is to keep the tools and enemies clearly divided so the evil can continue unabated-'s all or nothing. They're all real or they're all bull shit. 911 was caused by Jews. 911 was just explosions set off by Bush to cover up evidence of criminal activity. We didn’t see those jets fly into those buildings. JFK was killed by a communist sympathizer, not CIA snipers. Jeffery Epstein hung himself...yet no cameras were working to monitor him.
Trying, desperately, to reduce the evidence to some sort of topical subject renders they argument(s) subjective.

Let's go back and review your OP

Ever since Jeffery Epstein was murdered in his jail cell

This type crap has been going on long before Epstein, not just "ever since". Words mean things or they don't.
They "all" are the same CYA from the District of Criminals who don't care which side of the aisle you reside on- in fact they prefer you keep arguing about who the lesser evil is to keep the tools and enemies clearly divided so the evil can continue unabated-
Yep.....and because it's supposedly been going on for a long time....and only now is becoming more and more frequent...there's nothing to see here folks......cuz it's being going on for a long time.
February 26, 2020
Phil Haney: My Friend and Colleague, Assassinated
By James Simpson
This past weekend, I and many of my colleagues received the shocking news that famed Obama administration DHS whistleblower Phil Haney had died. My first indication was a text from a friend late Friday night: "Sorry so late but I am hearing Phil Haney has been killed." I had received something earlier in the evening, but the person texting had thought it was a joke.

It was no joke. Phil Haney, a long-term colleague and person I had come to know personally, had been shot dead. Rumors from friends contained many inaccuracies, like "he had been missing for days," "found in a remote area," etc.

The Amador County (California) sheriff's office put out a brief statement reporting that he had been found Friday morning:

On February 21, 2020, at approximately 1012 hours, deputies and detectives ... responded ... to the report of a male subject on the ground with a gunshot wound. Upon their arrival, they located and identified 66-year-old Philip Haney, who was deceased and appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound. A firearm was located next to Haney and his vehicle. This investigation is active and ongoing. No further details will be released at this time.

He was found by his car at a park-and-ride about three miles from his home. In a True Pundit interview, Haney's stepmother, Judith Haney, stated: "No one in the family believes this is a suicide; I mean he was enjoying doing talk radio and was working on another book and was excited about that. With his history with the government and everything, it is very, very suspicious..."

Haney was also engaged to be married and was enthusiastic about his future. His fiancée, Denice Gary-Pandol, shared how happy they both were, looking forward to marriage in April and beginning a new chapter in their lives. She spoke with him throughout the day on Thursday and texted him just prior to heading into an evening class she teaches. He responded affectionately at 5:45 P.M.

Phil's sister had similarly spoken with him around 5:00 P.M. and said he was at home and very tired. Phil normally called Denice after class but didn't that night. She assumed he was likely asleep, so she decided not to call him. But the next morning, she did call. He did not answer. That afternoon, she received a call from the deputy sheriff of Amador County.

No one among us who knew Phil believes that it was possible for him to kill himself. He was a committed Christian, was looking forward to his upcoming marriage and the publication of his new book and possibly a new position in Washington, D.C. None of it adds up. I and countless others sent a blizzard of inquiries to the Amador County Sheriff's Department in the days following his death, both to seek details and lodge our objection to the "self-inflicted" characterization of Phil's cause of death.

The sheriff is now walking back that initial assessment, claiming that "misinformation" was responsible for claims that Phil committed suicide. The initial announcement did state the qualifier "apparent" and added that an investigation was ongoing. The sheriff now says the FBI has been called in, has detailed more aspects of the investigation, and clarified that it has not determined how he died.

But media outlets quickly concluded that this was a case of suicide and said little, if anything, else about the explosive charges Haney had leveled against the Obama administration's deliberate efforts to shield U.S.-based Islamic terrorists from discovery. Nothing to see here...move along now. This perfunctory characterization itself reflects the Deep State effort to discredit anyone critical of Democrats. So Haney made allegations; now he committed suicide. That decides it. End of story. Sure. It seems that despite its virtually nonstop record of traitorous actions, the Obama administration and its associates remain Teflon-coated.

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