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Musk: I’m Switching from Democrat to Republican

Musk, like a lot of Americans have become woke, and are quickly leaving the Party of the Klan, and fleeing states controlled by them.
This is strange,the hawk who has always trolled threads saying oswald shot jfk always ignoring the mountains of evidence oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters is NOW actually admitting I was correct all this time thst the warren commission lied,is a fairytale,and there were multiple shooters,he must have FINALLY stopped reading the fairy tale warren commission and stop looking at his corrupt textbooks from our corrupt school system in our history classes and decided to finally watch the excellent documentary the MEN who killed kennedy,miracles happen sometimes,better late than never to finally admit you were wrong. :up:
Whoa, what are you babbling about? Wrong thread?

Supporting Trump is supporting conservative values. Who has been a more conservative President than Trump? Pro-choice, tough on the border, lower taxes, huge support for our police and military, promoted freedom of religion, traditional values like men are men and women are women, pro-second amendment. self-reliance and personal responsibility........

Understood you are blinded by hate, but if Trump was not for conservative values, then WTF was?
No. If you can't see the difference between trump and Reagan, you aren't paying attention. I disagreed with Reagan often, but he was consistant. Trump makes it up as he goes along, and is subject to make a complete reversal depending on his ego.
Hypocritical? It's a fact that the GOP decided they didn't need a platform, and does not have one to this day. Their official statement was the party's true priority is supporting donald trump. Now, tell me how that isn't a cult.

Ha ha ha you are so lacking in self awareness no wonder you post a lot of high level partisan gibberish without realizing it.

Some of my family members were so anti republican that they couldn't see the obvious democrat crimes and lies flowing all over the place around them, now one of my brothers finally taking my way of trying to be OBJECTIVE with the evidence and avoid being partisan in the process.

Yes there are plenty of bad republican crap out there which I never dispute but the same is true with the democrats which you ignore a lot which is why you often post so badly you are not remotely objective at all.

Being a Freethinking Independent allows me to be more objective and a lot less partisan on anything because I don't have to defend party based bullshit.
Ha ha ha you are so lacking in self awareness no wonder you post a lot of high level partisan gibberish without realizing it.

Some of my family members were so anti republican that they couldn't see the obvious democrat crimes and lies flowing all over the place around them, now one of my brothers finally taking my way of trying to be OBJECTIVE with the evidence and avoid being partisan in the process.

Yes there are plenty of bad republican crap out there which I never dispute but the same is true with the democrats which you ignore a lot which is why you often post so badly you are not remotely objective at all.

Being a Freethinking Independent allows me to be more objective and a lot less partisan on anything because I don't have to defend party based bullshit.
You're full of shit.
You're full of shit.


You never grew up which is why you reply to this way an immature small, brained jerk is what you have become with ZERO personal growth forecast in your future.

Go ahead be a partisan jackass it makes you look dumb ill-informed and lack credibility.
So why were so many people against it and wanted it repealed?
Best I can tell is right wingers just oppose anything a democrat offers, even if it is good for the country. Think back to the first discussions about healthcare. You called it Hillarycare. Your opposition at that time was based on your hatred of her, and had nothing to do with what would have been better for the country. The right has opposed any improvements in our healthcare system since then.
Best I can tell is right wingers just oppose anything a democrat offers, even if it is good for the country. Think back to the first discussions about healthcare. You called it Hillarycare. Your opposition at that time was based on your hatred of her, and had nothing to do with what would have been better for the country. The right has opposed any improvements in our healthcare system since then.
Bullshit. If it was better for the country, then everyone would support it. It's a tax. Isn't that correct?
No. If you can't see the difference between trump and Reagan, you aren't paying attention. I disagreed with Reagan often, but he was consistant. Trump makes it up as he goes along, and is subject to make a complete reversal depending on his ego.

Everything Trump ran on he stood by. The deciding issue on the right along with the country was the border that Dementia allowed to go to hell and going to get worse when Title 42 expires.

I never said Trump was Reagan, but Trump is a true conservative even if he never admitted to it. His policies were 100% conservative, and I should know, I'm a conservative myself.
Hypocritical? It's a fact that the GOP decided they didn't need a platform, and does not have one to this day. Their official statement was the party's true priority is supporting donald trump. Now, tell me how that isn't a cult.

When did "the party" make that statement? Have a link?
Sandisk - I am switching from 'so what' to 'what the fuck do I care who Musk votes for'.
Everything Trump ran on he stood by. The deciding issue on the right along with the country was the border that Dementia allowed to go to hell and going to get worse when Title 42 expires.

I never said Trump was Reagan, but Trump is a true conservative even if he never admitted to it. His policies were 100% conservative, and I should know, I'm a conservative myself.
First - I think both parties are scum.

But he stood by everything he ran on?

- he was going to end the SK nuclear threat.
- he was going to PAY OFF the national debt in 8 years.
NOPE - he raised the debt, EVERY year.
- he was going to pull out of Afghanistan.
NOPE - first thing he did was put MORE troops in Afghanistan.
- he was going to pull out of Syria.
- he was going to reign in the Fed.
- he said the U-3 was a 'hoax'.
NOPE - soon as he got in office, he embraced the U-3
- he was going to grow America's GDP 4 or 5%.
NOPE - he never even got it over 3% during a FY
- he was going to lower the trade deficit.
NOPE - he raised the trade deficit

Like EVERY, OTHER POTUS (rep or dem)?
He was full of it.
He said whatever it took to get in office.
Then, he backed off of almost everything.

Don't bother making excuses.
a) I don't care what they are.
b) everything I typed was 100% correct.

Bye now.
First - I think both parties are scum.

But he stood by everything he ran on?

- he was going to end the SK nuclear threat.
- he was going to PAY OFF the national debt in 8 years.
NOPE - he raised the debt, EVERY year.
- he was going to pull out of Afghanistan.
NOPE - first thing he did was put MORE troops in Afghanistan.
- he was going to pull out of Syria.
- he was going to reign in the Fed.
- he said the U-3 was a 'hoax'.
NOPE - soon as he got in office, he embraced the U-3
- he was going to grow America's GDP 4 or 5%.
NOPE - he never even got it over 3% during a FY
- he was going to lower the trade deficit.
NOPE - he raised the trade deficit

Like EVERY, OTHER POTUS (rep or dem)?
He was full of it.
He said whatever it took to get in office.
Then, he backed off of almost everything.

Don't bother making excuses.
a) I don't care what they are.
b) everything I typed was 100% correct.

Bye now.

I said he stood by everything he ran on, not that he accomplished it. Name me the last person that ran for President that got everything he ran on. It's impossible in a complex government such as ours. Trump spent the first half of his term dealing with RINO"s and TDS Republicans. He spent his second half with a commie House. All things considered, he still got much of what he did run on.

All appropriation bills originate in the House. And even with a minority, we had to give in order to take. Tell me the last time the MSM ever blamed a Democrat for a shutdown or threat of a shutdown. If it's a Republican President and Democrat Congress, they blame him. If it's a Democrat President and a Republican Congress, they blame the Republican Congress. If it's an all Democrat government, they blame spending on the last Republican administration like DumBama did. As far as the MSM is concerned, it's always the Republicans fault. If more people would stay informed of what's really happening, it wouldn't be such a threat. But the problem is the headline readers believe whatever they print.

Trump was the first President to ever meet with a North Korea leader in person. He promised us tax cuts and we got them. He promised us a stronger and more secure border and we got it. He promised us a great economy and we got it up until Covid. He promised us better trade deals and we got much of it. He promised to have NATO countries contribute their fair share and he did it. He promised us higher wages and we hit a new median household income high. He promised us low fuel prices and we enjoyed just that. He promised us a wall and he built 460 miles of replacement or new wall.

Trump was the best President since Reagan.
Everything Trump ran on he stood by. The deciding issue on the right along with the country was the border that Dementia allowed to go to hell and going to get worse when Title 42 expires.

I never said Trump was Reagan, but Trump is a true conservative even if he never admitted to it. His policies were 100% conservative, and I should know, I'm a conservative myself.
Trump has unilaterally levied billions in tariffs in contravention of free trade and free market principles, raising prices for consumers and putting the squeeze on domestic businesses that rely on foreign sources of supply. Not conservative.

Trump has brokered preferential tax deals for companies like Carrier, picking winners and losers in the exact same way Obama used taxpayer money on pet projects like Solyndra. Not conservative.

Trump has ignored the constitutional separation of powers on several occasions. He has, among other things, tried to unilaterally end the statutory asylum process for refugees and, most recently, threatened to unilaterally declare a “disaster” at our border to appropriate funds that Congress won’t give him. Just because the Constitution makes things tough sometimes doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Not conservative.

Trump has cozied up to our enemies (e.g., Russia and North Korea) for little-to-nothing in return and strained relations with some of our closest allies (e.g., Britain and Canada). Not conservative.

Trump has conducted himself in a way wholly unbecoming of the dignity of the office he holds. He tweets about the fleeting topic du jour like an impetuous teenager and directs the nation’s attention to the dramatic and inconsequential. Not conservative.

Trump has utilized the antitrust laws to threaten and attack certain companies, like “Amazon’s Washington Post,” in order to execute a personal vendetta or just because he’s been rubbed the wrong way. Not conservative.

Trump has routinely made judgments about the quality and ability of Americans based on their race. He once claimed that a Hispanic Article III judge (who was a native-born US citizen) could not fairly adjudicate a dispute because of his heritage. Not conservative.

Trump has, on a number of occasions, undermined the rule of law and the legitimacy of our courts by personally attacking career Justice Department and FBI officials, and attacking the independence and competence of Article III judges. Not conservative.

Trump blindsided his top military advisers and key allies when he abruptly announced that he would withdraw some 2,000 troops from Syria. Ill-planned and lacking any coherent rationale, the move provoked the resignation of then-Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis. Retreating from battlefields on a whim and abandoning our allies like the Kurds is a weak betrayal of our values and our commitments. Not conservative.

Trump has waged war against the press, creating hostile environments for reporters and chilling the freedoms that the Constitution guarantees and upon which this country was built. He attacks and deflects instead of answering questions head on. Snowflake. Not conservative.

Trump’s politics are vindictive, personal, and mean-spirited. He often opts to demean his opponents and critics by calling them names and publicly shaming them, and very rarely makes substantive counterarguments. Not conservative.

Trump has also increased the national debt to historic levels on the back of his $1.3 trillion omnibus spending binge. At $21 trillion, the national debt now stands at a near all-time high. But, Trump is busy tweeting late-night missives at folks and could care less. Not conservative.

Finally, Trump has repeatedly shown himself to be morally bankrupt. He knowingly lies when the facts are uncomfortable for him, rarely if ever takes responsibility for his mistakes, and has attacked women, minorities, the disabled, and vets for political gain. Not conservative.
Just two years ago, conservatives were busy taking folks like Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio to task for being insufficiently conservative over miscues paling in comparison to Trump’s heresies. The cult of hypocrisy that surrounds Trump today is killing our movement’s coherence. Doing a few things we might like doesn’t make up for a mountain of bad things that make a mockery of our beliefs.
So — if you consider yourself a conservative, but you’re wearing a red MAGA hat cheering the president’s every move, please look in the mirror. Ask yourself if Trump really passes the conservative sniff test. Then, snap out of it, throw the hat away, and let’s get back to our principles.


When did "the party" make that statement? Have a link?
Trump has unilaterally levied billions in tariffs in contravention of free trade and free market principles, raising prices for consumers and putting the squeeze on domestic businesses that rely on foreign sources of supply. Not conservative.

Trump has brokered preferential tax deals for companies like Carrier, picking winners and losers in the exact same way Obama used taxpayer money on pet projects like Solyndra. Not conservative.

Trump has ignored the constitutional separation of powers on several occasions. He has, among other things, tried to unilaterally end the statutory asylum process for refugees and, most recently, threatened to unilaterally declare a “disaster” at our border to appropriate funds that Congress won’t give him. Just because the Constitution makes things tough sometimes doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Not conservative.

Trump has cozied up to our enemies (e.g., Russia and North Korea) for little-to-nothing in return and strained relations with some of our closest allies (e.g., Britain and Canada). Not conservative.

Trump has conducted himself in a way wholly unbecoming of the dignity of the office he holds. He tweets about the fleeting topic du jour like an impetuous teenager and directs the nation’s attention to the dramatic and inconsequential. Not conservative.

Trump has utilized the antitrust laws to threaten and attack certain companies, like “Amazon’s Washington Post,” in order to execute a personal vendetta or just because he’s been rubbed the wrong way. Not conservative.

Trump has routinely made judgments about the quality and ability of Americans based on their race. He once claimed that a Hispanic Article III judge (who was a native-born US citizen) could not fairly adjudicate a dispute because of his heritage. Not conservative.

Trump has, on a number of occasions, undermined the rule of law and the legitimacy of our courts by personally attacking career Justice Department and FBI officials, and attacking the independence and competence of Article III judges. Not conservative.

Trump blindsided his top military advisers and key allies when he abruptly announced that he would withdraw some 2,000 troops from Syria. Ill-planned and lacking any coherent rationale, the move provoked the resignation of then-Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis. Retreating from battlefields on a whim and abandoning our allies like the Kurds is a weak betrayal of our values and our commitments. Not conservative.

Trump has waged war against the press, creating hostile environments for reporters and chilling the freedoms that the Constitution guarantees and upon which this country was built. He attacks and deflects instead of answering questions head on. Snowflake. Not conservative.

Trump’s politics are vindictive, personal, and mean-spirited. He often opts to demean his opponents and critics by calling them names and publicly shaming them, and very rarely makes substantive counterarguments. Not conservative.

Trump has also increased the national debt to historic levels on the back of his $1.3 trillion omnibus spending binge. At $21 trillion, the national debt now stands at a near all-time high. But, Trump is busy tweeting late-night missives at folks and could care less. Not conservative.

Finally, Trump has repeatedly shown himself to be morally bankrupt. He knowingly lies when the facts are uncomfortable for him, rarely if ever takes responsibility for his mistakes, and has attacked women, minorities, the disabled, and vets for political gain. Not conservative.
Just two years ago, conservatives were busy taking folks like Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio to task for being insufficiently conservative over miscues paling in comparison to Trump’s heresies. The cult of hypocrisy that surrounds Trump today is killing our movement’s coherence. Doing a few things we might like doesn’t make up for a mountain of bad things that make a mockery of our beliefs.
So — if you consider yourself a conservative, but you’re wearing a red MAGA hat cheering the president’s every move, please look in the mirror. Ask yourself if Trump really passes the conservative sniff test. Then, snap out of it, throw the hat away, and let’s get back to our principles.



Then you don't know what conservative is. Keeping us out of war, trying to keep businesses here, keeping invaders out of our country, trying to broker deals with our enemies so we don't need to shed treasure are all conservative ideas. We on the right are sick of the lying MSM and it's about time a real conservative went after liars instead of crawling in a corner and hiding.

Misuse of power? Your commie got people fired for not taking a shot at his demand. Even the courts had to stop his authoritarianism for private companies. He used the FBI to find his daughters stolen diary which is a local police matter, not a federal one. The commies in Congress were even collecting metadata of the phones of their political opponents. Two impeachments without one impeachable offense. And talk about debt, the big eared commie put us 10 trillion further in the hole, much of it for social programs. At least Trump used the money to rebuild our military that benefits all Americans.

All appropriation bills come from the House, two of the four years controlled by the Communists.

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