Musk says to vote for Trump so Musk can get rich and send people to Mars.

"Elon Musk has vowed to get "anyone who wants to be a space traveller" to Mars - but not if Kamala Harris becomes US president."

So, basically this is Musk saying he will get rich from Trump. Something that Trump said before.

In a country that is increasing seeing the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.... electing a rich guy and expecting him to make the poor better off... it didn't happen the first time around and it won't happen the second time around.

Musk is literally paying bribes to Trump because he wants to pay less taxes, or no taxes (who knows?) if Trump gets in.
Makes sense – Trump and Musk are equally corrupt and dishonest.
Yes, it's a problem for me.

Here's a chart showing the percentage of wealth the top 1% have.

In 1979 you're looking at 7%-11% of all wealth depending on what you're looking at.

Now it's 13%-19% and at times it gets above 20%.

If that's not a problem for you, then you must be rich and not give a shit about other people.

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In the 2008 economic crisis, 7 million people lost their homes. Most of these were people who just wanted a home to live in, not people with 20 properties, but people with one, and because of what the RICH did (the same rich that control the government, the same rich that sent poor people to die in Iraq and Afghanistan) they lost their homes. And who do you think profited from this? Banks and people who could afford to buy these homes, as in, rich people, and usually people with a "property portfolio".

Personally, I earned what I have, and I don't covet what others have earned. You're acting like an envious child.

Oh how can you believe this crap????

You think Trump is sacrificing himself for the US... that's absurd...

Trump has a thought, any publicity is good for him. He's making money out of it. Look at Truth Social, how much is that worth?
Two crazed libs have tried to kill him.

"Elon Musk has vowed to get "anyone who wants to be a space traveller" to Mars - but not if Kamala Harris becomes US president."

So, basically this is Musk saying he will get rich from Trump. Something that Trump said before.

In a country that is increasing seeing the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.... electing a rich guy and expecting him to make the poor better off... it didn't happen the first time around and it won't happen the second time around.

Musk is literally paying bribes to Trump because he wants to pay less taxes, or no taxes (who knows?) if Trump gets in.
Democrats have been telling Americans to buy EV's and even changing laws and giving tax credits so more Americans buy Teslas, making Musk richer and richer.
Yeah, they were. What makes you think they weren't?

Membership of a local shooting club. Wanted to be in the shooting club at school but was rejected. Walked around in hunting gear. Sure... doesn't say "Republican" or "right wing", but more likely to be so.

"Authorities have said that Crooks's political views are unknown, and they have not determined whether his assassination attempt was politically motivated.[6] Public records do not indicate his views."

"On January 20, 2021 when he was 17, he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic Party donation platform ActBlue.[13][48][18][49] His donation was made on the same day that President Biden was sworn into office.[12] According to the Progressive Turnout Project, he made the donation in response to an email about "tuning into" the inauguration. He unsubscribed from the group's mailing list in 2022.[50][47]

Crooks had been registered to vote since September 2021, when he turned 18.[2] He registered as a Republican[2][3][48][51] and he voted only once, in the 2022 midterm elections."

" public statement from FBI deputy director Paul Abbate described Crooks's activity on social networking services as including comments that "appear to reflect antisemitic and anti-immigration themes" and "espouse political violence""

He was 20 years old. Probably didn't know what he was. He wasn't liberal, probably wasn't conservative either.

He was bullied, he was a little unstable. That instability probably led him to going onto social media and saying things that were a little crazy, boys do that. It doesn't mean they are anything. It could have developed into something, it could have fizzled out.

But he wasn't a "liberal".

This guy was just a wack job and had been for a long time. Certainly his craziness led him to more far right extremist views, but also potentially far left.

"According to posts on his Twitter account in 2020, Routh has expressed shifting political views over the years."

This being he supported Trump, then hated Trump for not doing the craziness that Routh wanted him to do, or though Trump would do.

"Routh also supported Bernie Sanders in 2020, criticizing Joe Biden as "Sleepy Joe"."

Which seems to show that he'll go to the more extreme of politics. That doesn't make him a liberal. Liberals are close to the center of politics but on the left. Like a conservative will be to the center of politics but on the right. This guy was far-whatever took his fancy.

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