Musk Takes Control of Twitter- Heads Begin To Roll.

I loved Musk's tweet this am... "The Bird is FREE"....
Will see how free Twitter will be. what if advertisers threaten to cut ties because of speech they don’t like?

Twitter is not going to turn into a free for all like you guys are acting it will be.
Will see how free Twitter will be. what if advertisers threaten to cut ties because of speech they don’t like?

Twitter is not going to turn into a free for all like you guys are acting it will be.

General Motors paused advertising on Twitter
On Twitter I followed back about 40 or 50 new followers today, almost all reactivated dormant accounts or re-created accounts after the people deleted them when Twitter banned Trump. Many many previously banned blue check (verified accounts for well known people) have been unbanned.

I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter, but when I'm there, there is a sense of a new wind blowing, excitement, enthusiasm that hasn't been there for a very long time.

My hope is that Musk will follow through and be effective in his intent to make Twitter truly a free speech forum where all are treated alike and the staff isn't scouring the forum looking for conservatives/Patriot to restrict or suspend.

But I don't want it to go the way of some of the new start up social media sites that are ruined IMO by people posting mostly false quotes, insulting, even cruel memes attacking public figures, etc. with completely fabricated accusations. However unfair and discriminatory the previous Twitter owners/managers were, they did keep it reasonably civil.

If Elon pulls that off, I think he'll quickly earn back his investment and a whole lot more.

You do know that average citizens running their mouth isn’t a reputable source for information. Right? There has to be a place for nonsense in order to make life more bearable.

Honor freedom of expression above all else. Anybody looking to semi anonymous private citizens for news should be your concern not the lying liar heads that will always exist until the end of time. Freedom of speech allows us to be idiots that post garbage. Fake news will always be exposed if you dig deep enough. The lies need to be there too so they can be measured up against the truth. The lies should be exposed and posted everywhere. They should never be deleted. You are anti Free Speech and I don’t like it. Stop hating American values. It’s gross and makes me want to puke repeatedly.
You do know that average citizens running their mouth isn’t a reputable source for information. Right? There has to be a place for nonsense in order to make life more bearable.

Honor freedom of expression above all else. Anybody looking to semi anonymous private citizens for news should be your concern not the lying liar heads that will always exist until the end of time. Freedom of speech allows us to be idiots that post garbage. Fake news will always be exposed if you dig deep enough. The lies need to be there too so they can be measured up against the truth. The lies should be exposed and posted everywhere. They should never be deleted. You are anti Free Speech and I don’t like it. Stop hating American values. It’s gross and makes me want to puke repeatedly.
That qualifies as the most non sequitur post of the day. Congratulatioms. Do have a pleasant evening.
It's not like GM builds cars worth buying.

I love our German engineered buggys

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did. But he did give me an inadvertent tip: He said he seldom works on any Toyota's less than 10 years old. So I bought one and have had three of them since. Not one has seen a tow truck, left me stranded somewhere, or caused me to be late for work or forced to take the day off.
That qualifies as the most non sequitur post of the day. Congratulatioms. Do have a pleasant evening.

What is your opinion on Freedom of Speech? You don’t have to answer. You know what your opinion of free speech is.
Not all businesses advertising are snowflake liberals.

Hmmm I never thought about it that way. Are you suggesting that all of the censorship is financially motivated and not politically motivated?

If that’s the case then it is much more palatable for me.

I always thought it was ok for privately owned websites such as twitter, Facebook, instagram and all them to censor the crap out of anybody they choose but I didn’t like it. It is only the government that doesn’t have the right to censor.

With that being said I passionately hate anybody that shows any hatred for the free exchange of both good and bad ideas. It makes me more comfortable to believe that this censorship was a result of appeasing advertisers and not necessarily to silence average people with good and bad opinions.
I always thought it was ok for privately owned websites such as twitter, Facebook, instagram and all them to censor the crap out of anybody they choose but I didn’t like it. It is only the government that doesn’t have the right to censor.

Except the government was doing it by proxy.
He has already fired the top tech people thst attacked trump and censor news.

We don't know what criteria he is using as to whom to fire and who to retain. If he fires people strictly because they aren't Patriots then he would be as bad as the former top dogs at Twitter. So I hope he would not do that. Has he fired those employees who have openly disrespected him already? I would.

I hope he retains people not on their personal ideology but on their attitude, expertise, ability, track record and their ability to be objective and not allow their personal beliefs and biases affect their work.

I do know I'm already seeing a lot more Patriot tweets and my own tweets are being seen more based on the number of likes and retweets though. So maybe it's already better.
I find it ironic. Now I don't use the platform so I have no care one way or the other but those who condemned Twitters censorship of the site will be it's downfall.

SAN FRANCISCO – In the wake of Mr Elon Musk buying Twitter, a tide of slurs and racist memes swelled on the platform, sparking concern that the site is entering an era of hateful speech.

Elon Musk's Twitter roils with hate speech as trolls test new limits

One of two things will happen. Musk will enact the same sort of controls OR the advertisers will flee and it will collapse.

Now I imagine many will be fine with it collapsing.

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