Musk Takes Control of Twitter- Heads Begin To Roll.

Oh yeah? If that’s true then I imagine the connection would be impossible to prove. Maybe some rogue actor in government possibly paying off Facebook?

We do have some proof. The FBI went to Facebook and told them the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation knowing they would remove any posts about it. The ONLY reason we know that much is because Suckerberg said so during an interview. But......I'm sure (as you stated) a lot of that is under the covers. They still have control over Facebook, but just lost control over Twitter.

We have to get these Nazis out of power or we are going to lose this country under a police state.

I find it ironic. Now I don't use the platform so I have no care one way or the other but those who condemned Twitters censorship of the site will be it's downfall.

SAN FRANCISCO – In the wake of Mr Elon Musk buying Twitter, a tide of slurs and racist memes swelled on the platform, sparking concern that the site is entering an era of hateful speech.

Elon Musk's Twitter roils with hate speech as trolls test new limits

One of two things will happen. Musk will enact the same sort of controls OR the advertisers will flee and it will collapse.

Now I imagine many will be fine with it collapsing.

If anything it will get better. If they lose sponsors new ones will replace them. I'm sure Twitter lost a lot of members as they became political, or people never signed up (like myself) because of their reputation. Now they will be attracting those people and bringing some of their old users back.
If anything it will get better. If they lose sponsors new ones will replace them. I'm sure Twitter lost a lot of members as they became political, or people never signed up (like myself) because of their reputation. Now they will be attracting those people and bringing some of their old users back.

White sheets to go along with pillows?
I have no idea WTF that's even supposed to mean. Twitter will be rocky for a few months, and as it becomes a back page story, advertisers will sneak back into the company and nobody will even notice.

I'm a doubting it. Not unless like I said, Musk does the same things Twitter has been condemned for.

Main stream advertisers are not going to post along side people showing their asses to the world.
I'm a doubting it. Not unless like I said, Musk does the same things Twitter has been condemned for.

Main stream advertisers are not going to post along side people showing their asses to the world.
Yes they are. Just as they have done for since people have been showing their asses.

To be quite frank, most have already realized that the very vocal minority of idiots that just cannot stand purchasing items from a company that may advertise on a platform that they do not like represents a tiny, tiny tiny minority of customers.

They already have for the most part, advertisers pulling out for silly shit like this is becoming more and more rare. Whatever Musk does, several advertisers will leave, several new ones will arrive and in a month or two no one will care one little bit and most will return. The fact is there is nowhere else that you can purchase twitters product.
Be interesting to see what Musk does with it now that he has it.
Last I read the intends to completely reorganize its business model and integrate several different services that have previously been unexplored. The guy has the Midas touch.

The epic meltdown is starting. Watching this is almost as much fun as watching MSNBC on election night 2016.

That is my definition of Hell



Oh... you mean once the Rs win, right?

In that case..


opposite of Hell


That is my definition of Hell



Oh... you mean once the Rs win, right?

In that case..


opposite of Hell


In 2016 when Trump ran, and Trump starting looking solid, I was flipping over to watch the meltdown at MSNBC.

Carville snapped at one point with an almost audible snapping sound. As one of the sharper tools in the Dem shed he realized early that things were bad and Hillary was going to lose, and he just completely checked out. The lights were still on but nobody was home. LOL.

The others degraded over the evening to the point that it looked like any one of them was ready to jump off of a bridge. Watching Maddow lose her mind as they all did one crazy long shot mathematical gyration after the next to figure out how Clinton could still somehow possibly win, and obviously could not believe what they were seeing as their coronation party turned into a funeral, was one of the most epic nights of television ever.

I'll be doing the same tomorrow without a doubt.

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