Muslim bakeries refuse to cater same sex weddings too

Yeah...but see....its different. I cant say just it.
this pos thread by kosher hag is her way of bringing the Christians and Muslims together to battle A COMMON FOE the gay mafia ....
Yep. Here's the new slogan.

American Christians: Striving To Be More Like Muslims.......Every Day!
So you know what this means don't you ?

Tomorrow expect to see a huge backlash against this bakery. There will be hundreds or perhaps thousands of hypocrites, errrrrrr, I mean liberals, that will be marching in front of this bakery.
Liberals will also be taking to Facebook and Twitter, and will be sending death threats, hateful e-mails, etc etc.
So get ready, by tomorrow this will be all over cable news for several days.

This will also help the local economy of Dearborn, since as we speak liberals around the country at this very minute are readying their plane tickets so they can fly there and protest.
This means all local hotels and restaurants will be filled to the brim for several days during the days of protests.

Al and Jess are also no doubt readying Air Farce One, in order to get there in time to lead the marches and candlelight vigils.

Get ready folks, like testicles, the libs are about to descend on Dearborn !!!
At 3.28 in the video the guy says some Muslim bakeries offered to make the gay cake. Betcha those are some funny video's.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
Why didnt someone take the Muslim bakeries to court?

Lol !! You're kidding, right ?

Who's going to sue ? Unless a conservative does it just to see what happens, no one is going to do anything whatsoever.
Gays and libs, the fucking hypocrites that they are, will keep their mouths shut, and the media will not lift a finger to investigate.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
Why didnt someone take the Muslim bakeries to court?

Lol !! You're kidding, right ?

Who's going to sue ? Unless a conservative does it just to see what happens, no one is going to do anything whatsoever.
Gays and libs, the fucking hypocrites that they are, will keep their mouths shut, and the media will not lift a finger to investigate.
Why would I be kidding? You can take a Muslim bakery to court just like you can take a chrisitan one to court. If there is discrimination stop whining and take them to court. You dont need the media, libs, or gays to do that.
will there now be another faux culture war over which is gayer: dolly Madison. hostess or little Debbie .....!
will there now be another faux culture war over which is gayer: dolly Madison. hostess or little Debbie .....!
A new business of designing and producing gay cakes has been created since this issue has made the news. Gay cakes have multi coloured rainbow layers and frosting schemes.
As soon as bakers figure out how much money there is to be made from selling gay cakes everyone will be making them, including most Christian and Muslims. Add some food coloring and a few splashes of colored icing and tack on a hundred bucks.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
Why didnt someone take the Muslim bakeries to court?

Lol !! You're kidding, right ?

Who's going to sue ? Unless a conservative does it just to see what happens, no one is going to do anything whatsoever.
Gays and libs, the fucking hypocrites that they are, will keep their mouths shut, and the media will not lift a finger to investigate.
Why would I be kidding? You can take a Muslim bakery to court just like you can take a chrisitan one to court. If there is discrimination stop whining and take them to court. You dont need the media, libs, or gays to do that.

The point is, where are the libs ? Where are the Gays ? They are the ones to raise holy hell when a Christian who owns a business refuses to render services. Christians or conservatives won't give a fuck about this, it's you guys on the left who go after businesses who are considered anti-gay.
So where are you ?

The reason I'm laughing at you over this is because I know nothing is going to occur here. There won't be some lib reporter that shows up like they did at Memories Pizza in order to get a story on the six o'clock news. There won't be a mob showing up to protest, there won't be a social media effort to destroy this Muslim business.
It will be crickets.
will there now be another faux culture war over which is gayer: dolly Madison. hostess or little Debbie .....!
A new business of designing and producing gay cakes has been created since this issue has made the news. Gay cakes have multi coloured rainbow layers and frosting schemes.
As soon as bakers figure out how much money there is to be made from selling gay cakes everyone will be making them, including most Christian and Muslims. Add some food coloring and a few splashes of colored icing and tack on a hundred bucks.

You keep telling yourself that, lol.

The fact of the matter is the hysterical fags are an extremist minority in this country. The majority has made it clear, again and again and again, that we want nothing to do with your fanatical ideology. You aren't the majority, the majority doesn't side with you, the majority sees you as lunatic fringe and potentially dangerous, given your unstable nature and propensity to be both mentally ill and violent. We put up with you to a point, but now the point has been reached and it's time for you to sit down and shut the fuck up, or you're going to find you have painted yourselves into a corner where you are VERY restricted.

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