Muslim bakeries refuse to cater same sex weddings too

will there now be another faux culture war over which is gayer: dolly Madison. hostess or little Debbie .....!
A new business of designing and producing gay cakes has been created since this issue has made the news. Gay cakes have multi coloured rainbow layers and frosting schemes.
As soon as bakers figure out how much money there is to be made from selling gay cakes everyone will be making them, including most Christian and Muslims. Add some food coloring and a few splashes of colored icing and tack on a hundred bucks.

You keep telling yourself that, lol.

The fact of the matter is the hysterical fags are an extremist minority in this country. The majority has made it clear, again and again and again, that we want nothing to do with your fanatical ideology. You aren't the majority, the majority doesn't side with you, the majority sees you as lunatic fringe and potentially dangerous, given your unstable nature and propensity to be both mentally ill and violent. We put up with you to a point, but now the point has been reached and it's time for you to sit down and shut the fuck up, or you're going to find you have painted yourselves into a corner where you are VERY restricted.
will there now be another faux culture war over which is gayer: dolly Madison. hostess or little Debbie .....!
A new business of designing and producing gay cakes has been created since this issue has made the news. Gay cakes have multi coloured rainbow layers and frosting schemes.
As soon as bakers figure out how much money there is to be made from selling gay cakes everyone will be making them, including most Christian and Muslims. Add some food coloring and a few splashes of colored icing and tack on a hundred bucks.

You keep telling yourself that, lol.

The fact of the matter is the hysterical fags are an extremist minority in this country. The majority has made it clear, again and again and again, that we want nothing to do with your fanatical ideology. You aren't the majority, the majority doesn't side with you, the majority sees you as lunatic fringe and potentially dangerous, given your unstable nature and propensity to be both mentally ill and violent. We put up with you to a point, but now the point has been reached and it's time for you to sit down and shut the fuck up, or you're going to find you have painted yourselves into a corner where you are VERY restricted.
Umm, might want to double check the numbers on that. Your imagined view of how everyone else thinks doesn't really cut it.
Same sex marriage is now legal in 70% of the United States.

Ahhh, progress is lovely.

Too bad, so sad, yo' dad.
I always enjoy Stephen Crowders work......and of course.....they won't go after these bakeries even though they actually are open and just ripe for the same law suits that are targeting Christians....but.........those random Muslims just murdered 12 cartoonists over...cartoons.....imagine what random nut job muslims would do if gays tried to force these bakers to make cakes..........

The libs are cowards......
Gallup in 1996 - 27% favored gay marriage.

Gallup in early 2014?



Take that "L" - bigots. America is bigger than you.
Gallup in 1996 - 27% favored gay marriage.

Gallup in early 2014?



Take that "L" - bigots. America is bigger than you.

What does that have to do with Muslims discriminating against gays ?
It has to do with post #20, in this very thread.

What are ya, reading the thread in reverse chronological order or something?
Same sex marriage is now legal in 70% of the United States.

Ahhh, progress is lovely.

Too bad, so sad, yo' dad.
Only because the activist courts forced it upon an unwilling population.

Face it. The population views you as extremist whackos. Now sit down and shut up.
Same sex marriage is now legal in 70% of the United States.

Ahhh, progress is lovely.

Too bad, so sad, yo' dad.
Only because the activist courts forced it upon an unwilling population.

Face it. The population views you as extremist whackos. Now sit down and shut up.
The population???

you moron, 60% are AGAINST you on this.

And the other 40 arent all with you. Within said 40% are the undecideds.

It's nice and all that you think you can make up numbers out of whole cloth and all, but the majority of Americans are pro gay marriage.

All polls show this.

And YOUR data, is where?

Ohhhhhhhh........that's right. You don't have any.

Too bad, so sad, yo dad.
will there now be another faux culture war over which is gayer: dolly Madison. hostess or little Debbie .....!
A new business of designing and producing gay cakes has been created since this issue has made the news. Gay cakes have multi coloured rainbow layers and frosting schemes.
As soon as bakers figure out how much money there is to be made from selling gay cakes everyone will be making them, including most Christian and Muslims. Add some food coloring and a few splashes of colored icing and tack on a hundred bucks.

You keep telling yourself that, lol.

The fact of the matter is the hysterical fags are an extremist minority in this country. The majority has made it clear, again and again and again, that we want nothing to do with your fanatical ideology. You aren't the majority, the majority doesn't side with you, the majority sees you as lunatic fringe and potentially dangerous, given your unstable nature and propensity to be both mentally ill and violent. We put up with you to a point, but now the point has been reached and it's time for you to sit down and shut the fuck up, or you're going to find you have painted yourselves into a corner where you are VERY restricted.
37 states and soon to be 50 you _cunt. :thup:
There is a very good reason why gays and libs will dismiss this. This "movement" has nothing to do with rights, and everything to do with attacking Christians. For proof of that look no farther than this thread.
There is no gay rights umbrage of Muslims or gays who refuse service to others. That is reserved for Christians and Jews. Gays and liberals will do business with Iran, but not Indiana.
There is a very good reason why gays and libs will dismiss this. This "movement" has nothing to do with rights, and everything to do with attacking Christians. For proof of that look no farther than this thread.
There is no gay rights umbrage of Muslims or gays who refuse service to others. That is reserved for Christians and Jews. Gays and liberals will do business with Iran, but not Indiana.
You're a moron
And you are transparent. Hate will win the day. And you are full of it. Like I said, no need to go further than this thread to show the vitriol against Christians. It has nothing to do with equal rights, or gay discrimination, or black vs white.
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And you are transparent. Hate will win the day. And you are full of it.
You all aren't even worth talking to anymore about this your ridiculous. Claiming persecution when it's you all calling these decent people pedophiles and sinners because some supernatural entity told you they're evil. They're PEOPLE.

You all are wrong, you're on the wrong side of history, you are losing and you will eventually completely lose on this. History will remember you as an asshole.

But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
Sucks for them they can't discriminate either. They can go back to their shithole countries if they can't follow our laws.
Go shout them down and shut them down. I dare you.
Wow why are you such a pussy.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
Sucks for them they can't discriminate either. They can go back to their shithole countries if they can't follow our laws.
Go shout them down and shut them down. I dare you.
Wow why are you such a pussy.
Afraid, eh? Hypocrite.
The only way libs and gays will get involved is if the business is a Christian one. Look at Old School. His garbage is reserved for anti religion. Rights have nothing to do with it. You'll find no indignation or anger on this thread over Muslim cake baking doctrine, by gays and libs. And the proof will be that no financial harm will come to any business owners other than Christian ones. Don't take my word for it. Watch it not become an issue for non Christian businesses.

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