Muslim bakeries refuse to cater same sex weddings too

But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
The guy who filmed this needs to report it to the authorities, like the other couples have. I assume that where this happened has an active PA law in place to deal with this, right? If he has not reported it....yet, I'd like to know why not.
Because its not about fixing discrimination. Its about whining that some groups dont get news coverage for their discrimination.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

Okay- so I watched this entertainment video.

Am I outraged? Well since I never actually saw any bakery owner say that they would not provide a wedding cake or that they actually refused business because it was a gay marriage- my outrage is somewhat muted. That was some fancy editing going on there- almost like they wanted to influence easily swayed homophobes.

But- here is the thing- if the guy doing the filming really thought the bakeries were discriminating against him- he had access to whatever public accommodation laws that Dearborn and Michigan have.

I support the right of this guy to sue the Muslim bakeries for refusing to bake his gay wedding cake if they are violating local or state law.

The Muslim bakers have the exact same obligation to comply with laws as every other baker.

Then ask yourself, Why aren't they targeted by the media? Where are the hordes of gays and libs protesting their establishments?
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

Okay- so I watched this entertainment video.

Am I outraged? Well since I never actually saw any bakery owner say that they would not provide a wedding cake or that they actually refused business because it was a gay marriage- my outrage is somewhat muted. That was some fancy editing going on there- almost like they wanted to influence easily swayed homophobes.

But- here is the thing- if the guy doing the filming really thought the bakeries were discriminating against him- he had access to whatever public accommodation laws that Dearborn and Michigan have.

I support the right of this guy to sue the Muslim bakeries for refusing to bake his gay wedding cake if they are violating local or state law.

The Muslim bakers have the exact same obligation to comply with laws as every other baker.

Then ask yourself, Why aren't they targeted by the media? Where are the hordes of gays and libs protesting their establishments?
The whole situation springs from the stupid media. They're the ones who create these issues.
And School, you don't have the courage to stand behind your convictions. Go tell them what side of history they're on....... ;)
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Old Fool, then go get 'em boy......... :) Show us how fair and impartial you are. Spew some hate on those Muslim and Gay bakers. Tell them there on the wrong side of history. Put them out of business too! :happy-1:
Christians and muslims, who are not all that dissimilar in their beliefs, are not allowed to discriminate in this country. Christian and muslim bakers, who have uncannily similar social beliefs, can go fuck themselves if they think they can practice hate and bigotry in the marketplace of a free country.

Nevertheless they are discriminating! Muslim hate Christian cakes. And so do gays. They are the Indiana of their cities. They deserve what you gave Indiana! Incite! Assault! Protest! Put them out of business! Raise your indignation flag and let it fly!
Sue them. Watch as you win. Liberals won't defend them, and conservatives won't defend them. So there is nothing to protest.

In the case of the Christian bakers the entire right rose up in bigoted fury, and THAT'S why the left protested. Out of fear that bigots would get their way.
Old, Grab your rainbow flag and your indignation and tell them you insist they put their beliefs aside and bake cakes for anybody that wants cake or close up shop and let's see if your balls grow back.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

Okay- so I watched this entertainment video.

Am I outraged? Well since I never actually saw any bakery owner say that they would not provide a wedding cake or that they actually refused business because it was a gay marriage- my outrage is somewhat muted. That was some fancy editing going on there- almost like they wanted to influence easily swayed homophobes.

But- here is the thing- if the guy doing the filming really thought the bakeries were discriminating against him- he had access to whatever public accommodation laws that Dearborn and Michigan have.

I support the right of this guy to sue the Muslim bakeries for refusing to bake his gay wedding cake if they are violating local or state law.

The Muslim bakers have the exact same obligation to comply with laws as every other baker.

Then ask yourself, Why aren't they targeted by the media? Where are the hordes of gays and libs protesting their establishments?
The whole situation springs from the stupid media. They're the ones who create these issues.
Yeah Fox News made a pretty fucking penny riling you bastards up. If you'd ignored it and let the law work its course no one would have ever heard of this.
Old, Grab your rainbow flag and your indignation and tell them you insist they put their beliefs aside and bake cakes for anybody that wants cake or close up shop and let's see if your balls grow back.
They will already bake a cake for anyone you miserable prick.
Old Fool, then go get 'em boy......... :) Show us how fair and impartial you are. Spew some hate on those Muslim and Gay bakers. Tell them there on the wrong side of history. Put them out of business too! :happy-1:
Christians and muslims, who are not all that dissimilar in their beliefs, are not allowed to discriminate in this country. Christian and muslim bakers, who have uncannily similar social beliefs, can go fuck themselves if they think they can practice hate and bigotry in the marketplace of a free country.

Nevertheless they are discriminating! Muslim hate Christian cakes. And so do gays. They are the Indiana of their cities. They deserve what you gave Indiana! Incite! Assault! Protest! Put them out of business! Raise your indignation flag and let it fly!
Sue them. Watch as you win. Liberals won't defend them, and conservatives won't defend them. So there is nothing to protest.

In the case of the Christian bakers the entire right rose up in bigoted fury, and THAT'S why the left protested. Out of fear that bigots would get their way.

You mean like the pizza shop was quietly sued? You are a mouthy hypocrite. And your agenda is showing...
Old Fool, then go get 'em boy......... :) Show us how fair and impartial you are. Spew some hate on those Muslim and Gay bakers. Tell them there on the wrong side of history. Put them out of business too! :happy-1:
Christians and muslims, who are not all that dissimilar in their beliefs, are not allowed to discriminate in this country. Christian and muslim bakers, who have uncannily similar social beliefs, can go fuck themselves if they think they can practice hate and bigotry in the marketplace of a free country.

Nevertheless they are discriminating! Muslim hate Christian cakes. And so do gays. They are the Indiana of their cities. They deserve what you gave Indiana! Incite! Assault! Protest! Put them out of business! Raise your indignation flag and let it fly!
Sue them. Watch as you win. Liberals won't defend them, and conservatives won't defend them. So there is nothing to protest.

In the case of the Christian bakers the entire right rose up in bigoted fury, and THAT'S why the left protested. Out of fear that bigots would get their way.

You mean like the pizza shop was quietly sued? You are a mouthy hypocrite. And your agenda is showing...
Freedom Is rarely won without casualties.
Old, Grab your rainbow flag and your indignation and tell them you insist they put their beliefs aside and bake cakes for anybody that wants cake or close up shop and let's see if your balls grow back.
They will already bake a cake for anyone you miserable prick.

Oh my, apparently not. But that's ok, as long as they're not Christians. How about that pizza shop! Sued? No. Targeted, yes. Stick your feigned outrage. You have fooled no one.
the quality or state of being free: as. a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.
Unless of course, the pizza shop is owned by a Christian.
Why is it you only constrain Christian businesses?
Old, Grab your rainbow flag and your indignation and tell them you insist they put their beliefs aside and bake cakes for anybody that wants cake or close up shop and let's see if your balls grow back.
They will already bake a cake for anyone you miserable prick.

Oh my, apparently not. But that's ok, as long as they're not Christians. How about that pizza shop! Sued? No. Targeted, yes. Stick your feigned outrage. You have fooled no one.
You want people to trash gay businesses? Then go and get it started. First you have to find a gay business that won't serve you because they think you're evil and have been perverted by some kind of evil supernatural being.

Once you've witnessed this terrible act of bigotry you can get people to protest it. Good luck. I bet you'll fail miserably though.
the quality or state of being free: as. a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.
Unless of course, the pizza shop is owned by a Christian.
Why is it you only constrain Christian businesses?
You are delusional.
60% favor gay marriage. Highest it's ever been and the graph is trending upward.


Because open minded young folks are smarter than middle aged stuck in their ways curmudgeons.

Poll 60 percent of likely voters back gay marriage - Steven Shepard - POLITICO

right wing owned WSJ says 59%. ouch, koshergrl really is delusional in her estimations!

Support for Gay Marriage Hits All-Time High WSJ NBC News Poll - Washington Wire - WSJ

So we can count on you to protest this bakery ?
Old, Grab your rainbow flag and your indignation and tell them you insist they put their beliefs aside and bake cakes for anybody that wants cake or close up shop and let's see if your balls grow back.
They will already bake a cake for anyone you miserable prick.

Oh my, apparently not. But that's ok, as long as they're not Christians. How about that pizza shop! Sued? No. Targeted, yes. Stick your feigned outrage. You have fooled no one.
You want people to trash gay businesses? Then go and get it started. First you have to find a gay business that won't serve you because they think you're evil and have been perverted by some kind of evil supernatural being.

Once you've witnessed this terrible act of bigotry you can get people to protest it. Good luck. I bet you'll fail miserably though.

Cool, so we can count on you to get over to this bakery to join the huge protest that will be occurring tomorrow ?
will there now be another faux culture war over which is gayer: dolly Madison. hostess or little Debbie .....!
A new business of designing and producing gay cakes has been created since this issue has made the news. Gay cakes have multi coloured rainbow layers and frosting schemes.
As soon as bakers figure out how much money there is to be made from selling gay cakes everyone will be making them, including most Christian and Muslims. Add some food coloring and a few splashes of colored icing and tack on a hundred bucks.

You keep telling yourself that, lol.

The fact of the matter is the hysterical fags are an extremist minority in this country. The majority has made it clear, again and again and again, that we want nothing to do with your fanatical ideology. You aren't the majority, the majority doesn't side with you, the majority sees you as lunatic fringe and potentially dangerous, given your unstable nature and propensity to be both mentally ill and violent. We put up with you to a point, but now the point has been reached and it's time for you to sit down and shut the fuck up, or you're going to find you have painted yourselves into a corner where you are VERY restricted.
Your response indicates you interpreted my post to indicate I am a gay person? When someone asked a question about what a gay cake was I googled gay cake. The first item to come up was a link to a company called Pinterest that showed actual gay cakes. That you would get all that nonsense out of the post just shows what a true idiot you are. And what is with the "we" crap. Who do you think you are talking for? Did you get elected to something?

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