Muslim bakeries refuse to cater same sex weddings too

This thread proves a hypocritical point. That this really isn't about anyone's rights. It is an anti Christian movement. To be homophobic is a horrible thing, while being Christian phobic is sheik. If you think a Christian business that was TARGETED lost the battle, follow that owner to the bank. She is victorious to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of support.

Iran cuts the penis off and shoves it in the gay man's mouth, before they kill poor soul, and yet you applaud your Muslim president hoping into bed with nations full of gay killers, while you put a woman, trying to make a living, out of business. And you expect us to give any credence to your outrage? Are you that impotent? Washington DC is what you should be targeting. Billions of our dollars are going to Muslim gay haters around the globe and you applaud it, as long as it isn't Christian.

Al-Fatiha estimates that 4,000 homosexuals have been executed in Iran since their revolution in 1979. 10 public executions of homosexuals have been performed in Afghanistan by the Taliban army.

Your aim is off. Here is your real target:
The North American Islamic Society
And yet not a whisper from the libs and gays.
Put them out of business, old school with your righteous indignation.... Then maybe your opinion might carry some weight.
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The fake Christians are taking the ass beating really poorly. Believing they got beat by the gays or lib's is great. Most of them are to stupid to realize they were beat by conservative corporate CEO's who refused to jeapordize the bottom line over their obsessive hatred, fears and hypocrisy.

Raised by 28,296 people in 2 days

Yeah. WE'RE the ones getting spanked, lol.

I have to ask...why do you feel compelled to continue to vapidly insist that business owners who adhere to their religious principles are going to be *schooled* by the gaystapo? And why do you feel compelled to state, over and over again, that you've *won* when in reality, you guys who called for the gaycott are the ones looking retarded..and never more so than when you squeal "we won! we won! You look like big doody pants!"

Save us all from limp wristed imbeciles.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

Okay- so I watched this entertainment video.

Am I outraged? Well since I never actually saw any bakery owner say that they would not provide a wedding cake or that they actually refused business because it was a gay marriage- my outrage is somewhat muted. That was some fancy editing going on there- almost like they wanted to influence easily swayed homophobes.

But- here is the thing- if the guy doing the filming really thought the bakeries were discriminating against him- he had access to whatever public accommodation laws that Dearborn and Michigan have.

I support the right of this guy to sue the Muslim bakeries for refusing to bake his gay wedding cake if they are violating local or state law.

The Muslim bakers have the exact same obligation to comply with laws as every other baker.

Then ask yourself, Why aren't they targeted by the media? Where are the hordes of gays and libs protesting their establishments?


Because no gay couple has filed charges against them.

Probably because no gay couple has gone to a Muslim Bakery to try to get a cake and been refused.

However, the person who claims he was not served can do just that- let him go ahead and file his complaint and lawsuit- and I will support him exactly as I have supported every other couple who is denied service for being gay.
This thread proves a hypocritical point. That this really isn't about anyone's rights. It is an anti Christian movement.t.

This thread tries to make that claim.

But as usual this is the usual 'We Christians are such victims" BS.

All business's are expected to follow the law- even Christian owned business's. Even Muslim owned business's.

Any gay couple actually refused service because they are gay, in a State where they are protected by the law, has every right to file a complaint or lawsuit against a non-compliant business.

The guy who posted this video could do this today- why hasn't he?

Why hasn't this guy actually done what gay couples have done when they are refused service?

Because he is pandering to Christian 'victims'- there is nothing in that video that shows him actually denied service for a gay wedding cake- the video was carefully edited- and even then he couldn't come up with an actual statement saying "hey we will not make a wedding cake for a gay wedding'

Just more Christian victimhood on display.
The fake Christians are taking the ass beating really poorly. Believing they got beat by the gays or lib's is great. Most of them are to stupid to realize they were beat by conservative corporate CEO's who refused to jeapordize the bottom line over their obsessive hatred, fears and hypocrisy.

Raised by 28,296 people in 2 days

Yeah. WE'RE the ones getting spanked, lol.

I have to ask...why do you feel compelled to continue to vapidly insist that business owners who adhere to their religious principles are going to be *schooled* by the gaystapo? And why do you feel compelled to state, over and over again, that you've *won* when in reality, you guys who called for the gaycott are the ones looking retarded..and never more so than when you squeal "we won! we won! You look like big doody pants!"

Save us all from limp wristed imbeciles.
The gays and whoever else went after the pizza business were wrong with the methods they used. I think it is great that they are going to walk away with a bundle of cash. It is a sideshow in comparison to the big picture however. The big picture is that a law was passed that allowed private business to discriminate against LGBT's and others. The pizza place got all the attention because they were the first to come out and say that they would use the law to discriminate. They made themselves a target. Again, the big picture is that the law was confronted by groups and persons who were not expected to be part of the protest against the law that was setting a precedent. The significant group that protested was corporate USA and the CEO's that vowed to cost Indiana an estimated billion dollars a year in revenue. Money talks and bullshit walks. The money sent the extremist fake Christians walking.
Now go beg for some charity for your pizza joint.
The fake Christians are taking the ass beating really poorly. Believing they got beat by the gays or lib's is great. Most of them are to stupid to realize they were beat by conservative corporate CEO's who refused to jeapordize the bottom line over their obsessive hatred, fears and hypocrisy.

Save us all from limp wristed imbeciles.

Save us all from limp dicked homophobic bigots.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

They won't protest the Muslim bakery. They're afraid of Islam (which beheads Gays). They know the Christians are generally peaceful, hence they make easy targets.

So this guy who set this thing all up- he is apparently not 'afraid of Islam'- since he went into the bakeries trying to order this cake.

Why isn't he protesting?

Oh thats right- because he actually agrees with the bakeries.

So- tell me which of those gay bakers particularly frightened you in the video?
Old Fool, then go get 'em boy......... :) Show us how fair and impartial you are. Spew some hate on those Muslim and Gay bakers. Tell them there on the wrong side of history. Put them out of business too! :happy-1:
Christians and muslims, who are not all that dissimilar in their beliefs, are not allowed to discriminate in this country. Christian and muslim bakers, who have uncannily similar social beliefs, can go fuck themselves if they think they can practice hate and bigotry in the marketplace of a free country.

That's great, when do you leave to join your fellow libs in protesting this particular bakery ?

Did you watch the video?

A couple problems with 'protesting this particular bakery'
a) Nowhere in the video did the bakers actually refuse service but more importantly:
b) The bakeries are not identified.

Which bakeries should we be protesting?
There is a very good reason why gays and libs will dismiss this. This "movement" has nothing to do with rights, and everything to do with attacking Christians. For proof of that look no farther than this thread.
There is no gay rights umbrage of Muslims or gays who refuse service to others. That is reserved for Christians and Jews. Gays and liberals will do business with Iran, but not Indiana.
You're a moron

Yes, because you will be joining other libs for a weekend of protests targeting this bakery.
Why aren't you praising this bakery for practicing their religious freedom? Oops.

I really don't care either way, it's you red-faced outraged libs who are the ones who crap their pants every time someone doesn't bend over and kiss the feet of gay rights.

You don't care either way- yet you are here whining and whining.
Old Fool, then go get 'em boy......... :) Show us how fair and impartial you are. Spew some hate on those Muslim and Gay bakers. Tell them there on the wrong side of history. Put them out of business too! :happy-1:
Christians and muslims, who are not all that dissimilar in their beliefs, are not allowed to discriminate in this country. Christian and muslim bakers, who have uncannily similar social beliefs, can go fuck themselves if they think they can practice hate and bigotry in the marketplace of a free country.

That's great, when do you leave to join your fellow libs in protesting this particular bakery ?

Did you watch the video?

A couple problems with 'protesting this particular bakery'
a) Nowhere in the video did the bakers actually refuse service but more importantly:
b) The bakeries are not identified.

Which bakeries should we be protesting?
But...but... :laugh:
The fake Christians are taking the ass beating really poorly. Believing they got beat by the gays or lib's is great. Most of them are to stupid to realize they were beat by conservative corporate CEO's who refused to jeapordize the bottom line over their obsessive hatred, fears and hypocrisy.

Raised by 28,296 people in 2 days

Yeah. WE'RE the ones getting spanked, lol.

I have to ask...why do you feel compelled to continue to vapidly insist that business owners who adhere to their religious principles are going to be *schooled* by the gaystapo? And why do you feel compelled to state, over and over again, that you've *won* when in reality, you guys who called for the gaycott are the ones looking retarded..and never more so than when you squeal "we won! we won! You look like big doody pants!"

Save us all from limp wristed imbeciles.
The gays and whoever else went after the pizza business were wrong with the methods they used. I think it is great that they are going to walk away with a bundle of cash. It is a sideshow in comparison to the big picture however. The big picture is that a law was passed that allowed private business to discriminate against LGBT's and others. The pizza place got all the attention because they were the first to come out and say that they would use the law to discriminate. They made themselves a target. Again, the big picture is that the law was confronted by groups and persons who were not expected to be part of the protest against the law that was setting a precedent. The significant group that protested was corporate USA and the CEO's that vowed to cost Indiana an estimated billion dollars a year in revenue. Money talks and bullshit walks. The money sent the extremist fake Christians walking.
Now go beg for some charity for your pizza joint.

No begging required. Christians give gladly.
Gallup in 1996 - 27% favored gay marriage.

Gallup in early 2014?



Take that "L" - bigots. America is bigger than you.

What does that have to do with Muslims discriminating against gays ?
It has to do with post #20, in this very thread.

What are ya, reading the thread in reverse chronological order or something?

So what percentage of Americans are in favour of Muslims discriminating against gays ?
Gallup in 1996 - 27% favored gay marriage.

Gallup in early 2014?



Take that "L" - bigots. America is bigger than you.

What does that have to do with Muslims discriminating against gays ?
It has to do with post #20, in this very thread.

What are ya, reading the thread in reverse chronological order or something?

So what percentage of Americans are in favour of Muslims discriminating against gays ?
Prolly like 22%
I like how pathetic these conservatards are. Instead of standing of for the rights of freedom of religion and free association they just go, "Muslims are the real homophobes! Please faggots, stop bullying me, go bully them instead!". These pussies won't even stand up for their own rights, instead they encourage the liberal establishment(an alliance of government, multinational corporations, and histrionic faggots) to persecute others.
But the gaystapo doesn't trounce them because they're afraid they'll end up in a million little bleeding bits if they do.

Proof positive that the homo lobby is first and foremost, cowardly:

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
Sucks for them they can't discriminate either. They can go back to their shithole countries if they can't follow our laws.
Good idea, force Muslims to bake a cake, so it can blow a homosexual wedding with hundreds of people gathered together all the way to hell, praise allah.

Gallup in 1996 - 27% favored gay marriage.

Gallup in early 2014?



Take that "L" - bigots. America is bigger than you.

What does that have to do with Muslims discriminating against gays ?
It has to do with post #20, in this very thread.

What are ya, reading the thread in reverse chronological order or something?

So what percentage of Americans are in favour of Muslims discriminating against gays ?
Prolly like 22%

Yep, that's right about the percentage of Americans that identify as liberal.
This thread proves a hypocritical point. That this really isn't about anyone's rights. It is an anti Christian movement. To be homophobic is a horrible thing, while being Christian phobic is sheik. If you think a Christian business that was TARGETED lost the battle, follow that owner to the bank. She is victorious to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of support.

We know that bigotry pays.

Iran cuts the penis off and shoves it in the gay man's mouth, before they kill poor soul, and yet you applaud your Muslim president hoping into bed with nations full of gay killers, while you put a woman, trying to make a living, out of business.

Great Britain persecuted the gay man that won WW II - yet I don't hear you complaining about that.
I have to ask...why do you feel compelled to continue to vapidly insist that business owners who adhere to their religious principles are going to be *schooled* by the gaystapo?

Awesome bro. Now Indianians know that if they ever do get around to passing a law to protect gays in the marketplace, the violators can afford much much much more than the 150k fine the Melissa lady from Sweet Cakes had to pay. If I were the Oregon legislature I would be thinking about an increase in the penalty.

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