Liberals, prepare to get outraged at more bakeries refusing service to gays

AHAHAHAHA!!! The guy in that video is soooo LAME!

I can see what he's trying to do by mimicking popular youtube people, but he forgot to do the most important thing... BE FUNNY! Instead he just portrays himself as a self-righteous prick.

None of those bakeries violated any laws, unlike the bakeries that the OP is trying to defend with this thread. Go look up the official rulings of the cases involving the anti-gay bakers. You might just learn something. :thup:

They refused service to a gay man and did not want to make a cake for him. How is that different than what a single Christian bakery did?

You guys will defend Muslims and won't even say it's wrong for them to behead gays or push them off rooftops. You are nothing but a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Islam is fucked up. Fortunately the crazy Muslims are on the other side of the planet.

You have absolutely ZERO understanding about this issue. It is perfectly legal to refuse to sell a cake that conveys a message you don't like. What's ILLEGAL is to refuse to sell a generic cake to someone because a supposed supernatural being told you their evil. :cool:
AHAHAHAHA!!! The guy in that video is soooo LAME!

I can see what he's trying to do by mimicking popular youtube people, but he forgot to do the most important thing... BE FUNNY! Instead he just portrays himself as a self-righteous prick.

None of those bakeries violated any laws, unlike the bakeries that the OP is trying to defend with this thread. Go look up the official rulings of the cases involving the anti-gay bakers. You might just learn something. :thup:

They refused service to a gay man and did not want to make a cake for him. How is that different than what a single Christian bakery did?

You guys will defend Muslims and won't even say it's wrong for them to behead gays or push them off rooftops. You are nothing but a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Not hypocrites. COWARDS.
Liberals don't get 'outraged,' that's conservative shtick.

Otherwise, business owners who refuse to accommodate gay patrons in jurisdictions whose public accommodations laws prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation will be subject lawsuits seeking injunctive relief from such unlawful discrimination.

And that you and most others on the right condone discrimination as a consequence of your religious intolerance comes as no surprise.
Liberals don't get outraged? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah. Right.

You can't make this shit up.

Liberals are clear on one thing. Unless you are willing to participate in gay weddings by baking cakes, catering or photographing, you have no right to open a business. That is right, you are not allowed to open a business and make money unless you are willing to PARTICIPATE in activities you object to on religious grounds. It's not enough to serve customers who enter your store or restaurant, you must do things that you feel are wrong like cater or photograph a gay wedding, which requires you to attend. No sending people to other businesses that will serve them. If they walk in your door, it's up to you to throw away your convictions and do whatever the customer wants. Unless, of course, you are Muslim. Then no one will bitch and the left won't wage a campaign of hate against you.

Check out this video of a guy (claiming to be gay) walking into Muslim bakeries and getting refused time and time again. Will he lodge a complaint? No. He feels that people have a right not to engage in activities that go against their religious beliefs. Now, if Muslims around the world would just settle for not getting involved in gay people's lives, that would be great. Instead, the beheadings, tossing gays off rooftops and the daily murder of Christians continue. While all that sounds really horrible, we know from the liberal media that it isn't cause for outrage like Christian business owners refusing service.

To add insult to injury.

A gay group is calling for churches to be shut down. It's funny that so many won't even bring up the Muslim treatment of gays even though it's far worse.

What's the difference between gays and blacks? Why does what you claim to be a right to refuse service to gays not extend to right to refuse service to people of color?
Liberals are clear on one thing. Unless you are willing to participate in gay weddings by baking cakes, catering or photographing, you have no right to open a business. That is right, you are not allowed to open a business and make money unless you are willing to PARTICIPATE in activities you object to on religious grounds. It's not enough to serve customers who enter your store or restaurant, you must do things that you feel are wrong like cater or photograph a gay wedding, which requires you to attend. No sending people to other businesses that will serve them. If they walk in your door, it's up to you to throw away your convictions and do whatever the customer wants. Unless, of course, you are Muslim. Then no one will bitch and the left won't wage a campaign of hate against you.

Check out this video of a guy (claiming to be gay) walking into Muslim bakeries and getting refused time and time again. Will he lodge a complaint? No. He feels that people have a right not to engage in activities that go against their religious beliefs. Now, if Muslims around the world would just settle for not getting involved in gay people's lives, that would be great. Instead, the beheadings, tossing gays off rooftops and the daily murder of Christians continue. While all that sounds really horrible, we know from the liberal media that it isn't cause for outrage like Christian business owners refusing service.

To add insult to injury.

A gay group is calling for churches to be shut down. It's funny that so many won't even bring up the Muslim treatment of gays even though it's far worse.


The food Nazis have spoken. :)
oh, btw,

the Muslim cab drivers who demanded they not have to take fares carrying alcohol LOST their court battle. And rightly so.

So yes, Muslims have been gone after.
AHAHAHAHA!!! The guy in that video is soooo LAME!

I can see what he's trying to do by mimicking popular youtube people, but he forgot to do the most important thing... BE FUNNY! Instead he just portrays himself as a self-righteous prick.

None of those bakeries violated any laws, unlike the bakeries that the OP is trying to defend with this thread. Go look up the official rulings of the cases involving the anti-gay bakers. You might just learn something. :thup:

They refused service to a gay man and did not want to make a cake for him. How is that different than what a single Christian bakery did?

You guys will defend Muslims and won't even say it's wrong for them to behead gays or push them off rooftops. You are nothing but a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Not hypocrites. COWARDS.
Fuck yourself
What's the difference between gays and blacks? Why does what you claim to be a right to refuse service to gays not extend to right to refuse service to people of color?

Religions don't discriminate against race. You cannot compare race and sexual orientation.

Many Christians do not want to participate in a gay wedding by catering or otherwise helping to make it happen. It's not the color of the people involved that matters, it is the gay marriage. Boy, it's difficult explaining things to liberals. Don't know how to put it in a simple way for you to grasp.
What's the difference between gays and blacks? Why does what you claim to be a right to refuse service to gays not extend to right to refuse service to people of color?

Religions don't discriminate against race. You cannot compare race and sexual orientation.


Yes you can. Gays are a minority whose sexual orientation has been deemed a legal choice of behavior. Thus the government has no compelling interest to deny gays equal rights,

therefore, yes, they are comparable to racial minorities and as such are entitled to every protection against discrimination that racial minorities enjoy.
What's the difference between gays and blacks? Why does what you claim to be a right to refuse service to gays not extend to right to refuse service to people of color?

Religions don't discriminate against race. You cannot compare race and sexual orientation.

Many Christians do not want to participate in a gay wedding by catering or otherwise helping to make it happen. It's not the color of the people involved that matters, it is the gay marriage. Boy, it's difficult explaining things to liberals. Don't know how to put it in a simple way for you to grasp.

So what you are saying is that many Christians are bigots. We already knew that. What else is new?

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