Muslim Ban - Proper or Not ?

If the need arises, who gives a shit if its proper?
Its about whats best for America and her citizens.
Fuck the bullshit.
Yep, that "pesky" constitutional nonsense grinds your grits, huh, TN? Simply ban people from the various countries, and vet those we may want.
we cannot have a RELIGION BAN-----we can have a ban on any ideology
that advocates the over throw of the USA government or that disputes
the constitution of the USA-------OR any persons who remain loyal to a
foreign power in conflict with the USA. Government led chanting ----
DEATH TO AMERICA seems enough to me to ban Iranians---that are
not FLEEING that shariah shit hole for IDEOLOGICAL reaons
We have a ban on Christians once a year! They are not allowed to put a cross or a Christmas tree in a public space because it irrepreally harms a libtard! Jeez, the hypocrisy is stunning!

While I agree, it is extreme silliness and intolerance behind the banning of Christian religious displays on public property, it is not a ban on Christians. Christians are free to display what ever religious symbols they want 365 days a year and, those same public spaces ban any sort of religious displays. To even begin to equate it with a national ban on an entire faith - it's books, it's houses of worship, it's followers - is also sillness. Let's at least be honest here.
we cannot have a RELIGION BAN-----we can have a ban on any ideology
that advocates the over throw of the USA government or that disputes
the constitution of the USA-------OR any persons who remain loyal to a
foreign power in conflict with the USA. Government led chanting ----
DEATH TO AMERICA seems enough to me to ban Iranians---that are
not FLEEING that shariah shit hole for IDEOLOGICAL reaons
We have a ban on Christians once a year! They are not allowed to put a cross or a Christmas tree in a public space because it irrepreally harms a libtard! Jeez, the hypocrisy is stunning!

Liar ! Trees are put up everywhere. Crosses can not . Why would you put up a cross on xmas anyway ? Fake ass Christian .

I am not a Christian dumbass. Just a very observant person!

you live in a land that bans Christmas trees?
Yeah but it's not a Muslem ban. It's a ban on immigration from countries that even the former president called a danger to America's security. It's strange that hypocrite lefties would put the owners of a bakery in jail for refusing to build a wedding cake for sodomites but they would fall all over themselves supporting regimes that execute sodomites and stone women to death.

The OP himself calls for an entire Muslim ban, and for redefining it as "not a religion". This is only his upteenth thread in that vein.
If the need arises, who gives a shit if its proper?
Its about whats best for America and her citizens.
Fuck the bullshit.
Too many politicians supposedly can't do that because they desire to stay into this legalistic crap of confusion with which they justify themselves. They may have to give up their gifts/bribes.

They can't do that because of this pesky thing called The Constitution that protects YOU and YOUR religion from persecution.
I think it would be easy to determine that the muslim religion is a threat to our democracy. Not to mention, Islam is also a political ideology, whatever. Which would make it even easier.
Yeah but it's not a Muslem ban. It's a ban on immigration from countries that even the former president called a danger to America's security. It's strange that hypocrite lefties would put the owners of a bakery in jail for refusing to build a wedding cake for sodomites but they would fall all over themselves supporting regimes that execute sodomites and stone women to death.

The OP himself calls for an entire Muslim ban, and for redefining it as "not a religion". This is only his upteenth thread in that vein.

oh-----like he supports the ISLAMIC POV regarding "other religions"-----well--there is a natural tendency in HUMANS to seek parity
Yeah but it's not a Muslem ban. It's a ban on immigration from countries that even the former president called a danger to America's security. It's strange that hypocrite lefties would put the owners of a bakery in jail for refusing to build a wedding cake for sodomites but they would fall all over themselves supporting regimes that execute sodomites and stone women to death.

The OP himself calls for an entire Muslim ban, and for redefining it as "not a religion". This is only his upteenth thread in that vein.
Islam is most definitely a religion, it is also a system of law and an ideology. A murderous ideology at the present time, you guys are against a ban until vetting properly can be established. Tells me you do not care about the safety of America.
If the need arises, who gives a shit if its proper?
Its about whats best for America and her citizens.
Fuck the bullshit.
Too many politicians supposedly can't do that because they desire to stay into this legalistic crap of confusion with which they justify themselves. They may have to give up their gifts/bribes.

They can't do that because of this pesky thing called The Constitution that protects YOU and YOUR religion from persecution.
I think it would be easy to determine that the muslim religion is a threat to our democracy. Not to mention, Islam is also a political ideology, whatever. Which would make it even easier.

You'd have a point...except it isn't. Look at Muslims in America and that point is destroyed. In fact, in much of the world most Muslims aren't out waging Jihad, throwing gays off the roof, etc. There's a lot of cultural variation.

And the real danger is - ok, so they decide Islam is to be banned. What next....Catholocism, with it's pedo priest scandals? Mormans maybe? Who decides and how? What actual US laws has the Muslim community and religion in America violated? It would be a dangerous precedent and I would fight it with heart and soul - for any faith that wasn't violating our laws. They have a right to believe what they want within the bounds of the Constitution and system of laws.
Yeah but it's not a Muslem ban. It's a ban on immigration from countries that even the former president called a danger to America's security. It's strange that hypocrite lefties would put the owners of a bakery in jail for refusing to build a wedding cake for sodomites but they would fall all over themselves supporting regimes that execute sodomites and stone women to death.

The OP himself calls for an entire Muslim ban, and for redefining it as "not a religion". This is only his upteenth thread in that vein.
Islam is most definitely a religion, it is also a system of law and an ideology. A murderous ideology at the present time, you guys are against a ban until vetting properly can be established. Tells me you do not care about the safety of America.

I'm opposed to a ban because I believe that the vetting process for refugees is already good. I also agree that it can always be improved on and needs to be constantly reviewed. That doesn't require a ban. That doesn't mean I don't care about the safety of America.
Yeah but it's not a Muslem ban. It's a ban on immigration from countries that even the former president called a danger to America's security. It's strange that hypocrite lefties would put the owners of a bakery in jail for refusing to build a wedding cake for sodomites but they would fall all over themselves supporting regimes that execute sodomites and stone women to death.

The OP himself calls for an entire Muslim ban, and for redefining it as "not a religion". This is only his upteenth thread in that vein.
Islam is most definitely a religion, it is also a system of law and an ideology. A murderous ideology at the present time, you guys are against a ban until vetting properly can be established. Tells me you do not care about the safety of America.

coyote is an idealist who truly believes that PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE----no matter to what ideology they adhere or are taught thru education and child rearing. Being told from infancy that the best of all people tie bombs to their asses in order
to murder other children for "GOD" ----has no effect on them
The only way to "guarantee" the "safety of Americans" is to turn America into a police state with total surveillance and an elimination of due process.

What are you willing to give up for that? Not your own rights I'm sure. What I'm seeing from some is a total willingness to give up the rights of OTHER Americans.
The only way to "guarantee" the "safety of Americans" is to turn America into a police state with total surveillance and an elimination of due process.

What are you willing to give up for that? Not your own rights I'm sure. What I'm seeing from some is a total willingness to give up the rights of OTHER Americans.

I absolutely support surveillance of any place of worship that produces any
persons who commit terrorist acts or voice support thereof
The only way to "guarantee" the "safety of Americans" is to turn America into a police state with total surveillance and an elimination of due process.

What are you willing to give up for that? Not your own rights I'm sure. What I'm seeing from some is a total willingness to give up the rights of OTHER Americans.

PS---I am absolutely willing to allow the government to get video's of me
sitting in a synagogue now and then-----staring at the walls----and audios
of whatever people in there are saying-----or singing-----or mumbling
The only way to "guarantee" the "safety of Americans" is to turn America into a police state with total surveillance and an elimination of due process.

What are you willing to give up for that? Not your own rights I'm sure. What I'm seeing from some is a total willingness to give up the rights of OTHER Americans.

PS---I am absolutely willing to allow the government to get video's of me
sitting in a synagogue now and then-----staring at the walls----and audios
of whatever people in there are saying-----or singing-----or mumbling

If they applied it to all problem. But that isn't what Protectionists, for example, is talking about.
The only way to "guarantee" the "safety of Americans" is to turn America into a police state with total surveillance and an elimination of due process.

What are you willing to give up for that? Not your own rights I'm sure. What I'm seeing from some is a total willingness to give up the rights of OTHER Americans.

PS---I am absolutely willing to allow the government to get video's of me
sitting in a synagogue now and then-----staring at the walls----and audios
of whatever people in there are saying-----or singing-----or mumbling

If they applied it to all problem. But that isn't what Protectionists, for example, is talking about.

"equally"??? it never gets "equal"------surveillance goes WHERE THE MONEY IS
You might remember that JERSEY CITY muslims got all bent out of shape a few
years ago because there was some NYPD surveillance of mosques------like the mosques involved with the guy who orchestrated the 1993 bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER--------and to think-----the little white Baptist church---with the pointy little steeple in my home town was under no surveillance at all------NOT FAIR!!!!!
If the need arises, who gives a shit if its proper?
Its about whats best for America and her citizens.
Fuck the bullshit.
Too many politicians supposedly can't do that because they desire to stay into this legalistic crap of confusion with which they justify themselves. They may have to give up their gifts/bribes.

They can't do that because of this pesky thing called The Constitution that protects YOU and YOUR religion from persecution.
My beliefs do not form 'laws' that are unjust or rob individual liberties. Nor does it allow for maximum control to be taken by force or law into another persons personal space. If the Constitution actually kept people from religious persecution Waco would have never happened under Clinton's watch. Neither would we have all these PC laws that the left and some on the extreme right are attempting to shove down everyone throats. The Constitution does not protect you from getting your feelings hurt. It most definitely does have an avenue for banning seditious behavior in order to protect my rights.
If the need arises, who gives a shit if its proper?
Its about whats best for America and her citizens.
Fuck the bullshit.
Too many politicians supposedly can't do that because they desire to stay into this legalistic crap of confusion with which they justify themselves. They may have to give up their gifts/bribes.

They can't do that because of this pesky thing called The Constitution that protects YOU and YOUR religion from persecution.
I think it would be easy to determine that the muslim religion is a threat to our democracy. Not to mention, Islam is also a political ideology, whatever. Which would make it even easier.

You'd have a point...except it isn't. Look at Muslims in America and that point is destroyed. In fact, in much of the world most Muslims aren't out waging Jihad, throwing gays off the roof, etc. There's a lot of cultural variation.

And the real danger is - ok, so they decide Islam is to be banned. What next....Catholocism, with it's pedo priest scandals? Mormans maybe? Who decides and how? What actual US laws has the Muslim community and religion in America violated? It would be a dangerous precedent and I would fight it with heart and soul - for any faith that wasn't violating our laws. They have a right to believe what they want within the bounds of the Constitution and system of laws.
We will ban California next.
Yeah but it's not a Muslem ban. It's a ban on immigration from countries that even the former president called a danger to America's security. It's strange that hypocrite lefties would put the owners of a bakery in jail for refusing to build a wedding cake for sodomites but they would fall all over themselves supporting regimes that execute sodomites and stone women to death.

The OP himself calls for an entire Muslim ban, and for redefining it as "not a religion". This is only his upteenth thread in that vein.
Islam is most definitely a religion, it is also a system of law and an ideology. A murderous ideology at the present time, you guys are against a ban until vetting properly can be established. Tells me you do not care about the safety of America.

I'm opposed to a ban because I believe that the vetting process for refugees is already good. I also agree that it can always be improved on and needs to be constantly reviewed. That doesn't require a ban. That doesn't mean I don't care about the safety of America.

So, what will you do about their treatment of women? Another hypocrisy by liberals. They are outraged about Trump's remark regarding grabbing the furry kitten but never become outraged about honor killings, acid in the face, dictated marriage, intolerance of gays and infidels? Why do you not expect civilized behavior of Muslims?
Yeah but it's not a Muslem ban. It's a ban on immigration from countries that even the former president called a danger to America's security. It's strange that hypocrite lefties would put the owners of a bakery in jail for refusing to build a wedding cake for sodomites but they would fall all over themselves supporting regimes that execute sodomites and stone women to death.

The OP himself calls for an entire Muslim ban, and for redefining it as "not a religion". This is only his upteenth thread in that vein.
Islam is most definitely a religion, it is also a system of law and an ideology. A murderous ideology at the present time, you guys are against a ban until vetting properly can be established. Tells me you do not care about the safety of America.

I'm opposed to a ban because I believe that the vetting process for refugees is already good. I also agree that it can always be improved on and needs to be constantly reviewed. That doesn't require a ban. That doesn't mean I don't care about the safety of America.

So, what will you do about their treatment of women? Another hypocrisy by liberals.

It's not a hypocrisy, and that is the fallacy of this type of argument. You assume that all Muslims around the world are misgonysts. You assume that Muslims in America are going to abuse women at a higher rate than non-Muslims in America or not adhere to laws when that is not the case either in attitudes or practice.

They are outraged about Trump's remark regarding grabbing the furry kitten but never become outraged about honor killings, acid in the face, dictated marriage, intolerance of gays and infidels? Why do you not expect civilized behavior of Muslims?

Again, you're assuming that because they protest Trump's crude remarks they aren't likewise outraged about other misonagystic actions.

Let me ask you something.

Why are you only outraged about honor killing when it's Muslims involved?

Honor killings occur in many parts of the world yet. India has one of the highest rates and it's among the Hindu majority.
Women are abused and murdered, usually by close family members all the time. "Honor killings" in this country, while horrific, are rare. Why so little attention to domestic abuse that kills and scars so many American women and destroys families?

Acid in the face. Again, acid attacks are not uniquely or primarily used as a weapon against women by Muslims. It's a huge problem in many parts of the world yet receives NO attention.
Why Acid Attacks On Women Are Still Happening, And What Must Be Done To Stop Them | The Huffington Post
Colombia cracks down on a horrific wave of acid attacks against women

Dictated Marriage. Again, forced marriages occur in many parts of the world and multiple religions. Why is your outrage reserved only for Muslims?

Intolerance of gays and "infidels"? Hatred, intolerance and violence towards homosexuals is...again...not just with Muslims. Why is your outrage reserved only for Muslims?
When it comes to attitudes towards homosexuals and women - American Muslims aren't much different than American Christians. In some cases a little more conservative in others more tolerant.

Most of important though, is we are a country with laws and rights - domestic violence, honor killings, murder, assault with acid and forced marriages are illegal as is violence or discrimmination towards homosexuals and the American Muslim community is no different than the Evangelical American community or any of the other communities in this country. So why should they be stripped of their rights or have their religion banned?

"Why do you not expect civilized behavior of Muslims?"
I do. I expect it from EVERYONE. What's more - I don't use the behavior of OTHER countries to determine how we should behave or worse, how we should treat American citizens who happen to have the same religion as those other countries.

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