Muslim leader urges Indonesians to boycott Starbucks over LGBT stand

I don't believe that is the reason, SunniMan. I believe it is more likely that they know full well they are not endangering themselves when they attack Christians and the name of Jesus Christ. They are afraid to do the same with Islam and Mohammad because the Muslims won't tolerate it. In essence, it comes down to the fact that they are cowards. They only attack those who won't attack back. Christians, little children, unborn babies, the elderly...
Liberal cowardness or fear of muslims has nothing to do with it.

75% of people in America self identify as Christian, whereas, only 1% of the population is Muslim.

Thus, Liberals see Christians and Christianity as the main threat and enemy against their leftist ideology and agenda. And feel it must be eradicated from American society so they can finally achieve their socialist goals. ..... :cool:
I have to disagree with you. Liberals consistently target those who can't or won't fight back.
Well not really, STBX is down around six bucks a share since beginning of June, around a 10% drop.

Almost every time. For the last two years their stock has been hovering around the mid-50's and low 60's. I sold mine earlier this month when it hit 64 bucks a share. I bought that shit five years ago for around 25 bucks a share. I am pleased with my return. lol

I keep it on my watch list...and smiled everyday during June.

STBX has some problems going on, their image is taking a hit over some stupid shit their baristas have done and that crap Schultz pulled on the immigrant issue.

I keep saying it, corporations would be wise to remain neutral

The companies that I own stock in can pretty much do whatever they want so long as I get a good return on my investment. Iol

I'm heavy in oil, natural gas (energy holdings) and pharms with the usual blue chips...this year has been very very good for me.

Awesome! The last ten years have been very very good for us. I like taking money and turning it into heaps of money. I am thinking of using that Starbucks money to build a mud room off the front of the house. I've always wanted one of those.

Mine goes towards kid's tuition and college funds
I don't believe that is the reason, SunniMan. I believe it is more likely that they know full well they are not endangering themselves when they attack Christians and the name of Jesus Christ. They are afraid to do the same with Islam and Mohammad because the Muslims won't tolerate it. In essence, it comes down to the fact that they are cowards. They only attack those who won't attack back. Christians, little children, unborn babies, the elderly...
Liberal cowardness or fear of muslims has nothing to do with it.

75% of people in America self identify as Christian, whereas, only 1% of the population is Muslim.

Thus, Liberals see Christians and Christianity as the main threat and enemy against their leftist ideology and agenda. And feel it must be eradicated from American society so they can finally achieve their socialist goals. ..... :cool:
I have to disagree with you. Liberals consistently target those who can't or won't fight back.

"Liberals consistently target those who can't or won't fight back."

Not Liberals, Leftists, there is NOTHING Liberal about Leftists, they are the bastard children of Marxist and Trotskyite Dogma, they are Demons, not human beings.

Yes and that's why it's going to get very ugly and why Leftists are going to lose when they decide to target the Right-Wing, it is going to be the end of not only multitudes of Leftists but of Leftism itself.

This is why many just sit back and laugh at the pathetic Leftist Maniacs because literally they do not know what is in store for them, but the Right-Wing do :wink:
I already don't care for the place.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I actually don't recall ever once buying anything from them.
May Peace dwell in your heart if you love the God of Abraham.

Nature has a way of cleansing itself of the inferior.

In the long run humanity continues to be purified, edified and enhanced by evolutionary processes that work on all three levels.

I am not worried.

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