Muslim men and family stone girl to death live Video

Hey bub, it's your Sharia Law which sanctions (and actually requires) a mob of grown men to stone to death female children.
Where can the injunction to "stone to death female children" be found in scripture? Thanks.

What does it say about your values that a children who are molested or raped receive death sentences?
How about this? Where is this mentioned in scripture?
The filthy animals in this video may not be "muslims" however, stoning continues to be used with and without legal proceedings in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Nigeria and other countries, all of which justify the practice with Islam.

Your conclusion doesn't follow your premises. "Something occurs in the Islamic world, therefore it is automatically part and parcel of Islamic teachings" won't fly.
holy shit. that is fucking disgusting. they killed her. they dropped a cement block on her head. In the video description it said those were her family members and she was getting beaten for dating a guy outside their religion; i don't know if it was outside Islam, or the specific sect.

it kind of reminded me of that video from Chicago awhile back that showed this kid getting beaten to death with a two-by-four in a gang war. it was really fucked up, i still remember it really clearly and I wish i had never seen it. This video in the op is more graphic. I wish i had brain bleach.
if you have a queasy stomach, don't watch it. fucked up, i don't know what else to say.

I don't understand why you are shocked, Reginald Denny suffered the same fate but his attacker was fortunate this his target didn't die.

His attacker was found innocent of attempted murder, but guilty of "mayhem."

I'm not sure what you're talking about here. I was talking about Derrion Albert. it happened about a year ago. His head got split open by a two-by-four, after about three or four kids beat him to the ground and kept kicking him when he was down. They ran away after they realized they killed him, and his friends carried his corpse off the sidewalk. He was an honor student. yes, that video shocked me.

eta: if i remember right, three of the attackers got life with the possibility of parole after twenty-five years.
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In the muslim world do they stone people, mostly women to death?

I've seen no credible indication that most of the victims are women (they're simply in most of the incidents that are publicized), but yes, people are stoned to death.

In the muslim world do they stone people, mostly women to death?

I've seen no credible indication that most of the victims are women (they're simply in most of the incidents that are publicized), but yes, people are stoned to death.

This pretty much destroys any argument that you've made up to this point.
Actually There's an entire collection of videotaped atrocities at the website, and they are collected as evidence of Islam's abomination as a religion.

This is why it is AMAZING to me that when 10 international aid workers are murdered by Islamic Extremists in Afghanistan, and I ask for ONE FUCKING citation of an Islamist Editor's, or Government Official's expression of outrage, I receive responses like, "Why Should They?"

Islam's biggest problem is not recognising that Islam has a problem.

1. See my last post
2. Insert foot in mouth


Nothing I said was incorrect: The video is part of a collection of atrocities, and are offered as evidence of :

In conclusion, all the examples we have given you are both factual and verifiable and not scare-mongering on our part. Thus, we pose this question to [YOU]. NOW THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF THE FACTS, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO HALT THE INSIDIOUS GROWTH OF ISLAM IN YOUR COUNTRY????

And, you continue to believe Islam has no problem?

Perhaps I should clarify: It doesn't matter if the individuals in the video are Kurds. What you, and seemingly most muslims don't understand is that the West EASILY believes this is another example of Islamic Behaviour.

Why is it so easy to believe?

Because whenever Islam is given the golden opportunity to condemn atrocities like the recent murder of 10 aid workers, we cannot find ONE official statement!! Instead, we see Islamic Mercenary Snipers hired by Taliban killing British troops doing the job that Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, and Turkish troops should be doing: Protecting Afghani Civilians from Taliban Mass Murderers.
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Remember that any lie to advance the cause of Islam brings glory to the Moon Dog.

Any two men can accuse a girl of improper behavior and she can be stoned. If a young suitor is turned down by the girl, he can get a friend to ensure that the girl is killed.

For a woman it is a place worse than hell to live. You never know who can make charges against you. Many of them hide in their houses for that reason. If no young males in the region know that you exist, then you are safe.

And yet there are Americans who want us to have sharia law here.....

Nothing I said was incorrect: The video is part of a collection of atrocities, and are offered as evidence of :

In conclusion, all the examples we have given you are both factual and verifiable and not scare-mongering on our part. Thus, we pose this question to [YOU]. NOW THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF THE FACTS, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO HALT THE INSIDIOUS GROWTH OF ISLAM IN YOUR COUNTRY????

And, you continue to believe Islam has no problem?

Perhaps I should clarify: It doesn't matter if the individuals in the video are Kurds. What you, and seemingly most muslims don't understand is that the West EASILY believes this is another example of Islamic Behaviour.
You've identified the problem here. You want Muslims to be held accountable for the West's stupidity concerning our religion. If you're going to castigate Islam based on events shown in a particular video, it absolutely does matter if the individuals in the video aren't even Muslims.

Notice how nobody bothered to verify that the OP's description was accurate in spite of his obvious agenda and the dubious nature of the website. If an atrocity is even tangentially related to Islam, you lemmings jump at the chance to reproach and condemn the religion ad nauseum. The worst of you pretend that you're actually familiar with the religion's teachings, and the worst of the worst are so astoundingly arrogant that they believe they can actually tell me and other Muslims what we do and do not believe. The West has approached Islam with an orientalist's mindset for far too long.

Why is it so easy to believe?

Because whenever Islam is given the golden opportunity to condemn atrocities like the recent murder of 10 aid workers, we cannot find ONE official statement!! Instead, we see Islamic Mercenary Snipers hired by Taliban killing British troops doing the job that Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, and Turkish troops should be doing: Protecting Afghani Civilians from Taliban Mass Murderers.
I don't understand why you think that our primary concern should be making our religion as palatable as possible for Westerners. I've said before that we'd be able to dedicate more effort to purifying the religion from within if you all didn't insist on preoccupying us with unnecessary wars.

Any two men can accuse a girl of improper behavior and she can be stoned. If a young suitor is turned down by the girl, he can get a friend to ensure that the girl is killed.

For a woman it is a place worse than hell to live. You never know who can make charges against you. Many of them hide in their houses for that reason. If no young males in the region know that you exist, then you are safe.

And yet there are Americans who want us to have sharia law here.....

What's sad is that people are stupid enough to accept posts from idiots like Newbarf at face value. :rolleyes:
I don't understand why you think that our primary concern should be making our religion as palatable as possible for Westerners. I've said before that we'd be able to dedicate more effort to purifying the religion from within if you all didn't insist on preoccupying us with unnecessary wars.

Did I say anything about Islam's "Primary" concern?

I'd think you'd understand why Islam should have the SLIGHTEST concern about making your religion (and let's not be disingenuous: include Islamic Governments) as palatable as possible for Westerners. Most depend, almost entirely on Westerners for whatever keeps them from complete anarchy.

Frankly, if it wasn't for oil wealth, and Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, I'm certain no western government would concern themself over anything Islamists did, and would be quite willing to allow each and every Islamist country to be ruled by brutal Taliban.
Shocking. Sickening. Incredibly disturbing. Words dont even describe how i feel about this.

I noticed several things. Many of the men are taping the incident on cell phones. Even though they are killing this woman someone takes the trouble to pull back down her skirt to "make her modest".

What is wrong with these sick fuckers!?!?!?!

The confluence of morality and government. When the government gets to define morality, this is what happens.

Christ said "Render unto Caesar that which is his"

Mohammed said "The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry." And then he set out an entire litany of approved dastardly actions that angry people can (and by recent interpretations should) do.

Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Said ibn al-Musayyab from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "A strong person is not the person who throws his adversaries to the ground. A strong person is the person who contains himself when he is angry." - Malik's Muwatta, Good Character, no. 47.3.12

O you who believe - be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice; and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably. Be just; that is nearer to observance of duty. And keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah is Aware of what you do. - 5:8​

Christianity engenders in its followers what Nietzsche accurately called "slave morality." Christianity as it's commonly interpreted encourages complacency in the face of oppression; Islam is committed entirely to the manumission of mankind from injustice and Muslims will not hesitate to take up arms against any oppressor. What you call a "litany" of "dastardly" actions is the body of divine law that God has revealed to us as a means of resisting the type of oppression that Christians are content with living under, apparently.

And yet you are not posting this from Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia or Saudi Arabia are you? The merger of Muslim clergy with government creates oppression. Islam compels this merger.
Did I say anything about Islam's "Primary" concern?

I'd think you'd understand why Islam should have the SLIGHTEST concern about making your religion (and let's not be disingenuous: include Islamic Governments) as palatable as possible for Westerners. Most depend, almost entirely on Westerners for whatever keeps them from complete anarchy.
That's part of the reason why anti-American sentiment is so widespread in the Islamic world. It isn't a good thing that you're seen as the last line of defense that all of the brutal, corrupt governments over there have against coups d'état. Most of us would prefer that the US-approved regimes over there collapse; that way we wouldn't be jailed simply for criticizing corruption or belonging to legitimate organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood. If making Islam less palatable will cause the US to withdraw its support for regimes in the Middle East, then I'll attempt to make it seem as barbaric as possible.

Frankly, if it wasn't for oil wealth, and Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, I'm certain no western government would concern themself over anything Islamists did, and would be quite willing to allow each and every Islamist country to be ruled by brutal Taliban.
We'd prefer Shari'ah. You and I both know that what you said won't be true as long as Israel continues to live off of America's dole with the unthinking support of most American voters. I can not imagine any situation in which the United States would sit idly by as Islam manumitted Palestine from the murderous stewardship of the Zionists.
Kalam is an established pathological liar as is evident to all. You have seen how he lied about the Islamic Sect in Iraq that committed this atrocity for the glory of their Moon Dog. Yazidieh belief is Sufi Muslim in origin and originated in the 12th century. They have different names for the 7 angels that supposedly patrol the Earth. We have other names like Gabriel for them, but the concept is still the same. Their basic doctrine is all Islamic and allows for honor killings if a girl is seen talking with somebody from another faith. I would be willing to adopt these girls rather than let the crazy Islamics murder them. I have adopted a great many children in my life from across the earth. Kalam will probably say that it is better that the girls be murdered as a blood sacrifice to the Moon Dog.
And yet you are not posting this from Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia or Saudi Arabia are you? The merger of Muslim clergy with government creates oppression. Islam compels this merger.

I could be jailed and tortured for posting what I post in any of those apostate nations. Islam has no real clergy; the artificial religious institutions of those countries are simply mechanisms for providing pseudo-Islamic justifications for the whims of their leaders.
Kalam is an established pathological liar as is evident to all. You have seen how he lied about the Islamic Sect in Iraq that committed this atrocity for the glory of their Moon Dog. Yazidieh belief is Sufi Muslim in origin and originated in the 12th century. They have different names for the 7 angels that supposedly patrol the Earth. We have other names like Gabriel for them, but the concept is still the same. Their basic doctrine is all Islamic and allows for honor killings if a girl is seen talking with somebody from another faith. I would be willing to adopt these girls rather than let the crazy Islamics murder them. I have adopted a great many children in my life from across the earth.
Yazidism is devil worship and predates Muhammad (SAWS), you silly motherfucker. :lol:

Kalam will probably say that it is better that the girls be murdered as a blood sacrifice to the Moon Dog.
You're aware that libel is a crime, yes?
Kalam is an established pathological liar as is evident to all. You have seen how he lied about the Islamic Sect in Iraq that committed this atrocity for the glory of their Moon Dog. Yazidieh belief is Sufi Muslim in origin and originated in the 12th century. They have different names for the 7 angels that supposedly patrol the Earth. We have other names like Gabriel for them, but the concept is still the same. Their basic doctrine is all Islamic and allows for honor killings if a girl is seen talking with somebody from another faith. I would be willing to adopt these girls rather than let the crazy Islamics murder them. I have adopted a great many children in my life from across the earth.

you silly motherfucker. :lol:

We agree on this point: Neubarth is silly.
Kalam is an established pathological liar as is evident to all. You have seen how he lied about the Islamic Sect in Iraq that committed this atrocity for the glory of their Moon Dog. Yazidieh belief is Sufi Muslim in origin and originated in the 12th century. They have different names for the 7 angels that supposedly patrol the Earth. We have other names like Gabriel for them, but the concept is still the same. Their basic doctrine is all Islamic and allows for honor killings if a girl is seen talking with somebody from another faith. I would be willing to adopt these girls rather than let the crazy Islamics murder them. I have adopted a great many children in my life from across the earth.

you silly motherfucker. :lol:

We agree on this point: Neubarth is silly.

You have to be at least partially insane to advocate stoning infidels and "sluts"... and then turn around and condemn Yazidis (portraying them as Muslims, of course) for doing the same thing.

I wonder if the poor old fucker even remembers posting that thread about "stoning sluts"? :cuckoo:

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