Muslim Scumbags Attacking Christians on Christmas All Over Europe


Apr 22, 2007
When are westerns going to say enough is enough and start kicking the shit out the the Muslim invaders and sending them to the 21 virgins they desire? What will it finally take!

Germany Muslims attack Church-goers force their way into the St. Mary 8217 s Church shouting 8220 Shit Christians 8221 Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs
Yesterday Muslims have attacked Christians attending a Catholic Christmas celebration in the German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt. The five Muslims forced their way into the St. Mary’s Church by shouting “Fucking Christians.” Police arrested two perpetrators.


Denmark: Nanna and her boyfriend Mads was beaten with iron chains by Somali youths, on the way home on Christmas Eve.

For Nanna and her boyfriend Mads, Christmas Eve 2014 will not be quickly forgotten.

The couple from Vesterbro in Copenhagen was knocked down at midnight, when they were on their way home from Christmas Eve with Mads’ family.

The couple was walking along the street near Enghave Plads when a young guy came cycling. He was only 16-17 years, but seemed very confrontational.

– ‘What are you looking at? Do you have a problem ‘, he told us several times and got off his bike, Nanna says to Ekstra Bladet.

At one point Mads replied and said to the young guy ‘What – what do you want’? and it seem to set set the teenager off.

According Nanna he jumped on Mads with a bottle which he struck him in the head with.

Suddenly several came up from a basement with iron chains, the kind used to lock scooters and motorcycles. They jumped on Mads. He defended himself, while punches and kicks rained down on him, and soon he fell to the ground.
– He shouted at me that I should run, but I was afraid that they would kill him. So I intervened, says Nanna.

- See more at: Danish couple beaten with chains on Christmas Eve Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs
When are westerns going to say enough is enough and start kicking the shit out the the Muslim invaders and sending them to the 21 virgins they desire? What will it finally take!

Germany Muslims attack Church-goers force their way into the St. Mary 8217 s Church shouting 8220 Shit Christians 8221 Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs
Yesterday Muslims have attacked Christians attending a Catholic Christmas celebration in the German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt. The five Muslims forced their way into the St. Mary’s Church by shouting “Fucking Christians.” Police arrested two perpetrators.


Denmark: Nanna and her boyfriend Mads was beaten with iron chains by Somali youths, on the way home on Christmas Eve.

For Nanna and her boyfriend Mads, Christmas Eve 2014 will not be quickly forgotten.

The couple from Vesterbro in Copenhagen was knocked down at midnight, when they were on their way home from Christmas Eve with Mads’ family.

The couple was walking along the street near Enghave Plads when a young guy came cycling. He was only 16-17 years, but seemed very confrontational.

– ‘What are you looking at? Do you have a problem ‘, he told us several times and got off his bike, Nanna says to Ekstra Bladet.

At one point Mads replied and said to the young guy ‘What – what do you want’? and it seem to set set the teenager off.

According Nanna he jumped on Mads with a bottle which he struck him in the head with.

Suddenly several came up from a basement with iron chains, the kind used to lock scooters and motorcycles. They jumped on Mads. He defended himself, while punches and kicks rained down on him, and soon he fell to the ground.
– He shouted at me that I should run, but I was afraid that they would kill him. So I intervened, says Nanna.

- See more at: Danish couple beaten with chains on Christmas Eve Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs
Islam, The Beaceful Religion..............:rofl:
Why are Christians in Europe? BTW, I think the OP shorted them 51 virgins.

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