Muslim You Tube filmaker= convicted meth cook,credit card fraudster


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
Meth cook, check kiting, credit card fraudster…:rolleyes: a 2-bit grifter, hustler whatever. Apparently he was trying to lure folks with deeper pockets into financing ( the money from which he would probably have absconded with) as the you tube vid. was apparently, a long ‘trailer’.

You tube, the wild west of amateur video, home to Piano playing Cats, Dancing Vegetables and scenes of extraterrestrials.

And this is what we made 2 statements/apologia, prompting 1 statement and a full blown speech from our Sec State for, to explain and commiserate in outrage with folks who were and will hence be energized ( see: enabled) by a validation of their outrage coming from our Gov. over this trojan horse crap? :lol:

Alleged anti-Muslim film producer has drug, fraud convictions
Alleged anti-Muslim film producer has drug, fraud convictions -
Many famous writers and artists have criminal records, does that diminish their achievements? No.

If the scum of the Earth says "1+1=2" they would still be correct.
Meth cook, check kiting, credit card fraudster…:rolleyes: a 2-bit grifter, hustler whatever. Apparently he was trying to lure folks with deeper pockets into financing ( the money from which he would probably have absconded with) as the you tube vid. was apparently, a long ‘trailer’.

You tube, the wild west of amateur video, home to Piano playing Cats, Dancing Vegetables and scenes of extraterrestrials.

And this is what we made 2 statements/apologia, prompting 1 statement and a full blown speech from our Sec State for, to explain and commiserate in outrage with folks who were and will hence be energized ( see: enabled) by a validation of their outrage coming from our Gov. over this trojan horse crap? :lol:

Alleged anti-Muslim film producer has drug, fraud convictions
Alleged anti-Muslim film producer has drug, fraud convictions -

Exactly.. The media and this Appeasement Administration are dancing around like a band of wild-ass gypsies trying to spin this entire clusterfuck!
Many famous writers and artists have criminal records, does that diminish their achievements? No.

If the scum of the Earth says "1+1=2" they would still be correct.

I think I have made it poorly or you have missed my point, this video is BS, its a trojan horse in any event.

and this guy isn't David Lean or Martin Scorsese, its all a sham, there is no 'achievement' here, its a beer fart in a tempest. What are we going to say when something real comes along?

.....the benchmark has been set, we get all slobberingly empathetic because some bozo scam artist puts out a 13 minute trailer to no where...wonderful.

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