Muslims are allowed to eat their enemies’ flesh

I would think that pigs raised on a farm should be clean enough for both Jews and Muslims.

even if internal worms were not transmitted to humans, external parasites and viruses still can be. As for cooking....not like they had internal thermometers to test the meat. No refrigeration. Poor sanitation. Pigs eat feces and wallow in slop. It was not easy to get rid of worms back then. Garlic and wormwood were the typical cures and not always effective.
Pigs are cleaner than chickens. People find this hard to believe, but when pigs are in a pen, they will all go to one area of the pen to evacuate. Chickens shit all over everything.
By the way the eating of pig,s flesh could be forbidden in a non literal or it of a deeper meaning of not partaking or eating of anything from Iosus (the swine or earth pig) something to definately think about....

If it is a violation of divine law to eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, then it is a violation of divine law to eat the flesh of a brown nosed dork...
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Lol...Touche...... Well done Hobe....i think in all probably that the Canaanites were the first as they were Can a Baal worshippers who not only defecated in front of their god but practised Can a Baal ism in front of it as well.. They were other groups as well but maybe that is where the name was derived or it could just be a clever play on words regardless your point is well taken.....
even if internal worms were not transmitted to humans, external parasites and viruses still can be. As for cooking....not like they had internal thermometers to test the meat. No refrigeration. Poor sanitation. Pigs eat feces and wallow in slop. It was not easy to get rid of worms back then. Garlic and wormwood were the typical cures and not always effective.

All good reasons why I guess. For those who live in the past.
that is when the dietary laws for both were written. Now it is not about reason but faith in their laws. Pigs could be the cleanest animals but their faith tells them not to eat pork. When the laws were written it was easier to say "god said" even if they did understood enough of the medical reason. Now it is about tradition.
Good posts. Unfortunately, the voice of reason rings very hollow for people who are determined to hate and revile Muslims.

You write 'who are determined to hate and revile Muslims'.

Can you say please, why we must love Muslims?



I'm waiting for your reasons.
Do you only think in extremes? If so, you are as bad as the extremist Muslims you revile. There is a vast spectrum of consideration between reviling something and loving it. Your question is too childish for consideration.

Too childish?

Only in the last week the Religion of Peace has committed following crimes:

Weekly Jihad Report
Dec 19 - Dec 25

Jihad Attacks:

Allah Akbars*:

Dead Bodies:

Critically Injured:
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

Must we accept that our 'policymakers' make nothing against spreading of this murderous ideology in western countries?
As with all things unfortunately if there is no central authority then words or scriptures can be twisted to ones own liking.... Case inpoint is there is a verse if I recall in the koran where it states a believer may do something to ease ones heart of pain....So if one hated someone who was not a believer and to ease ones heart by consuming his flesh then that is how one on his own or his group may interpret it.... Obviously nonsensical but permisable technically because said verse is misappropriated... Now tell me how many groups out there are guilty of this as well... By the way the eating of pig,s flesh could be forbidden in a non literal or it of a deeper meaning of not partaking or eating of anything from Iosus (the swine or earth pig) something to definately think about......

If Muslims do not want bias against them they must clearly condemn all 'wrong' interpretations of Quran.If they do not make it than anybody is allow to suspect them.
I would think that pigs raised on a farm should be clean enough for both Jews and Muslims.

even if internal worms were not transmitted to humans, external parasites and viruses still can be. As for cooking....not like they had internal thermometers to test the meat. No refrigeration. Poor sanitation. Pigs eat feces and wallow in slop. It was not easy to get rid of worms back then. Garlic and wormwood were the typical cures and not always effective.
Pigs are cleaner than chickens. People find this hard to believe, but when pigs are in a pen, they will all go to one area of the pen to evacuate. Chickens shit all over everything.

I've never been a big lover of chicken, but I do like chicken salad sandwiches.

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