Muslims attack gay man...

Islam is the antthesis to everything dhimmicrats and libtards claimed to care about, women's rights, gay rights and human rights.
So why do you dislike them? They agree with conservative Christians that liberal America is what's wrong with America.
No, they adore you liberals because you give them a free pass whilst constantly attacking Christianity. Lefties are their facilitators.
In the future we will play a game. Who did this, a Christian or a Muslim?

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And we won't know. Those could be American abortion doctors.
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Good job progressives...between the Muslims and the Mexicans. The days of the queer power lobby in the us are numbered. Morons, you are the instrument of your own destruction. Sweden: Muslim migrants slaughter gay man, wrap snake around his neck

Does anyone doubt that if the men were Christian, that Koshergrl would be cheering them on for doing a good job?

I think its terrible that anyone target and kill a person- for being gay, for being Muslim, for being Christian.
So why do you dislike them? They agree with conservative Christians that liberal America is what's wrong with America.
The only reason someone like Tilly doesn't like ISIS is because it's drect competition for ruling the planet in God's Name. It certainly can't be because they oppose liberalism, they both hate that, the founding philosophy of this very nation, neither of them approve of.
Progressives really don't care about the people they pretend to fight for in their causes. Homosexuals will get thrown to the wolves, or in this case Muslims, for more important progressive goals, such as the destruction of western culture. Progressives can get results much more quickly by championing the cause of Islamists, which is why they will continue to back Islam more and more with each terror attack.
Yeah but a lot of gays have fought hard and dirty for special rights, pretending they had it bad here. They're about to find out how good it was...we treated them better than any country in the world, and their hatred of the us has led them to support their own enemies. It's like watching overcrowded rats turn cannibal.

It may seem self-destructive for progressive queers to back Islam, but the reality is homosexuality and pedophila are rampant in the Islamic world. I think the prog queers know that, and that is why they are backing Islam.
I think "thou doth protest too much". In other words, how about taking your gay fantasies elsewhere?
So why do you dislike them? They agree with conservative Christians that liberal America is what's wrong with America.
The only reason someone like Tilly doesn't like ISIS is because it's drect competition for ruling the planet in God's Name. It certainly can't be because they oppose liberalism, they both hate that, the founding philosophy of this very nation, neither of them approve of.
I see the similarities. But does Tilly see them? Probably not. Republican voters are amazing. One minute they are defending all religions the next they are singling out Islam the first sign of trouble from a few fanatics. Sorry, you are all brothers and sisters.

So why do you dislike them? They agree with conservative Christians that liberal America is what's wrong with America.
The only reason someone like Tilly doesn't like ISIS is because it's drect competition for ruling the planet in God's Name. It certainly can't be because they oppose liberalism, they both hate that, the founding philosophy of this very nation, neither of them approve of.
I see the similarities. But does Tilly see them? Probably not. Republican voters are amazing. One minute they are defending all religions the next they are singling out Islam the first sign of trouble from a few fanatics. Sorry, you are all brothers and sisters.

View attachment 57551
In the fight of Liberals versus Tilly-types and ISIS, the last two are on the same side. Evil peas in an evil pod, both incapable of seeing said evil. It is remarkable that two things so closely aligned can pretend, that they aren't.
So why do you dislike them? They agree with conservative Christians that liberal America is what's wrong with America.
The only reason someone like Tilly doesn't like ISIS is because it's drect competition for ruling the planet in God's Name. It certainly can't be because they oppose liberalism, they both hate that, the founding philosophy of this very nation, neither of them approve of.
I see the similarities. But does Tilly see them? Probably not. Republican voters are amazing. One minute they are defending all religions the next they are singling out Islam the first sign of trouble from a few fanatics. Sorry, you are all brothers and sisters.

View attachment 57551
In the fight of Liberals versus Tilly-types and ISIS, the last two are on the same side. Evil peas in an evil pod, both incapable of seeing said evil. It is remarkable that two things so closely aligned can pretend, that they aren't.
And we see the differences in those assorted bag of nuts. I pick through the muslim nuts because they are my least favorite kind. And to be honest, Christianity is my favorite kind of nut. But I do recognize the bag is full of nuts. No raisins or chocolate or brains included.
Good job progressives...between the Muslims and the Mexicans. The days of the queer power lobby in the us are numbered. Morons, you are the instrument of your own destruction. Sweden: Muslim migrants slaughter gay man, wrap snake around his neck

What the hell do Mexicans have to do with this?

Besides, you hate gays anyway so this should make you smile.
Because the fag lobby is also pro illegal Mexican immigration....And Mexicans are also notoriously hard on homosexuals.
Good job progressives...between the Muslims and the Mexicans. The days of the queer power lobby in the us are numbered. Morons, you are the instrument of your own destruction. Sweden: Muslim migrants slaughter gay man, wrap snake around his neck

What the hell do Mexicans have to do with this?

Besides, you hate gays anyway so this should make you smile.
Because the fag lobby is also pro illegal Mexican immigration....And Mexicans are also notoriously hard on homosexuals.
Remember Bush was able to get black Christians to discriminate against gays? Black religious leaders look back now and see how they were played and how they should be embarrassed at that unholy alliance they made briefly with Bush.

Black Evangelicals: Bush's New Trump Card

The great untold story of the 2004 presidential elections was the black evangelical vote. Although black evangelicals still voted overwhelmingly for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, they gave Bush the cushion he needed to bag Ohio and win the White House. There were early warning signs that might happen. The same polls that showed black's prime concern was with bread and butter issues – and that Kerry was seen as the candidate who could deliver on those issues – also revealed that a sizeable number of blacks ranked abortion, gay marriage and school prayer as priority issues. Their concern for these issues didn't come anywhere close to that of white evangelicals, but it was still higher than that of the general voting public.

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