Muslims Hate and Kill Palestinian Christians

You cannot blame Palestinians for what people are doing outside Palestine, makes no sense at all.

I see no Muslims killing Palestinian Christians.

What a lie this thread is, started by a lying Zionist who posted a propaganda video with a false title alleging killing when the video depicted no killing.

I have yet to see proof one Christian was killed by Palestinians in any government position in either the West Bank or Gaza.

But Israels baby killing regime is in the Palestinian killing business 24/7. 1519 babies, Christian and Muslim, killed since 9/2000. See Remember These Children website.

They even crucified a teenage Christian boy in Gaza, written about by Archbishop Elias Chacour.

And still you ignore the many thousands of innocent children MASS MURDERED in the name of Palestine around the world. You forget that the filastins are MASS MURDERING everywhere and that they are even MASS MURDERING their own in gaza and the west bank. How many children have your evil filastins MASS MURDERED in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon in recent years
This thread title is a lie.
You are a Lying Piece of Shlt.

The thread title has been documented THROUGHOUT by me with several articles.

You haven't refuted or even addressed one.

You're a 70 IQ Bigot who just says 'no' and doesn't even understand how this venue works.
Last edited:
This thread title is a lie.
You are a Lying Piece of Shlt.

The thread title has been documented THROUGHOUT by me with several articles.

You haven't refuted or even addressed one.

You're a 70 IQ Bigot who just says 'no' and doesn't even understand how this venue works.

Abu----one of the saddest accounts I ever read was the account of the last
day of MAGDA GOEBBELS------She was beautiful, religious, refined
and she even managed to have lots of kids. Thruout the Nazi era she
remained a faithful nazi and with GRACE AND STYLE----She caught the eye
of Adolf abu ali-----and he----disdaining his own gang moll EVA---chose
Magda as his official hostess. He attended her wedding (a second marriage)
with JOSEF GOEBBELS and the graceful Magda became a devoted
helpmate to the BOTH -----ever charming and ever pious and ever devoted to
her kids (I think she had six--one from the first marriage---he oldest boy)
At the end----in the Berlin Bunker---she never faltered----she worked hard
to cheer the somewhat anxious and depressed adolf, cared for her kids and
when the situation was clearly about to end----POURED HER THOUGHTS into a
letter to her eldest son who was at the front lines. She wrote ---that he
AND BE BRAVE. She then shoved cyanide down the throats of her five small
ones and ---then down her own throat------SHE WAS FAITHFUL TO THE PARTYLINE---

see? now do you understand Sherri? she has a cause-----Magda made
Josef Goebbels and his creed HER CAUSE and Sherri adopted a
similar cause----to be faithful to it----NO MATTER WHAT
This thread is a perfect illustration of Projection, a Zionist projecting his own Zionist hate in his own heart and mind and soul onto those he hates, Muslims.

What a lie this thread is, started by a lying Zionist who posted a propaganda video with a false title alleging killing when the video depicted no killing.

I have yet to see proof one Christian was killed by Palestinians in any government position in either the West Bank or Gaza.

But Israels baby killing regime is in the Palestinian killing business 24/7. 1519 babies, Christian and Muslim, killed since 9/2000. See Remember These Children website.

They even crucified a teenage Christian boy in Gaza, written about by Archbishop Elias Chacour.

Do you even know anything about Chacour or his books? You had to have gotten this #$%^ off one of your propaganda sites. Chacour's book was about 70 years ago and it is mostly heresay not of his own witness. Most of his claims are unproven or have been proven false.
Are you aware that it is legal in gaza to crucify a christian? Has been for several years. Not by jews, but by muslims.
You are a Zionazi liar.

You claim Muslims are killing Palestinian Christians.

Name and document these Christians now being killed.

This thread title is a lie.
You are a Lying Piece of Shlt.

The thread title has been documented THROUGHOUT by me with several articles.

You haven't refuted or even addressed one.

You're a 70 IQ Bigot who just says 'no' and doesn't even understand how this venue works.
Israel crucified a teenage Palestinian Christian in Gaza in the First Intifada, documented by Archbishop Elias Chacour.

Jews do like crucifixion.

There was Jesus.

Then came the opportunity to crucify in Gaza.

This thread is a perfect illustration of Projection, a Zionist projecting his own Zionist hate in his own heart and mind and soul onto those he hates, Muslims.

What a lie this thread is, started by a lying Zionist who posted a propaganda video with a false title alleging killing when the video depicted no killing.

I have yet to see proof one Christian was killed by Palestinians in any government position in either the West Bank or Gaza.

But Israels baby killing regime is in the Palestinian killing business 24/7. 1519 babies, Christian and Muslim, killed since 9/2000. See Remember These Children website.

They even crucified a teenage Christian boy in Gaza, written about by Archbishop Elias Chacour.

Do you even know anything about Chacour or his books? You had to have gotten this #$%^ off one of your propaganda sites. Chacour's book was about 70 years ago and it is mostly heresay not of his own witness. Most of his claims are unproven or have been proven false.
Are you aware that it is legal in gaza to crucify a christian? Has been for several years. Not by jews, but by muslims.
You are a Zionazi liar.

You claim Muslims are killing Palestinian Christians.

Name and document these Christians now being killed.

This thread title is a lie.
You are a Lying Piece of Shlt.

The thread title has been documented THROUGHOUT by me with several articles.

You haven't refuted or even addressed one.

You're a 70 IQ Bigot who just says 'no' and doesn't even understand how this venue works.

Learn to read and watch videos you idiot.
You are a Zionazi liar.

You claim Muslims are killing Palestinian Christians.

Name and document these Christians now being killed.

You are a Lying Piece of Shlt.

The thread title has been documented THROUGHOUT by me with several articles.

You haven't refuted or even addressed one.

You're a 70 IQ Bigot who just says 'no' and doesn't even understand how this venue works.

Learn to read and watch videos you idiot.

Toast can you not read english------sherri already told you that it is
jews doing all the killing in the Middle east-----and the world
It happened.

Archbishop Elias Chacour of the Melkite Church in Galilee documented a case of a crucifixion of a 19 year old Christian teenager in Gaza right after the beginning of the First Intifada. He documents this in his book We Belong To The Land.*He actually traveled to Gaza and personally spoke to the Palestinian woman whose house the murdered youth was drug from by IDF soldiers,*who accused him of throwing stones. He was beaten, tortured, tied to a vehicle crucifixion style, and drove around by soldiers in the IDF for hours, apparently until he died. His body was returned to the family the next day.

The Palestinian Christian crucified by the IDF was 19, his name was Khader Tarazi. The story of his crucifixion appears on pages 185-186 of Elias Chacour's book, We Belong To The Land.*

According to the neighbor whose home Khader was drug from, Um Issam, "One of the soldiers, apparently crazy with rage, lifted Khader over his head and slammed his body to the cement floor. According to Um Issam, Khader then lay motionless, blood pouring from his mouth and eyes, while yet another soldier kicked him in the genitals. Khader was then dragged out of the house and thrown face down on the hood of the jeep, his head hanging down over the front and his feet straight back toward the windshield. His arms were stretched outward and tied down in a crucifixion position. The soldiers then began beating him again, witnessed by scores of people who had now gathered. Blood gushed from his mouth and nose, running down the front of the jeep." Pgs 185-186

To continue the story of what happened to Khader, the soldiers drove away with him still tied in a crucifix position to their jeep. They drove around for a long time, periodically beating him. The parents were told the next day he was dead. The Israeli authoritiese told the parents he had died of a heart attack and the body was at a government hospital in Beersheba, about 50 kilometers away inside Israel. The body was not given to the family until 2/10, the back was broken, his right front skull fractured, bones in each arm and the right hand broken, and there were multiple lacerations all over the body. An autopsy had been done, the long abdominal chest wound having been stitched up. And there were curious slits up the fronts of his legs, that had been crudely stitched closed. The examining* doctor photographed the mutilated body.

Israel crucified a teenage Palestinian Christian in Gaza in the First Intifada, documented by Archbishop Elias Chacour.

Jews do like crucifixion.

There was Jesus.

Then came the opportunity to crucify in Gaza.

This thread is a perfect illustration of Projection, a Zionist projecting his own Zionist hate in his own heart and mind and soul onto those he hates, Muslims.

What a lie this thread is, started by a lying Zionist who posted a propaganda video with a false title alleging killing when the video depicted no killing.

I have yet to see proof one Christian was killed by Palestinians in any government position in either the West Bank or Gaza.

But Israels baby killing regime is in the Palestinian killing business 24/7. 1519 babies, Christian and Muslim, killed since 9/2000. See Remember These Children website.

They even crucified a teenage Christian boy in Gaza, written about by Archbishop Elias Chacour.

Do you even know anything about Chacour or his books? You had to have gotten this #$%^ off one of your propaganda sites. Chacour's book was about 70 years ago and it is mostly heresay not of his own witness. Most of his claims are unproven or have been proven false.
Are you aware that it is legal in gaza to crucify a christian? Has been for several years. Not by jews, but by muslims.
sherri lied again-------she described a concocted story about a person who was beaten
to death-----and died of cardio respiratory arrest due to multiple injuries---
such a death has nothing to do with "crucifixion" -----which is a form used by
first persians---then greeks-----and ultimately in a huge klling fest by ROMANS ---
rome built its empire on the procedure------but it was abolished by constantine--
circa 300 AD in favor of more creative forms of death by torture

Death by crucifixtion is caused by PULMONARY FAILURE-----the person slowly suffocates
and is assciated with-----in the process---- developing pulmonary edema At autopsy--
the weight of the lungs would be markely increased "how much did his lungs weigh,
sherri? Death by crucifixion takes a REALLY LONG TIME which is why the romans
liked it so much --------it is a big show for them -----like the LIONS eating humans circuses
that they enjoyed -----and later the massive death by torture shows called the
AUTO DE FE of the Inquisition-------which is a kind of forerunner of the LYNCHINGS
favored in the OLD SOUTH right sherri?
To the people in Palestine and Christians there in Gaza, it was a crucifixion.

But Jews still keep denying they crucified Jesus too, even as The Bible says it happened.
You are a Zionazi liar.

You claim Muslims are killing Palestinian Christians.

Name and document these Christians now being killed.

This thread title is a lie.
You are a Lying Piece of Shlt.

The thread title has been documented THROUGHOUT by me with several articles.

You haven't refuted or even addressed one.

You're a 70 IQ Bigot who just says 'no' and doesn't even understand how this venue works.

In which country? Which continent? That is a lot of instances to go back through. One year? Two? More?

I might suggest you not call people a liar when they are just trying to inform you about what you seem to be misinformed about.

37 Muslim nations persecuting Christians
Relentless jihad against Christians, in life and in death - The Commentator
Nun: Slain Christians? blood drained and sold
Bomb attacks on Christians in Baghdad kill 37 | Fox News
There is some 40,000 more news articles on just one search engine though without skimming through the pages I don't know how far back they go or how many are covering the same story.

You might want to tone down the attitude a few notches, it becoming annoying, especially since you rarely seem to have a clue.

If you don't know, ask someone.
The claim made in thread title is Muslims are killing Palestinian Christians.

The video in OP does not support this claim.

Nothing supports this claim .

WHERE are Muslims killing Palestinian Christians?
The claim made in thread title is Muslims are killing Palestinian Christians.

The video in OP does not support this claim.

Nothing supports this claim .

WHERE are Muslims killing Palestinian Christians?

seems to me that would depend on what you call "palestinian christians" Are
we defining "palestine" according to HERODOTUS ????
You are a Zionazi liar.

You claim Muslims are killing Palestinian Christians.

Name and document these Christians now being killed.

You are a Lying Piece of Shlt.

The thread title has been documented THROUGHOUT by me with several articles.

You haven't refuted or even addressed one.

You're a 70 IQ Bigot who just says 'no' and doesn't even understand how this venue works.

In which country? Which continent? That is a lot of instances to go back through. One year? Two? More?

I might suggest you not call people a liar when they are just trying to inform you about what you seem to be misinformed about.

37 Muslim nations persecuting Christians
Relentless jihad against Christians, in life and in death - The Commentator
Nun: Slain Christians? blood drained and sold
Bomb attacks on Christians in Baghdad kill 37 | Fox News
There is some 40,000 more news articles on just one search engine though without skimming through the pages I don't know how far back they go or how many are covering the same story.

You might want to tone down the attitude a few notches, it becoming annoying, especially since you rarely seem to have a clue.

If you don't know, ask someone.

Muslims hate and kill Palestinian Christians - Vidéo Dailymotion - Palestinian Muslims hate and kill Palestinian Christians
Palestinian Mufti: Muslims? Destiny Is to Kill Jews | FrontPage Magazine
Palestinian Areas « Christian & Church Persecution
Palestinian Christians ?not really Arabs,? says senior Israeli lawmaker | The Electronic Intifada
Prince Charles? plea to Muslims to stop killing Christians | The Christians
For discussion. as to the issue of WHO IS ARAB and WHO IS NOT-----

the formal definition of an ARAB------is a person whose MOTHER TONGUE
iS ARABIC-----that's lots of people----Muslims, Christians and Jews----because just
as the BRITISH EMPIRE was vast (which is why I speak english)-----the arab
muslim empire was vast. --------HOWEVER----the fact is that --in general---arabic
speaking jews do not call themselves "arabs" In my experience----when an
arabic speaking jew says "ARAB" -----he is referring to muslims. I am not entirely
sure how arabic speaking christians IN GENERAL see the issue----it is clear to me
that a whole lot more arabic speaking christians self describe as "arabs"----but by
no means -----all. Lately with ARABIST ideology on the rise----to wit---arab
spring and all that rot. -----WHO IS ARAB becomes a real issue ------
Ok out there-----WHO IS ARAB. roudy are you arab? (you miserable arrogant
iraqi) aris ----are you arab? anyone else-------uhm ---
sherri? sherri---take my advice -----NEVER ACCUSE AN IRANIAN OF BEING
AN ARAB............especially if he is armed
For discussion. as to the issue of WHO IS ARAB and WHO IS NOT-----

the formal definition of an ARAB------is a person whose MOTHER TONGUE
iS ARABIC-----that's lots of people----Muslims, Christians and Jews----because just
as the BRITISH EMPIRE was vast (which is why I speak english)-----the arab
muslim empire was vast. --------HOWEVER----the fact is that --in general---arabic
speaking jews do not call themselves "arabs" In my experience----when an
arabic speaking jew says "ARAB" -----he is referring to muslims. I am not entirely
sure how arabic speaking christians IN GENERAL see the issue----it is clear to me
that a whole lot more arabic speaking christians self describe as "arabs"----but by
no means -----all. Lately with ARABIST ideology on the rise----to wit---arab
spring and all that rot. -----WHO IS ARAB becomes a real issue ------
Ok out there-----WHO IS ARAB. roudy are you arab? (you miserable arrogant
iraqi) aris ----are you arab? anyone else-------uhm ---
sherri? sherri---take my advice -----NEVER ACCUSE AN IRANIAN OF BEING
AN ARAB............especially if he is armed

Red head phoenician, though it was blond as a child. Thanks to my mom I'm a global mutt, I have branches from all over the place. I've been around arabs for half of my life, but I don't think of myself as arab, too american on my mom's side. Parents did not raise me as most other children. Arabic was my third language, not my first in school.

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