Muslims inject acid into stray dogs causing a slow, agonizing death


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
How can western politicians invite Muslims to live together with humans?
Guess what would do these animals in Germany as 'refuges'.

The following is a video that shows the way Iranian authorities are getting rid of stray dogs. Instead of using a lethal method that will at least be humane, they choose the least expensive poison – an acid that will corrode the animals’ guts while the dog is still alive.
In China they skin dogs alive to sell the fur. Hang em up, rip the skin from their bodies and throw them in piles to die.

I've seen videos of that also.

I have no idea wtf is going through people's minds...
Why do we permit such barbarism to come here. They should be met with bullets that are carved with a scripture and covered with pig fat.

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