Muslims Offended And Raising Hell Because Of Frying Bacon Smell Coming From Cafe


May 29, 2010
This is insane and Political Correctness has gone to far. I mean I wake up this morning and find out Juan Williams was fired for stating the truth about Muslims and then come across this about Muslims being offended about the smell of bacon. I thought the PC with the jews were bad but this PC with Muslims is going overboard. It's time to do what Germany is fixing to do and since they have realized that Muslims aren't adapting to German traditions and values and accepted that Multiculturalism doesn't work, we need to do the same.

Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan in case smell of frying bacon offends passing Muslims | Mail Online

A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon 'offends' Muslims.

Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after being told her next-door neighbour's Muslim friends had felt 'physically sick' due to the 'foul odour'.

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This is insane and Political Correctness has gone to far. I mean I wake up this morning and find out Juan Williams was fired for stating the truth about Muslims and then come across this about Muslims being offended about the smell of bacon. I thought the PC with the jews were bad but this PC with Muslims is going overboard. It's time to do what Germany is fixing to do and since they have realized that Muslims aren't adapting to German traditions and values and accepted that Multiculturalism doesn't work, we need to do the same.

Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan in case smell of frying bacon offends passing Muslims | Mail Online

A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon 'offends' Muslims.

Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after being told her next-door neighbour's Muslim friends had felt 'physically sick' due to the 'foul odour'.

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Interesting. BBQ places around here have to have the same kinds of fans.....and I don't think it's evil Muslims requiring it.
Gee, I thought this forum was for current events in the United States.

That it is insane. Some people get offended over nothing. And there is nothing wrong with Multiculturalism.
This is insane and Political Correctness has gone to far. I mean I wake up this morning and find out Juan Williams was fired for stating the truth about Muslims and then come across this about Muslims being offended about the smell of bacon. I thought the PC with the jews were bad but this PC with Muslims is going overboard. It's time to do what Germany is fixing to do and since they have realized that Muslims aren't adapting to German traditions and values and accepted that Multiculturalism doesn't work, we need to do the same.

Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan in case smell of frying bacon offends passing Muslims | Mail Online

A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon 'offends' Muslims.

Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after being told her next-door neighbour's Muslim friends had felt 'physically sick' due to the 'foul odour'.

More in Link:

I would tell them to go fuck themselves. Or you don't have to walk past my building.
US ArmyRetarded needs to read his own article.

The people doing the cooking are also muslims. (who serve the food to their English customers)

The exhaust is only 12" from the man's front door.

No wonder the home owner is complaining!!! You would too!!!!

Plus the exhaust fan was improperly installed w/o a city permit.
your a racist, a moron and en ex babykiller.

"The fan has been in Beverley's Snack Shack takeaway in the Shaw Heath area of the town for the past three years."

Try not to be a dumbass. I know it's very hard for you to pull your head out and free think.

But these are religious conservatives taking away another Americans freedom to operate a cafe.

Here, this will clear things up for you.

Imagine some chrstians demanding that your fave porno shop stop selling your fave choclate covered dildos b/c the smell made them sick.
I recommend an extension on the exhaust fan to blow the offending oder to a less personal direction.
Gee, I thought this forum was for current events in the United States.

That it is insane. Some people get offended over nothing. And there is nothing wrong with Multiculturalism.

My bad. It was in the UK.

No matter.

Rights the UK takes away now are just a few years away in the US under the Obama regime.
If Muslims have a problem with the smell of bacon, they should be stripped of their assets and deported back to Afghanistan.
Gee, I thought this forum was for current events in the United States.

That it is insane. Some people get offended over nothing. And there is nothing wrong with Multiculturalism.

This story is, of course, appropriate as it represents the nexus of creeping sharia in the UK, with the liberal sharia in the US, as the Mayor of the People's Republic of New York City has decided that he can tell folks what they can and cannot salt, transfats,...

What a perfect entree to ban bacon, both to control another aspect of peoples' lives and to protect our Muslim brethren from the assault of same!

It's a liberal sharia win-win, right up there with dictating toilets and light bulbs!
US ArmyRetarded needs to read his own article.

The people doing the cooking are also muslims. (who serve the food to their English customers)

The exhaust is only 12" from the man's front door.

No wonder the home owner is complaining!!! You would too!!!!

Plus the exhaust fan was improperly installed w/o a city permit.

Sorry, Sunni...

I love the smell of BBQ.

Second only to donuts and freshly brewed coffee.
Bacon is part of the British way of life. Muzzies who complain about it should be stripped of their citizenship and jailed.
It's time to do what Germany is fixing to do and since they have realized that Muslims aren't adapting to German traditions and values and accepted that Multiculturalism doesn't work, we need to do the same.

This is the scary part! USAR wants us to take a page from the German book on dealing with minorities. Yikes! As if we never learn from history.
US ArmyRetarded needs to read his own article.

The people doing the cooking are also muslims. (who serve the food to their English customers)

The exhaust is only 12" from the man's front door.

No wonder the home owner is complaining!!! You would too!!!!

Plus the exhaust fan was improperly installed w/o a city permit.

No I wouldn't, I love bacon.
US ArmyRetarded needs to read his own article.

The people doing the cooking are also muslims. (who serve the food to their English customers)

The exhaust is only 12" from the man's front door.

No wonder the home owner is complaining!!! You would too!!!!

Plus the exhaust fan was improperly installed w/o a city permit.

The Quran says just kill the infidel.
This story is, of course, appropriate as it represents the nexus of creeping sharia in the UK, with the liberal sharia in the US, as the Mayor of the People's Republic of New York City has decided that he can tell folks what they can and cannot salt, transfats,...

What a perfect entree to ban bacon, both to control another aspect of peoples' lives and to protect our Muslim brethren from the assault of same!

It's a liberal sharia win-win, right up there with dictating toilets and light bulbs!

Like the moron who posted this OP, you obviously didn't read the link....
It's time to do what Germany is fixing to do and since they have realized that Muslims aren't adapting to German traditions and values and accepted that Multiculturalism doesn't work, we need to do the same.

This is the scary part! USAR wants us to take a page from the German book on dealing with minorities. Yikes! As if we never learn from history.


there might be some misinformation in regard of what germany is going to do.

1. Germany fully accepts that minorities are existing within it´s borders and that these live in the framework of the constitution. Notwithstandding, they do have to accept this framework.

2. Germans are debating now about the extent of integration of immigrants and what exactly are the values the country is founded upon. This debate is quite lively and a lot of stupid things are said. The Greens want a religious holiday for the muslims, the conservatives want, that the country is based upon christian traditions etc.
Still, we see, that the hardworking turkish shopowner is much closer to us, than a lot of others.

There are problems and there are setbacks. But I cannot see, that Germany´s policy towards foreigners is going to change. On the contrary, we are debating now, what has been a neglected fact for years: that we are a country people a migrating to and what the effects are.

ze germanguy

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