Muslums..bad....Hispanics...bad...negro's bad....but Trump supporters...all american!!

You people are sickening. spewing such garbage and tearing us apart all for your dirty politics and for a Political party.

your motto has become: PARTY over country.

Oh, Pollyanna decided to horn in.....child if anybody is sick these days, its the GOP and you top the list....bye Felicia before I get banned....again!!
your motto has become: PARTY over country

As always:

What has he done against blacks besides promise them jobs?
You realize the muslims and Hispanics he has talked about are not citizens. Therefore, YES, your title is 100% correct. Except for the negro part.

Oh, so you have to be a citizen in order to justify gunning down 23 kids in elementary school and a citizen to walk into a church, pray and then gun down 9 people in it...gotcha!!
WTF are you talking about? Could you try to be relevant in your own thread? TIA
I am saying we do not have the understand....the right to single out others for their objective violent behavior when we ourselves are just as guilty, if not more guiltier than those we point too...especially Mr. Trump who advocates violence in his rallies....gotdamit, what about that can't you understand? We reeeeeeeek of it, especially WHITE PEOPLE!!
We have our own problems with, Americans. Duh
Why would we import more? Doesn't that sound just plain stupid?
You people are sickening or I should say, tools for the Democrat party. spewing such garbage and tearing us apart all for your dirty politics and for a Political party.

your motto has become: PARTY over country.
Meanwhile, 68,604 posts later, and we are still waiting for just one of them to make a little bit of sense.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
I see "rightwinger" gave you a thumbs up for this post. Well, counting he and guno, that makes three ignoramuses in my count.

Spare us your isolated incidences to define those who favor Trump, would you? On the other hand, you show no signs of being anyone except who you always are, a zealot with not much of a conscience.

By the way, I might help you with your title of this OP. "Islamic terrorists - bad; Muslim supporters of Islamic violence -- bad; Undeported illegal alien criminals -- bad; Government agencies administrations that allow this to continue -- bad; Black Lives Matter movements who villify cops and cause anger and hatred -- bad; the media who mocks Christianity for taking a bold stance against sin and evil -- bad; Christians who boast of their God but contain a great deal of selfishness and hatred within -- bad; You who sew discord among the brethren thoughtlessly and endlessly -- bad.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is

Go see what happened in Rwanda..... is there much difference? already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
Your party got bill Clinton to sign hw Bush's NAFTA I'm sure you can get hillary to undue it.

And hillary will fix obamacare she won't undo all the good. Will Republicans obstruct her? Yes, so vote them out.

Why do you think GOP hates trump? He's going to cost them seats. High voter turnout hurts gop
Hillary is going to do whatever they pay her to do. She doesn't care about right or wrong. She's just gonna do what the billionaires paid her to do.
Hillary isn't going to touch Obamacare. She's just going add more costs to it.
If she gets elected, she'll figure nothing she does will cause us to dump her lying ass.
If she can't win in an election straight up, she'll buy the election, just like she's buying the nomination.

Oh, kinda like what you gerrymandering, Koch minions have been doing since Obama got elected? Gotcha!!
The Koch Brothers gave $50 million.
The Unions gave over $1 billion to Democrats.

Just no contest.

Why do Democrats support raising the minimum-wage to $15?
Because every wage increase means millions more in union dues.
Everyone with a working brain cell know that 15 bucks and hour will never ever ever happen in this country....shit, we still at 7 bucks....however, its time to up the anti, I mean seriously, 7 dollars for a working family?????? As for the Koock brothers, that's just one group, add em all up, trust me, its in the billions.
Obama made $15 minimum - wage manditory for federal employees.

Once again......minimum - wage is a political tool by Democrats. It isn't designed to provide a viable income for an entire family. Only 1% of the work force is effected by it. However, the effect to businesses, especially the food service industry, is substantial. They usually pay $1 over mw at stores like Walmart, and restaurants, cannot hire waitresses full time because of mw.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.

Yeah, because you racist shit for brains will do to her what you fucks have done to this country....turn it into a cesspool of insane whites terrorizing everybody with their arsonal of guns....Sandy Hook, church shootings, etc.....Next stupid comment?
Yep.......everyone who votes Republican has an arsenal of guns and has shot up their local school.
Wait......if that's the case......all of us would be either dead or in jail. WTF??

There's still plenty of time, Obama doesn't leave office until Janurary!!
So try explainin all of the Brothers that have been shooting at people.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.

Yeah, because you racist shit for brains will do to her what you fucks have done to this country....turn it into a cesspool of insane whites terrorizing everybody with their arsonal of guns....Sandy Hook, church shootings, etc.....Next stupid comment?
Yep.......everyone who votes Republican has an arsenal of guns and has shot up their local school.
Wait......if that's the case......all of us would be either dead or in jail. WTF??

No, what I am saying is this country, this so called God fearing bible toting apple pie eating, flag waving fucked up country got a lot of fuckin nerves calling out others for their violence when we, especially you fuckin rednecks...corner to fuckin market on violence....end of story!! Pot meet motherfuckin Kettle!!
Most of those rednecks historically have been Southern Democrats.

One of them is married to Hillary.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is

But how do you REALLY feel??
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.
Without those unions companies don't pay shit.

Without unions companies pay what the job is worth.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.

Yeah, because you racist shit for brains will do to her what you fucks have done to this country....turn it into a cesspool of insane whites terrorizing everybody with their arsonal of guns....Sandy Hook, church shootings, etc.....Next stupid comment?

100 to 1 odds it will come from you.
What is "Social Justice?"

Social justice is the fleecing of America.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is

Go see what happened in Rwanda..... is there much difference?

In Rwanda the Tutsis felt about the Hutus as tigerred59 feels about white people OR the Hutus felt about the Tutsis as tigerred59 feels about white people.

Whichever, it ended up in genocide of 800,000 people. For tigerred59 the death of 800,000 whites would be only a good start.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
Your party got bill Clinton to sign hw Bush's NAFTA I'm sure you can get hillary to undue it.

And hillary will fix obamacare she won't undo all the good. Will Republicans obstruct her? Yes, so vote them out.

Why do you think GOP hates trump? He's going to cost them seats. High voter turnout hurts gop
Hillary is going to do whatever they pay her to do. She doesn't care about right or wrong. She's just gonna do what the billionaires paid her to do.
Hillary isn't going to touch Obamacare. She's just going to add more costs to it.
If she gets elected, she'll figure nothing she does will cause us to dump her lying ass.
If she can't win in an election straight up, she'll buy the election, just like she's buying the nomination.
So then Trump (the billionaire you trust and believe) should pay her to drop out or to throw the election. Funny you don't trust Hillary for taking money from Billionaires but you trust the billionaires who give her money. Interesting.
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.
Without those unions companies don't pay shit.
Not true, look at the car plants I'm the South, they pay well and are non u ion.this line that only a union shops pay well,just not true
You stupid shit if it weren't for the fear of unions they'd be paying walmart wages.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.

Yeah, because you racist shit for brains will do to her what you fucks have done to this country....turn it into a cesspool of insane whites terrorizing everybody with their arsonal of guns....Sandy Hook, church shootings, etc.....Next stupid comment?
Yep.......everyone who votes Republican has an arsenal of guns and has shot up their local school.
Wait......if that's the case......all of us would be either dead or in jail. WTF??
You mean like Ted Nugent?
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
Your party got bill Clinton to sign hw Bush's NAFTA I'm sure you can get hillary to undue it.

And hillary will fix obamacare she won't undo all the good. Will Republicans obstruct her? Yes, so vote them out.

Why do you think GOP hates trump? He's going to cost them seats. High voter turnout hurts gop
Hillary is going to do whatever they pay her to do. She doesn't care about right or wrong. She's just gonna do what the billionaires paid her to do.
Hillary isn't going to touch Obamacare. She's just going add more costs to it.
If she gets elected, she'll figure nothing she does will cause us to dump her lying ass.
If she can't win in an election straight up, she'll buy the election, just like she's buying the nomination.

Oh, kinda like what you gerrymandering, Koch minions have been doing since Obama got elected? Gotcha!!
The Koch Brothers gave $50 million.
The Unions gave over $1 billion to Democrats.

Just no contest.

Why do Democrats support raising the minimum-wage to $15?
Because every wage increase means millions more in union dues.
Not true at all since Union workers NEVER make minimum wage your theory is fatally flawed, but please try again. Raising the minimum wage does nothing for union workers. Remember that.

But the fear of unions makes Toyota and Honda plants in the south pay unskilled workers more than Walmart wages. If not, explain to me why those factory workers who only have highschool educations make what they make. You can't.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.

Yeah, because you racist shit for brains will do to her what you fucks have done to this country....turn it into a cesspool of insane whites terrorizing everybody with their arsonal of guns....Sandy Hook, church shootings, etc.....Next stupid comment?
Yep.......everyone who votes Republican has an arsenal of guns and has shot up their local school.
Wait......if that's the case......all of us would be either dead or in jail. WTF??
You mean like Ted Nugent?
Ted Nugent shot up a school?

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