Must be awful having your messiah exposed as the Pied Piper of crud


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Must be awful having your messiah exposed as the Pied Piper of crud

All those terrible things Republicans said about Obama for eight years. Calling him a liar and a criminal, a tar baby, boy and all the other things much less polite. And they insisted that he was the Democratā€™s Messiah.

Clearly Democrats didnā€™t know how to worship. Republicans have shown us how itā€™s done.

How they went after Hillary for 30 years calling her every name in the book. Every time she turned around they accused her of some terrible scandal.

Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! They endlessly chanted.

Trump is like a spiderweb of lock her up. Only all the hers have been hims. Thank God Trump is a misogynist. Because itā€™s been all rich white men that have been locked up. He hasnā€™t infected minorities and women the way he has them.

Trump has talked endlessly about immigrants coming here being filthy and dirty and infested and criminal and all kinds of racist names. And now heā€™s showing us what dirty and filthy and infested and criminal actually looks like. And that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s necessarily poor and running for your life.

Trump has shown us what the new right wing Christianity looks like. And it ainā€™t pretty. A new religion where adultery and lying arenā€™t just all right, but a role model for children.

Weā€™re seeing the very beginning of the fracturing at Fox news. Weā€™re seeing a couple of Republican senators starting to show some slight amount of nervousness.

Weā€™re going to see more and more Republicans come out talking about how we need to unify and then blaming everything on Democrats. We are already seeing that on Fox. Theyā€™re saying that Democrats are going to regret harassing all these innocent and great men like Trump and William Barr and the rest of that cabal. The lines are being drawn at Fox. On one side they are seeing Trump as he is and on the other side as they want him to be.

The most hilarious part is watching them on Fox and friends saying Trump is killing himself making this country great again. Heā€™s killing himself for us. Trump is truly their Messiah. Killing himself for us. And for anybody to believe that, that is truly hilarious.

I think the most ironic thing about Trump putting out the document that will actually have him impeached is that his people went over that telephone call document and gave it the best spin possible.

They tried to clean it up and it still exposed him as a criminal.

Makes you wonder about the actual text of the original conversation.

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