Must Read: Why Democrats did a complete 180 on Illegal Immigration


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

This is a good article, but there is another reason why the Dems flipped long ago. This article represents a more recent reason. I am trying to find the other article. The two together explain why the Left are now lawless liars and hypocrites:

Here's the terrible secret about why Democrats did a complete 180 on illegal immigration and border security
Here's the terrible secret about why Democrats did a complete 180 on illegal immigration and border security

......Twelve years ago, during a Senate floor debate in October 2006, freshman U.S. Senator Barack Obama supported construction of a physical barrier along the southwest border. “The bill before us will certainly do some good,” he said, before speaking approvingly of a barrier’s ability to “help stem the tide of illegal immigration in this country.” Today, leading Democrats – including potential candidates for the party’s 2020 presidential nomination – have done a 180-degree reversal. They now oppose construction of a physical barrier, and even demand the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)......

.........Back in 2006, when the Secure Fence Act was being considered in the Senate, Democratic party leaders envisioned a difficult presidential election in 2008. They wanted to secure their right flank against charges of being weak on illegal immigration. Supporting construction of a physical barrier seemed the thing to do. So 26 Democratic senators – including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer – voted for it.

Blast from the Past: Dianne Feinstein Called America A "Welfare System" For Mexico And Stated That "The People Who Should Be Here Are Those That Come Legally"
In 1993, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Said " The Day When America Could Be The Welfare System For Mexico Is Gone ," Adding That "The People Who Should Be Here Are Those That Come Here Legally." SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN: "The day when America could be the welfare system for Mexico is gone. We simply can't afford it. And I think you've seen the figures, to state and local government of what the cost is, it's over 2 billion dollars in California alone. I have those figures if you want them in specific in my purse. And that's why the issue is now joined with 2 million illegal immigrants. It's a competition for space. Whether the space is a job, the space is a home, a place in a classroom. It's becomes a competition for space. This is a country that's based on immigration and we all know that. Yet at times you become so overtaxed. You have to concentrate on saying the people who should be here are those that come legally at this time. And we've got to, for the time being, enforce our borders." (Senator Dianne Feinstein, Remarks At U.S. Mexico Border Visit, San Ysidro, CA, 8/17/93)

This is a good article, but there is another reason why the Dems flipped long ago. This article represents a more recent reason. I am trying to find the other article. The two together explain why the Left are now lawless liars and hypocrites:

Here's the terrible secret about why Democrats did a complete 180 on illegal immigration and border security
Here's the terrible secret about why Democrats did a complete 180 on illegal immigration and border security

......Twelve years ago, during a Senate floor debate in October 2006, freshman U.S. Senator Barack Obama supported construction of a physical barrier along the southwest border. “The bill before us will certainly do some good,” he said, before speaking approvingly of a barrier’s ability to “help stem the tide of illegal immigration in this country.” Today, leading Democrats – including potential candidates for the party’s 2020 presidential nomination – have done a 180-degree reversal. They now oppose construction of a physical barrier, and even demand the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)......

.........Back in 2006, when the Secure Fence Act was being considered in the Senate, Democratic party leaders envisioned a difficult presidential election in 2008. They wanted to secure their right flank against charges of being weak on illegal immigration. Supporting construction of a physical barrier seemed the thing to do. So 26 Democratic senators – including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer – voted for it.

Great article. Another side of the Democrats' hatred for Donald Trump, a hatred which has led them to embrace and celebrate any level of anti-American, anti-human race policy imaginable, is that once Trump is finally gone, there'll be no coming back from beyond the lines of anti-Americanism they have crossed during their crusade to take down our President and thwart his administration at every turn. Even among the most radical of leftists in the Democratic Party it seems reasonable to imagine a few of them still believe that once Trump is banished, they can return to business as usual, closer to left of center. But that's just not the case. Democrats have gone far beyond the point of no return for ever being considered an America loving, patriotic party again, in the future. In their rabid, delusional, almost religious belief Trump is the anti-Christ of politics, the Democrats have forever betrayed America and We The People. And we shall never let them forget how they sold us out, sold out the minds and bodies of our children and attempted to bring down our civilization all in the name of hatred for one man.
Great article. Another side of the Democrats' hatred for Donald Trump, a hatred which has led them to embrace and celebrate any level of anti-American, anti-human race policy imaginable, is that once Trump is finally gone, there'll be no coming back from beyond the lines of anti-Americanism they have crossed during their crusade to take down our President and thwart his administration at every turn. Even among the most radical of leftists in the Democratic Party it seems reasonable to imagine a few of them still believe that once Trump is banished, they can return to business as usual, closer to left of center. But that's just not the case. Democrats have gone far beyond the point of no return for ever being considered an America loving, patriotic party again, in the future. In their rabid, delusional, almost religious belief Trump is the anti-Christ of politics, the Democrats have forever betrayed America and We The People. And we shall never let them forget how they sold us out, sold out the minds and bodies of our children and attempted to bring down our civilization all in the name of hatred for one man.

Thanks you sir. Great post.
Do lower-income U.S. citizens benefit when the terrible schools they’re forced to send their children to see class sizes swell with non-English speaking students? Do working class U.S. citizens benefit when their jobs are taken by illegal immigrants willing to work off the books at far lower costs to their employers? Are any of them benefited when social services must be rationed to accommodate the new illegal immigrant recipients? Democrats, ask yourselves: Is it really any wonder so many of them, fed up with a party that had abandoned them in search of new voters, decided to abandon the party of their fathers and grandfathers and pulled a lever for – gasp! – Donald Trump, the candidate who was the most anti-establishment candidate of the last generation?

Here's the terrible secret about why Democrats did a complete 180 on illegal immigration and border security

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