Must see Interview!

The ousted Rs should all run as Indes now and split the vote. :lol:
I'm telling ya...He ate it for three high profile votes:

1) Amnesty


3) USAPATRIOT re-authorization
Here is his voting record.

Project Vote Smart - Senator Robert F. 'Bob' Bennett - Voting Record

And many considered one of the most conservative republicans in the party.

RealClearPolitics - The Media's Primary Double Standard
In 2009, only eight Senate Republicans had voting records more liberal than Mr. Bennett's, according to the conservative union.

The 80 year old Bennett is trying for a 4th term after claiming he would limit himself to two terms, and from a seat that used to be heald by his father. Fark him, Utah deserves some new blood.

The ousted Rs should all run as Indes now and split the vote.

That might work for Crist and I understand Bennett may try and run as a write-in. Maybe. Pols from both parties hold onto that power with a death grip.

On edit: Bennett is "only" 76 not 80. I confused his age with Arlen Specter's.
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I'm telling ya...He ate it for three high profile votes:

1) Amnesty


3) USAPATRIOT re-authorization

Is amnesty a big issue in Utah?

I don't really care about Bennett but I believe the teaparty wanted him out because he didn't just say no to everything.
A tin ear to the very bitter end.

So you are saying the Tea Party didn't lie about his record?
I'm saying that all either of us know about what Tea Partiers said (as though they speak with one voice) is what Bennett says they said.....Hearsay,

Having spent large portions of '06 - '08 living in SLC, I can safely say that amnesty, TARP and USAPATRIOT re-authorization loomed large with the people who talked about things that burned their butts about Bennett, followed closely by his going back on his promise to only serve two terms...Seems he came down with "I'm too important to quit" syndrome.
Another case of the right eating their own. I expect this from the left, by now the right as well. And to think that we actually had a chance to retake the house in November.
I don't know about that so much...After all, we're talking about Utah here.
The thing that got me is that he couldn't see WHY the people were angry, WHY the people didn't want him bringing their tax dollars back to Utah in the form of pork. He couldn't see that they are sick and tired of a self-serving government who no longer hears or understands or cares what the people want. And he was pretty clear that he would continue doing business as usual as he was clear that the people didn't know what they were talking about. Like the lefties, he sees it all as screaming and yelling.
Which bit of 'Kick 'em all out' did Bennett not get?

And.... if you have to be on the Appropriations Committee in order to ensure that your state gets 'it's fair share' then I really have to ask why the hell every single one of us isn't screaming about it. Why on earth are we (whether you are dem, repub or indie) tolerating that? If a Senator has to force the Fed Gov to be 'fair', should we not all be pretty fucking pissed?
Well, by God, you Teabaggers should kick out all the incumbent Republicans. I am absolutely sure that is the way to insure a Conservative victory in 2010 and 2012. You have my full and sincerest support. Have at it, full speed ahead, damn the topedos, CHARGE!!!!!!!!!:lol::cuckoo::lol:
I don't know about that so much...After all, we're talking about Utah here.

I fear that CW has it right.

The old saw 'let not the perfect be the enemy of the good' applies, as we are raising the bar far too high.

The prize is to retake the two branches of government, then 'purify' the brand if possible.
This is a 50-50 nation, and we don't have seats to spare.

The same reason why I feel that that the lack of outreach to minorities is going to sink the campaign.

Defeating the enemy is more important than spanking 'weak' members.
I don't know about that so much...After all, we're talking about Utah here.

I fear that CW has it right.

The old saw 'let not the perfect be the enemy of the good' applies, as we are raising the bar far too high.

The prize is to retake the two branches of government, then 'purify' the brand if possible.
This is a 50-50 nation, and we don't have seats to spare.

The same reason why I feel that that the lack of outreach to minorities is going to sink the campaign.

Defeating the enemy is more important than spanking 'weak' members.

This is pretty much how both the parties have acted over and over. Their strategy has been, 'let's win first, then clean up'. Yet, we still have crap in both parties.

Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result each time doesn't cut it.

I fully support this different strategy. Clean house, regardless of R or D. Period.
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Tea party of anger.

They are angry at everyone yet most of them voted for the mess Bush made repetedly.

The republican party courted these voters and they courted them so hard they now think they are a base of the republican party.

Now the republican party can not win with them or without them.

They force the republicans to walk and talk in a way that alienates the vast majority of Americans.

Keep making that party smaller and smaller folks , its the best thing for this country.
Tea party of anger.

They are angry at everyone yet most of them voted for the mess Bush made repetedly.

The republican party courted these voters and they courted them so hard they now think they are a base of the republican party.

Now the republican party can not win with them or without them.

They force the republicans to walk and talk in a way that alienates the vast majority of Americans.

Keep making that party smaller and smaller folks , its the best thing for this country.

LMAO! Yup, one party states are a brilliant idea.


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