Must we thank (1) Jefferson’s God, or (2) Trump’s God or (3) no God or (4) or just the founders themselves

You are wrong, Jefferson understood that abortion terminated a pregnancy as the observation he made with respect to native Americans was written in his journal.

When quoting me, you left out the part where I stated I was speaking of rights in our constitution?

I never stated Jefferson dud not understand what abortion is, you have changed the meaning and context of my comment to fit your ideology. That fact makes the basis or rational of your premise and ideology, wrong.

It also make you cut/paste wrong, irrelevant.

And dont worry, I am just getting started.

NFBW: You do realize the TRUMP LOONEY TOON MAGAgelicals and rightwing Papists will call you a baby killer when you say it’s up to the pregnant woman to terminate her “person in the womb” l

Is it anything less, than killing a baby?
NFBW: OK BookReader, what book backs up your statement of fact that Jefferson or any of the Founding fathers never fathomed abortion.

You are wrong, Jefferson understood that abortion terminated a pregnancy as the observation he made with respect to native Americans was written in his journal.

They raise fewer children than we do. The woman causes of this are to be found, not in a difference of nature, but of circumstance. The women very frequently attending the men in their parties of war and of hunting, child-bearing becomes extremely inconvenient to them.​
It is said, therefore, that they have learnt the practice of procuring abortion by the use of some vegetable; and that it even extends to prevent conception for a considerable time after. During these parties they are exposed to numerous hazards, to excessive exertions, to the greatest extremities of hunger. Even at their homes the nation depends for food, through a certain part of every year, on the gleanings of the forest: that is, they experience a famine once in every year. With all animals, if the female be badly fed, or not fed at all, her young perish: and if both male and female be reduced to like want, generation becomes less active, less productive. To the obstacles then of want and hazard, which nature has opposed to the multiplication of wild animals, for the purpose of restraining their numbers within certain bounds, those of labour and of voluntary abortion are added with the Indian. No wonder then if they multiply less than we do. Where food is regularly supplied, a single farm will shew more of cattle, than a whole country of forests can of buffaloes. The same Indian women, when married to white traders, who feed them and their children plentifully and regularly, who exempt them from excessive drudgery, who keep them stationary and unexposed to accident, produce and raise as many children as the white women. Instances are known, under these circumstances, of their rearing a dozen children. An inhuman practice once prevailed in this country of making slaves of the -187- Indians. It is a fact well known with us, that the Indian women so enslaved produced and raised as numerous families as either the whites or blacks among whom they lived. --​
So Indians helped exterminate themselves via abortion?


NFBW: As a confessed Trump voter, are there any situations where killing human beings is permissible in some ethical contexts. END2210051202​

Are there any ethical situations when it is OK to terminate human life?


Would you like me to list them?
NFBW: At what stage does ‘humanity of the unborn’ become a person who has a right to public acknowledged life equal to or more so than it’s mother? Where in the Constitution does the one celled zygote human being assign such a right? END2210050710
Well that is a conversation the nation has to have

And SCOTUS gave us the needed push with the Dobbs decision

As for my opinion, I think most people are troubled with the thought of a partial birth abortion, that is, the infant is viable and simply killed in the birth canal before allowing to exit. Why not just give birth to the infant and then snap its neck if you are going to kill it anyway? It just allows more harm to possibly come to the woman by trying to do that in the birth canal. It is asinine and sheer idiocy and is wicked.

But then comes the question, at how many weeks do you consider it human if the viable infant is considered human? Why is it Ok at 11 weeks, but not 12 weeks, etc.? As for myself, this all comes down to discriminating against the individual based on stages of development. For example, is it Ok to kill those born at a very low stage of development? Some actually favor exterminating those in society that are seen as at a low stage of development and a drag to government to care for and spend money on, much like the Third Reich emptied hospitals and insane asylums by simply taking them to the basement where their lives were taken. But the kicker is, if the infant is allowed to develop, they most likely will help society and government in a myriad of ways if only allowed to do so. Therefore, it would make more sense to exterminate low developed individuals who have no hope of developing out of their "handicap" even though I think both are evil

Even Charles Darwin saw this sort of extermination of the unfit as evil.

Here is what he wrote.

“With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We civilised men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of every one to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands, who from a weak constitution would formerly have succumbed to small-pox. Thus the weak members of civilised societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but excepting in the case of man himself, hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.​

The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is mainly an incidental result of the instinct of sympathy, which was originally acquired as part of the social instincts, but subsequently rendered, in the manner previously indicated, more tender and more widely diffused. Nor could we check our sympathy, if so urged by hard reason, without deterioration in the noblest part of our nature. The surgeon may harden himself whilst performing an operation, for he knows that he is acting for the good of his patient; but if we were intentionally to neglect the weak and helpless, it could only be for a contingent benefit, with a certain and great present evil. Hence we must bear without complaining the undoubtedly bad effects of the weak surviving and propagating their kind; but there appears to be at least one check in steady action, namely the weaker and inferior members of society not marrying so freely as the sound; and this check might be indefinitely increased, though this is more to be hoped for than expected, by the weak in body or mind refraining from marriage.”​

Now what is scientific about being "noble" or being "evil" I wonder?

Why not just exterminate the weak ones like a farmer does with cattle?

This is why humanism fails. Men are not glorified animals, thus they should not be treated as such.
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NFBW: You do realize the TRUMP LOONEY TOON MAGAgelicals and rightwing Papists will call you a baby killer when you say it’s up to the pregnant woman to terminate her “person in the womb” before 15 weeks after conception. Why do you believe that life begins at 15 weeks instead of a conception. ?ding says it’s DNA evidence

ding220728-#3,983 “After fertilization a new genetically distinct human being has come into existence. This is no longer conjecture. It is based upon empirical evidence. DNA.”

Lost in all of this is why you believe that I have to pay for any abortion or baby. Progs have reduced the wealth of people who play by the rules by a good percentage. And we are being good natured by it. We keep waiting for personal responsibility to take hold. But you ridicule that and go with the Jesus and Christian bloviating.
Lost in all of this is why you believe that I have to pay for any abortion or baby. Progs have reduced the wealth of people who play by the rules by a good percentage. And we are being good natured by it. We keep waiting for personal responsibility to take hold. But you ridicule that and go with the Jesus and Christian bloviating.
Leftists are dedicated to taking away all responsibility for their own actions as well as those of society. There is no good, there is no evil, etc.

That is unless they protest on January 6th, then all of a sudden you need police and jails.

It's like magic!!!
Well that is a conversation the nation has to have
NFBW: Why was it a conversation the nation had to have when it was mightily pushed only by a specific easily attributed actual religious/political minority nationwide. There was no organization of scientists or medical professionals linked up with a political party that demanded we have a conversation on this. Roe v. Wade was a compromise on that very gray area ethical issue. It was settled on abortion on demand until the fetus reached a stage of viability to live outside the womb of its mother. That is grounded ion the principal of the way the law was written on the matter of “quickening” when the Constitution was written.

I see a Christian religion motivated Political Crusade to coerce women to surrender their natural human right to privacy during pregnancy until such time that the fetus has reached a stage of viability,. There was no need of a conversation about settled law and precedent.
NFBW: Why was it a conversation the nation had to have when it was mightily pushed only by a specific easily attributed actual religious/political minority nationwide. There was no organization of scientists or medical professionals linked up with a political party that demanded we have a conversation on this. Roe v. Wade was a compromise on that very gray area ethical issue. It was settled on abortion on demand until the fetus reached a stage of viability to live outside the womb of its mother. That is grounded ion the principal of the way the law was written on the matter of “quickening” when the Constitution was written.

I see a Christian religion motivated Political Crusade to coerce women to surrender their natural human right to privacy during pregnancy until such time that the fetus has reached a stage of viability,. There was no need of a conversation about settled law and precedent.
In the decision Roe vs. Wade the justices admitted that such decisions were beyond their scope of expertise. So the proper thing to do was consult those experts. Instead, they just shrugged their shoulders and hid behind the privacy of women. It would be akin to treating slaves the same way. Are they human beings with equality, or should we defer to the privacy of the slave owner instead?

So the question must be asked, when does a human become human?

It might have been nice to tackle this question before exterminating over 50 million infants.
That is unless they protest on January 6th, then all of a sudden you need police and jails.
NFBW: do you have any police records of any Jan6 protester being arrested for protesting outside of the Capitol or did you just make that up.
should we defer to the privacy of the slave owner instead?
NFBW: Were there plantations in the parts of the south that became the Confederacy that were worked by 28 week old fetus’ or did the Plantation owner own only viable human beings include pregnant slave women who were expected to give birth to a new crop of slaves? END2210051305
NFBW: do you have any police records of any Jan6 protester being arrested for protesting outside of the Capitol or did you just make that up.
You don't follow the news much, do you?

Federal prosecutors have charged more than 850 people in 48 states with participating in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, and arrests continue.
NFBW: Were there plantations in the parts of the south that became the Confederacy that were worked by 28 week old fetus’ or did the Plantation owner own only viable human beings include pregnant slave women who were expected to give birth to a new crop of slaves? END2210051305
The issue is natural rights. Back then slaves were looked upon as glorified animals, not human beings who have natural rights given to them by God.

Atheistic dictators don't recognize natural rights because they don't believe in a higher power, thus they murder in mass without any fear from a higher power and they treat their citizens like glorified animals to herded, forced to work the fields, and rounded up and shot if need be.
The issue is natural rights. Back then slaves were looked upon as glorified animals, not human beings who have natural rights given to them by God.
NFBW: Actually the issue of which we speak at the moment is purely biological. Were the slaves viable human beings? Did the slaves born on American soil after 1790 have a recorded date of birth in most cases. I answer those two questions in the affirmative. What say you? END2210051329
Federal prosecutors have charged more than 850 people in 48 states with participating in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol,
NFBW: look at your reply. Do you not know the difference between rioting , beating cops, breaking and entering into a joint session of Congress amongst a mob chanting “hang Mike PENCE” versus peaceful protest.

When I protested two wars several times during my lifetime there was no violence and the chants were “hey hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today” and in 2002 and before the decider decided it was “No Blood for Oil”

What is a hang Mike pence protest. Do they want the Trump government to execute Mike Pence without a trial?

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Atheistic dictators don't recognize natural rights because they don't believe in a higher power
NFBW: Any women who is unwilling to take the risk of harm to herself that could come from going through a full term pregnancy, and who legally chooses to terminate a pregnancy prior to viability in the privacy of her home family and doctor; are not dictators or dictating any action be taken outside of her own body.

Furthermore all women who have abortions are not atheists. . Jewish society generally accepts that life ethically begins with first breath. Christian women have abortions. Bringing up Atheism gets you in the Catholic Nationalist Extremist ballpark with Mashmont . END2210051403
NFBW: Premise: The religious belief’s of the founding fathers are tied to the politics of abortion the past 50 years / you will have to read the CATHOLIC condemnation of Jefferson and his cult of secular religion if you are interested in finding out why - and more.

ELEKTRA220503-#63 “Abortion is murder if there is a heartbeat”

Must we thank (1) Jefferson’s God, or (2) Trump’s God or (3) no God or (4) just the founders themselves for the creation of exceptional America - The greatest nation in history

NFBW: My choice is (4) because they made (1) thru (3) possible which is what makes America exceptional above all other nations in history.

elektra by default picks (2) based on the fact that the God of Jesus is Trump’s pick not TJ’s

ELEKTRA160524-#2 “One must thank God, we are Americans”

ELEKTRA140501-#129 “Why does Thomas Jefferson, state, "So much for your quotation of Calvin's `mon dieu! jusqu'a quand' in which, when addressed to the God of Jesus, and our God, I join you cordially, and await his time and will with more readiness than reluctance."

NFBW: Those who read books about Jefferson’s religion would know that Jefferson was revolted by any man made thought that falsely converted Jesus into a God. The following portrait based on his writing is a great link into the great rational and enlightenment libersl mind of Jefferson

Catholic view / The Relevance of Thomas Jefferson by Donald J. D'Elia Christendom College Press, Fall 1977In the analysis of Thomas Jefferson, which follows, Dr. D 'Elia lays the groundwork for a truly Catholic perception of American history in general, in addition to unveiling an accurate portrait of the man.​
Among the Founding Fathers of the American nation there appears to be none more deserving of the title of "modern man" than the Virginian, Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and third President of the United States. His tall, god-like figure looms over the American past, his name continues to be celebrated in endless books and after-dinner speeches, and his democratic authority must be invoked by every aspiring statesman and grasping politician. Indeed, Jefferson's attraction for modern man has led to the development of a veritable cult whose shrine on the banks of the Potomac draws worshippers from all over the world.​
Often it has happened in history and in life itself that a good but naive man's principles have been mercilessly exposed by time to reveal logical implications, which he would have condemned in his own lifetime. Such was notably the case with Thomas Jefferson who, bereft of the Church's wisdom and maternal protection, fell victim to false principles long ago unmasked by Revelation and true philosophy. These false principles, known collectively as liberalism, were made by Jefferson into a kind of religion, as we shall see; and in using the prestige of the presidency to advance this secular religion, Jefferson unwittingly proved himself to be the first of a long line of abusers of the highest office of the land. For the Jeffersonian mentality, despite all good intentions, leads inexorably to moral nihilism and the abortionist Supreme Court of the 1970'

Jefferson was not Christian. He was a deist.

So fuck you and the idiot who wrote that stupid diatribe.

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