my 5 point quick fix for immigration

Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.
Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.
and let China move in?....i can see the massive amount of people fleeing that....
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.

I agree. We need to tax the ubber wealthy at 50% and coporations at 30% to pay for all this though.
my 5 point quick fix for immigration

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

The cut off of aid, is like "the floggings will continue until morale improves"

By making conditions in South America WORSE, even more will seek asylum here.

For your second point, you'll need to repeal the 14th amendment, which isn't likely to happen since you need 3/4ths of the states to ratify the change.
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.
Wrong on every point.

Criminalize the hiring of undocumented workers.
Not some schlub foreman.
Start with the HR director and work up from there.
Put some CEOs down for 5-10 for a first offense and watch those jobs dry up.
And if the jobs dry up, the people quit coming.

1. Wall: 10 foot wall, 11 foot ladder, wall defeated by a visit to AMAZON.
2. That is an illegal use of the military.
3. Yes, cut off that foreign aid and force those countries to turn to China or Russia. Good job.
4. Unconstitutional
5. DACA is not an immigration issue. They are people bought here as kids as much as 20 years ago. DACA allows those who are an asset to the US to stay, work, and, hopefully, one day, become citizens. You would punish these people who, in their minds are American, for the crime of having been a child 20 years ago. DACA is not an immigration issue, the opposition is just more GOP racism.
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.
Idiotic, reckless, irresponsible, won’t do anything to address undocumented immigrants entering the country.
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.
So, Trump's policies.
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.
Or you could just let them in.
What is there? 170,000 trying to get in, that's chicken feed and would not make one iota of difference to the American economy?
You yanks need to start thinking outside the box. You are going to have to massively increase your population to produce more productive workers and taxpayers if you want to compete with China in the long run. You have 330 million and you need to increase that up towards 1 billion. There is plenty of room as most of the US like Britain is still undeveloped.
Or you could just let them in.
What is there? 170,000 trying to get in, that's chicken feed and would not make one iota of difference to the American economy?
You yanks need to start thinking outside the box. You are going to have to massively increase your population to produce more productive workers and taxpayers if you want to compete with China in the long run. You have 330 million and you need to increase that up towards 1 billion. There is plenty of room as most of the US like Britain is still undeveloped.

These are the same fools who bellow about rights for people in China but want to close off the rights of everyone who enters the country. They want a little north Korean utopia and then wonder why the rest of the world criticises them .

No one builds wall to promote peace.

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