My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

A simple majority can be easily manipulated. We see this all the time on Capitol Hill. Intraparty votes or support for votes are bought/bribed all the time.

A foreign power would have an easier time manipulating via simple majority.

Well, no, actually, changing 80K votes is a lot easier than changing 3MM votes..

Math is one of those things you struggle with, isn't it?

Conceptually, a simple majority is easier to change vs. the more complex Electoral College. regardless of the size of delta.
No Trump lost by 4 million votes in illegal infested California. Trump won by 1 million votes in the other 49 states so the vast majority of people outside California chose Trump suck it!

He won by 4 million votes in CA vs 80,000 in the Rust belt... I think the 4 million are more important.
Conceptually, a simple majority is easier to change vs. the more complex Electoral College. regardless of the size of delta.

Not really. If anything, once you get rid of the Racist Electoral College, you'd probably have more voter participation. A lot of people don't vote because their states are strong red or strong blue.
People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?

Yes, we’d all be much better if we put on vagina hats.
That's such a lie, you never saw nor want America to be great. You guys do nothing but bitch about the past sins.....I never see you guys ever act proud of what this country does and has done, IRS always racist, wsmmaexiat, homophobic, inequality.....

so you are a fucking liar and goodluck yourself

Only children whine about criticism with "WHY DO YOU HATE ME!!!"

Adults recognize criticism and decide if it is valid or not.

We have done great things... and we've done awful things. When the US is gone and replaced by the inevitable world government, I would like to have us remembered for the good things, but only if we address the bad things.
People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?

the hats are made in America, just a tiny part of making the country great again. the loss of decency and compassion is coming from the defeated leftists and radical socialist dems that have been rejected by the voters.
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".
You remind me of somebody that sits in school and copies off of other peoples work, and not understanding you have to do the hard work to understand the solutions.

My ancestors were fucked up beyond understanding, they worshipped dirt, sticks and the earth. They tortured and enslaved their enemies just because they disagreed with them and did not understand reality.

My point is, you can’t help being a control freak and even when it is pointed out to you, you reject reality.
People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?
The hat triggers the left to extreme rage and violence. Not the other way around.
No Trump lost by 4 million votes in illegal infested California. Trump won by 1 million votes in the other 49 states so the vast majority of people outside California chose Trump suck it!

He won by 4 million votes in CA vs 80,000 in the Rust belt... I think the 4 million are more important.
Na, not really
Crazy Cali does not count.
They are the last people we want speaking for America
People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?
The hat triggers the left to extreme rage and violence. Not the other way around.

Never have seen a more powerful hat, the left just goes nuts over it. To watch the temper tantrums, the violence, the rage, it has demoted the left to little children incapable of any rational conversation or thought.
..What does MAGA even mean? When was the period the phrase refers to? Do Trumpers here on USMB even know or able to articulate?
We are in good times today. Never before have we seen a young generation so productive and never before has any generation produced like the one we are seeing now. Hard working to the last very drop. Employers have it easy. Times are pretty good
We are in good times today. Never before have we seen a young generation so productive and never before has any generation produced like the one we are seeing now. Hard working to the last very drop. Employers have it easy. Times are pretty good

Where in the hell are you finding these hardworking young people. I have a tough time finding a young people that have any work ethic. I totally disagree with you.
The crazy left spent about a decade trying to convince Americans to accept the ludicrous notion of hairy men in the ladies room. We shouldn't judge men who wear dresses but it's open season on kids, women and old people wearing a freaking MAGA hats.
People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?
I don't need a hat to make me a vindictive asshole...I just love having a politician who LISTENS to what the PEOPLE want instead of just acting like he is listening then doing a 180 when he gets to office.
Because Trump kicked the Dem's ass with MAGA that's why. He humiliated them, the American people rejected them. Dem's are still in the middle of a category 9 meltdown.
Too bad Commie loving Comrade Trump stole the slogan from Reagen. "We kill people too! Think we're innocent"!!? That in a nutshell shows Trump's contempt for this Country. He's the most vile individual in the history of this Country to ever hold public office. He makes Nixon look like a Statesman.
No Trump lost by 4 million votes in illegal infested California. Trump won by 1 million votes in the other 49 states so the vast majority of people outside California chose Trump suck it!

He won by 4 million votes in CA vs 80,000 in the Rust belt... I think the 4 million are more important.

No, you people think California is more important and most everything in between is simply flyover country.
I don’t like the hate that comes from Republicans and so I have a really hard time thinking like them. I believe the country should take care of the elderly and children and help people get healthcare and education and I believe in good jobs.
Republicans want to abolish the EPA because they think a clean environment is too expensive.
Republicans think education is bad for America.
Republicans don’t care about healthcare because they only care that the rich are taken care of. Republicans just don’t care about everyone else.
When you point these things out they become very angry. But then as you discuss GOP policies, they will finally admit what their true goals are.
The posts show
1) The left has anger issues, maybe Bernie riled them up, when he gets mad his nose hairs ruffle up like the hairs on his head.
2)they blame their anger on Republicans in displacement - deflective behavior, because pride won't let them blame themselves=liken to religious affiiation pride responses.
3)some delusional responses show how Trump was right about the damaging affect of news slants that drive the hatred and demonize the opponent, sort of like early Christianity demonized Jews and modern day Christianity demonizes Muslims and their own sects that threaten and compete with their own.
4)Someone dared equate the hat with the crooked cross that symbolized millions of horrific murders, that is pure evil and sickness to correlate the 2 and to equate making America Great with Nazism is validating my OP in outing their hate of success.
Fact: the Dems have acted like fascist and are calling for socialism and trying to control gov't and people. Dems=Brown Shirts.
Fact the Dems have reps who have made Hitler type comments and keep bringing him up.
Fact: over 39 dead bodies and counting mysteriously surround protecting Hillary, as whistle blowers to this day are still droping like flies.
Fact: Dems gather in protest and dress like they are some modern day fascist group, so if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, poops on everything especially statues, then it's probably AFLAAAC!

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