My Cat Samantha Died Last Night

I just saw this. I am so sorry you lost your furry companion. So very sad for you. I hope you are feeling better.

My son and daughter-in-law had two cats. A male and a female that treated him horribly. We all thought she despised him. She threw him out of bed, took his food and wouldn't let him use the top half of the shared scratch post. He got cancer and died. The female was plunged in a profound grief. She laid with her arms around the bottom of the scratch post. She refused to eat. In a week she was dead too. I have never seen grief like that. That was in March, just before we left California.

A couple of days after she died, my granddaughter's pit bull found two kittens in an alley. We have them now.

There is a cosmic cat distribution network that deposits cats where they are needed.
View attachment 992589
Born ? - Died 8-9-24
My cat Sam (Samantha) died last night. She was a stray that used to live in an old condenser unit behind our apartments. We brought her home in 2014 sometime around August. I kept her in a cage till she got used to my home. I brought her into my bedroom after a week and for years she rarely left my bedroom. She counted on me to keep her safe. I have other cats and a couple of my other cats would pick on her. So she felt safe as long as she could see me. She knew I would protect her.

I'm not sure how old she was. Probably 12-15 years old,

She usually slept in my arm every night. A few months ago she stopped sleeping in my bedroom. She moved out to a bed I put next to a window in the kitchen and usually she was laying there enjoying the Sun. She had been sick and wasn't feeling well for the last few months. Night before last she spent all night in my arm staying warm and not moving a lot.

She stopped eating normally a few weeks ago, and the last couple of days she wouldn't eat anything.

I put her in her bed last night knowing she would die soon. I just wanted her to be someplace she was familiar with instead of taking her to the vet to put her to sleep. I just wanted her to die where she was loved. Not in a strange place.

We will miss you Sam. Thanks for all of the warm nights.
People who don't have cats don't know what good, loyal and loving companions they are. "TJ" (Tommy Junior) was born to a stray I took in 2 years ago. He's sleeping on my chest now
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View attachment 992589
Born ? - Died 8-9-24
My cat Sam (Samantha) died last night. She was a stray that used to live in an old condenser unit behind our apartments. We brought her home in 2014 sometime around August. I kept her in a cage till she got used to my home. I brought her into my bedroom after a week and for years she rarely left my bedroom. She counted on me to keep her safe. I have other cats and a couple of my other cats would pick on her. So she felt safe as long as she could see me. She knew I would protect her.

I'm not sure how old she was. Probably 12-15 years old,

She usually slept in my arm every night. A few months ago she stopped sleeping in my bedroom. She moved out to a bed I put next to a window in the kitchen and usually she was laying there enjoying the Sun. She had been sick and wasn't feeling well for the last few months. Night before last she spent all night in my arm staying warm and not moving a lot.

She stopped eating normally a few weeks ago, and the last couple of days she wouldn't eat anything.

I put her in her bed last night knowing she would die soon. I just wanted her to be someplace she was familiar with instead of taking her to the vet to put her to sleep. I just wanted her to die where she was loved. Not in a strange place.

We will miss you Sam. Thanks for all of the warm nights.
I just saw this. Mudwhistle, you did so well with your animal friend. I do the same with mine, and our road to is almost done.

My heart felt sympathy, and I am so glad you have have had those years with Sam. So was Sam.
People who don't have cats don't know what good, loyal and loving companions they are. "TJ" (Tommy Junior) was born to a stray I took in 2 years ago. He's sleeping on my chest now

Whenever I'm upset or not feeling good Jessie is all over me and comforting me. Seriously, why cats get such a bad reputation is WAY beyond the realm of my understanding.

He's male. He has a little bit of the mane. Not all male lions do. Some have none. African lions have the big, beautiful manes. Asian lions have less of one.
This is an Asian male lion too. Not much of a mane, but if you pay attention you can see he has his "man parts"

This is an Asian male lion too. Not much of a mane, but if you pay attention you can see he has his "man parts"

Hmm that's interesting. You learn something new every day I guess. I knew that neutered lions didn't really have manes but I didn't know that some were actually born like that.
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