My childhood has become illegal

as far as minding ones own business . I was raised to mind my own business but the last few generations have been raised on tely with Jerry Springer and other shows where the most PRIVATE personal problems are told to nationwide tv audiences and everyone laughs . I think that the NORMAL mind your own business thinking is now bred out of younger people .
as far as minding ones own business . I was raised to mind my own business but the last few generations have been raised on tely with Jerry Springer and other shows where the most PRIVATE personal problems are told to nationwide tv audiences and everyone laughs . I think that the NORMAL mind your own business thinking is now bred out of younger people .

That's a really good point. Something I haven't really considered before.
Why are so many parents being arrested? - The Week

My own childhood seems to have become illegal. I was the son of a single mother. During summers I would explore my neighborhood, visit friends' houses, walk to a pond to fish, ride my bike from our home in Bloomfield, New Jersey, to the abandoned lots of Newark, and jump it over curbs. I could be unsupervised from 10 in the morning until 8:30 at night, when the streetlights started coming on. If I was home with my grandmother, sometimes she would leave me alone to do grocery shopping.

As early as seven years old, I was allowed to walk over a mile to school. I traveled long commercial streets like Bloomfield Avenue, and went under the overpass of the Garden State Parkway, all during a time when violent crime rates were much much higher than they are today

This is what you get when you support the government sticking its nose into people's lives.
Yeah, it's like having the state church in charge...


Remember that the next time you vote and make sure you aren't voting for a person that thinks the government is the answer to everything, it is no different than joining a church that takes over your lives.
Why are so many parents being arrested? - The Week

My own childhood seems to have become illegal. I was the son of a single mother. During summers I would explore my neighborhood, visit friends' houses, walk to a pond to fish, ride my bike from our home in Bloomfield, New Jersey, to the abandoned lots of Newark, and jump it over curbs. I could be unsupervised from 10 in the morning until 8:30 at night, when the streetlights started coming on. If I was home with my grandmother, sometimes she would leave me alone to do grocery shopping.

As early as seven years old, I was allowed to walk over a mile to school. I traveled long commercial streets like Bloomfield Avenue, and went under the overpass of the Garden State Parkway, all during a time when violent crime rates were much much higher than they are today

I don't know the real cause, but it's turned today's parents into wimps and their kids into crybabies who are afraid of their own shadow. On top of that, because of this, we have kids sitting in front of the computer or television playing fucking video games all day and eating themselves into oblivion. Want to know why America has become a bunch of fatasses? It's not because of what we eat; it's because we tell our kids that sitting in the house all day is a good thing, and that going outside and playing is scary. So now we have millions upon millions of fatass lazy little fucking kids who will be a drain on society as the become adults. Time for people to wake up.

The sad part is that the country is probably a safer place than when we were kids.

But the 24 hour news outlets and internet constantly run stories of abducted kids and terrify parents.

This is actually a fact. The proof is in the crime statistics. It is safer today than when we were kids. There is one factor though that I will give today's parents, and that is the fact that most mother's work today. I remember growing up in a middle class neighborhood where many kids' moms stayed at home, including my own. Still, if we do not allow kids to be kids and only allow them to sit in the house playing video games, we as a society are going to pay in the long run. We already are.
In my small hometown, even the dogs ran loose, and ran home when they heard their masters whistle for them.

Dogs ran loose in my neighborhood too. You let them out in the morning and sometimes didn't see them until they got hungry. Garbage day always meant garbage strewn all over the street
Almost all the dogs in our neighborhood looked the same. They were all interbred and when a dog had pups, people in the neighborhood would take one
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I like that , the state CHURCH and with more moms working the raising of kids goes to the state CHURCH and that happen from a very early age . I went to kindergarten at about 5 , now there is day care , nannys , pre school , pre pre school and a lot of other ways that the state CHURCH influences the raising of little kids .
In my small hometown, even the dogs ran loose, and ran home when they heard their masters whistle for them.

Dogs ran lose in my neighborhood too. You let them out in the morning and sometimes didn't see them until they got hungry. Garbage day always meant garbage strewn all over the street
Almost all the dogs in our neighborhood looked the same. They were all interbred and when a dog had pups, people in the neighborhood would take one
Oh, yea, it would take only one shredded garbage bag to get people to learn to always wheel the can out to the curb with the bag inside.

Your dog digging in to your garbage bags was irritating; when she dug holes in your neighbor's yard - that was embarrassing.
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This is the progressive Utopia people like you were asking and looking for. Once you came up with the concept that the State knows better than you do, its only a matter of time until the State decides what form of parenting is acceptable, and what the punishment is if you don't follow the guidelines.

I have to call "bullshit" on that one.

I don't suppose I know what you by "progressives," but I associate myself with that description because it sounds anti-conservative. And conservatives are historically pro-authority, pro-police state, pro-military, and anti-liberal.

When the state begins controlling you, that is a conservative thing. Now, I DO admit that there is a faction of Liberal Capitalists that are just as bad.

But your "team" is as bad or worse when it comes to destroying liberal (dictionary usage) democracy, freedoms, and liberties. I use "liberal" in the dictionary sense as being pro-liberty. You Republicans have changed its meaning to "the bad guys."

Remember that the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has effectively ended democracy in the U.S. The actions of that activist Republican Supreme Court will be seen in history as the beginning of the end of this constitutional form of government--and that is likely to be a good thing.
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You guys had it easy. When I was a kid I was chained to the Wheel of Pain and had to push that heavy feakin' thing around and around in circles for years.
You guys had it easy. When I was a kid I was chained to the Wheel of Pain and had to push that heavy feakin' thing around and around in circles for years.

You think that is bad?

I had to babysit my little brother

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