My Dad Gave Me A Small Loan of A Million Dollars....It Has Not Been Easy

Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!
The company I work at used to be family owned. As each "kid" reached 21, they were given a million dollars. True Story.
Dig into a companies financial disclosures and take their PROFIT and divide it by the number of employees to see how much each one makes the company. Of course that is an average and some employees do more for the company than others. But it shows you an average of how much each employee makes the company. Not at all unusual for a company to make a million or more from each employee while paying them 30 - 50 K. Is that fair? I don't think so.

You have some evidence for this claim, I presume?
That's another libturd lie.

ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:

I wonder if Donald is aware of the boon to business owners Obama has handed us. We are now free to hire temporary college educated illegal aliens in lieu of hiring the kids of American taxpayers. By hiring these illegals we can save an average or $12.000.00 per year per employee. That's a good savings for any employer. With a savings like that, an employer could overlook hiring the best interviewed, the best qualified, etc. I predict a huge uptick in the employment rate of illegal alien college graduates and a marked decline in the employment rate of American college graduates. Thank you Obama!! Keep looking out for all the business owners.
You spend more time in Fantasyland than Walt Disney ever did.

Hey, look it up. We can save an average of $3,000.00 per employee just by hiring any old illegal alien. Obama just keeps on giving to us old rich Republican business owners. Why should I hire an American when I can save this kind of money? Put the American on food stamps.
He could have lost it all in the stock market too.

Not if he went S&P.

Well, some of pursue other vocations. Get used to it. If everyone invested in the S&P, who would actually build things?

Goes to his business acumen, for someone who went to Wharton I would think he would have known better.

If your business acumen is so great, why aren't you rich?

I share my personal life as little as possible, my wealth will have to remain one of your great curiosities.

In other words, you're a loser.
ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:

I wonder if Donald is aware of the boon to business owners Obama has handed us. We are now free to hire temporary college educated illegal aliens in lieu of hiring the kids of American taxpayers. By hiring these illegals we can save an average or $12.000.00 per year per employee. That's a good savings for any employer. With a savings like that, an employer could overlook hiring the best interviewed, the best qualified, etc. I predict a huge uptick in the employment rate of illegal alien college graduates and a marked decline in the employment rate of American college graduates. Thank you Obama!! Keep looking out for all the business owners.
You spend more time in Fantasyland than Walt Disney ever did.

Hey, look it up. We can save an average of $3,000.00 per employee just by hiring any old illegal alien. Obama just keeps on giving to us old rich Republican business owners. Why should I hire an American when I can save this kind of money? Put the American on food stamps.
Not if he went S&P.

Well, some of pursue other vocations. Get used to it. If everyone invested in the S&P, who would actually build things?

Goes to his business acumen, for someone who went to Wharton I would think he would have known better.

If your business acumen is so great, why aren't you rich?

I share my personal life as little as possible, my wealth will have to remain one of your great curiosities.

In other words, you're a loser.

I would slap you, but I wouldn't want to get in trouble with animal activists.
That is a 'small loan' when you think big. True story.

Most people couldn't take a 1M loan and turn it into an empire like he did. Hell people win more than that in the lottery and end up broke. So no, it's not easy. Everyone thinks "if only I was given a million dollars I could..................

That is a 'small loan' when you think big. True story.

Most people couldn't take a 1M loan and turn it into an empire like he did. Hell people win more than that in the lottery and end up broke. So no, it's not easy. Everyone thinks "if only I was given a million dollars I could..................

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Donald Trump took the bones of a very successful business and continued the success of that business and he did it with not just a million, he did it with an additional $200 million. Now if we took lottery winners and sent them to Wharton and then trained them OJT with the best in the business, would they do as well? I think there would be some different stories written.

What does this say? I think it says we give Donald Trump a little too much credit for his success.
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!

Got a link that shows Obama has given a 3,000 incentive per illegal hired?

As far as Bernie Sanders, he doesn't want to give those things to undocumented aliens, he wants those benefits for U.S. born citizens.

Nice try at fear mongering though..............
That is a 'small loan' when you think big. True story.

Most people couldn't take a 1M loan and turn it into an empire like he did. Hell people win more than that in the lottery and end up broke. So no, it's not easy. Everyone thinks "if only I was given a million dollars I could..................

View attachment 53422

Donald Trump took the bones of a very successful business and continued the success of that business and he did it with not just a million, he did it with an additional $200 million. Now if we took lottery winners and sent them to Wharton and then trained them OJT with the best in the business, would they do as well? I think there would be some different stories written.

What does this say? I think it says we give Donald Trump a little too much credit for his success.
I say no one can claim real success from borrowing anything, the one borrowed from is the whole reason for success.
True success is not having to borrow in the first place and making success despite having nothing from anyone to start with.
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!

Got a link that shows Obama has given a 3,000 incentive per illegal hired?

As far as Bernie Sanders, he doesn't want to give those things to undocumented aliens, he wants those benefits for U.S. born citizens.

Nice try at fear mongering though..............

What's the problem? Too stupid to do a simple little search? Obamacare offers $3,000 incentive to hire illegals

Apparently you didn't even bother to watch the Democrat debate. Sanders spoke on what he proposed to do at some length. You're a typical low-information nut who can't even do a simple search and knows nothing about what's going on. My question to you is: Why do you want to penalize your own children?
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!

Got a link that shows Obama has given a 3,000 incentive per illegal hired?

As far as Bernie Sanders, he doesn't want to give those things to undocumented aliens, he wants those benefits for U.S. born citizens.

Nice try at fear mongering though..............

What's the problem? Too stupid to do a simple little search? Obamacare offers $3,000 incentive to hire illegals

Apparently you didn't even bother to watch the Democrat debate. Sanders spoke on what he proposed to do at some length. You're a typical low-information nut who can't even do a simple search and knows nothing about what's going on. My question to you is: Why do you want to penalize your own children?

Pure BS, the same law that you reference bars employers from discriminating against employees based on eligibility. More right wing hackle raising.
The bill hasn't yet passed, and Congress is trying to fix the loophole. Instead of going with the opinion piece you provided, I went to the actual article from the Washington Post.

Nice try though.
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!
Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!

Got a link that shows Obama has given a 3,000 incentive per illegal hired?

As far as Bernie Sanders, he doesn't want to give those things to undocumented aliens, he wants those benefits for U.S. born citizens.

Nice try at fear mongering though..............

What's the problem? Too stupid to do a simple little search? Obamacare offers $3,000 incentive to hire illegals

Apparently you didn't even bother to watch the Democrat debate. Sanders spoke on what he proposed to do at some length. You're a typical low-information nut who can't even do a simple search and knows nothing about what's going on. My question to you is: Why do you want to penalize your own children?

Pure BS, the same law that you reference bars employers from discriminating against employees based on eligibility. More right wing hackle raising.

Actually, it provides a $3,000.00 incentive to employers to HIRE illegals.
The bill hasn't yet passed, and Congress is trying to fix the loophole. Instead of going with the opinion piece you provided, I went to the actual article from the Washington Post.

Nice try though.

The loophole exists. It's there.

I know the loophole exists. I stated as much. I also stated that the BILL HAS NOT PASSED YET AND CONGRESS IS TRYING TO FIX IT BEFORE IT BECOMES LAW.

Like I said, nice try on the fear mongering.
The bill hasn't yet passed, and Congress is trying to fix the loophole. Instead of going with the opinion piece you provided, I went to the actual article from the Washington Post.

Nice try though.

The loophole exists. It's there.

I know the loophole exists. I stated as much. I also stated that the BILL HAS NOT PASSED YET AND CONGRESS IS TRYING TO FIX IT BEFORE IT BECOMES LAW.

Like I said, nice try on the fear mongering.

Want to be the Democrats will go along with fixing it? LOL!! They are working hard to get the illegals Obamacare and tuition-free college. Sanders supports both. Many states are already trying to get college for illegals.
Conjecture and supposition. If anyone in Congress allows the loophole to go through, they will lose their next election.

Me? I think they're going to get it fixed, because to not do so would be political suicide.
Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars

His father only gave him $1 million dollars?

What is he, a socialist? He sounds like Craig T Nelson who said, "I've been on foodstamps and welfare, did anyone help me out? No."

These people don't think rationally.
Wow, what a hard luck story. If Donald had only inherited $100 million I can't imagine the pain he would have to endure. This ranks right up there with Mitt Romney quotes about asking your parents for a loan to start a business. One thing's for sure....Donald didn't build that.

"As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.

“Oh many times. I’ve been told no by him. My whole life, really has been a no," the Republican presidential candidate said during a town hall event in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on NBC's "Today."

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," Trump remarked. "I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great."

Read more: Trump: My dad gave me a 'small loan' of a million dollars
At first I thought you were referring to Mitt :p
Conjecture and supposition. If anyone in Congress allows the loophole to go through, they will lose their next election.

Me? I think they're going to get it fixed, because to not do so would be political suicide.

Well, when was Obamacare passed? What year is it now? Hasn't been fixed yet.

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