My Dad Gave Me A Small Loan of A Million Dollars....It Has Not Been Easy

He could have lost it all in the stock market too.

Not if he went S&P.

Well, some of pursue other vocations. Get used to it. If everyone invested in the S&P, who would actually build things?

Goes to his business acumen, for someone who went to Wharton I would think he would have known better.

I didn't go to Wharton and I'm doing just fine. I went to VPI.

Great start a thread about yourself, I'd love to comment.

You'd do yourself a great service by simply shutting up. You're coming off like a little kid throwing a tantrum because his brother got a bigger piece of the candy bar. You're extremely juvenile, childish even.
Not if he went S&P.

Well, some of pursue other vocations. Get used to it. If everyone invested in the S&P, who would actually build things?

Goes to his business acumen, for someone who went to Wharton I would think he would have known better.

I didn't go to Wharton and I'm doing just fine. I went to VPI.

Great start a thread about yourself, I'd love to comment.

You'd do yourself a great service by simply shutting up. You're coming off like a little kid throwing a tantrum because his brother got a bigger piece of the candy bar. You're extremely juvenile, childish even.

having read your posts, I think you probably shouldn't be giving anyone else advice on how to comport themselves.
Well, some of pursue other vocations. Get used to it. If everyone invested in the S&P, who would actually build things?

Goes to his business acumen, for someone who went to Wharton I would think he would have known better.

I didn't go to Wharton and I'm doing just fine. I went to VPI.

Great start a thread about yourself, I'd love to comment.

You'd do yourself a great service by simply shutting up. You're coming off like a little kid throwing a tantrum because his brother got a bigger piece of the candy bar. You're extremely juvenile, childish even.

having read your posts, I think you probably shouldn't be giving anyone else advice on how to comport themselves.

I'm amazed. I didn't think you could read. Most kids from the ghetto slums can't.
Donald Trump took the money and played his father's game, he could have done much, much, better playing the market. It goes to business sense.

Donald Trump is worth $9 billion. If he started with that $1 million and turned it into $9 billion, that's a 9000% return. I would say he played the game well.

Donald Trump is worth $4 billion he started with $1 million and then $199million on top of that.I'd say it would be hard not to do well with that kind of gift.
It's more than easy to fritter away a fortune. Just look at all the musicians, movie stars and athletes who passed away their fortunes.

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Trump too! he declared bankruptcy four times.

That's another libturd lie.

ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:
I'm still trying to figure out why I should care that Trump's dad loaned him money....

It illustrates Donald Trump's lack of good business sense when he could have taken that money invested it in the stock market and enjoyed a fortune many, many, times than would he ended up with by using his business acumen. Wharton didn't do him any good at all.

So, why does this matter to you? I mean seriously, why does this matter to you?
You gotta love this, these moonbats voted for a guy who had seen very little light outside of a faculty lounge, has worked in the private sector all of what, 18 months... yet question the credentials of a businessman who has made billions.

Obama? Zero questions...
Trump? A million questions.
Donald Trump is worth $9 billion. If he started with that $1 million and turned it into $9 billion, that's a 9000% return. I would say he played the game well.

Donald Trump is worth $4 billion he started with $1 million and then $199million on top of that.I'd say it would be hard not to do well with that kind of gift.
It's more than easy to fritter away a fortune. Just look at all the musicians, movie stars and athletes who passed away their fortunes.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Trump too! he declared bankruptcy four times.

That's another libturd lie.

ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:

You can't pretend he's worth the billions he's worth.
Damn! Why couldn't Trump get his money the old-fashioned way like from his daddy's bootlegging business a la president Kennedy, or marrying fabulously wealthy woman like presidential wannabe Kerry, or maybe chasing ambulances like the philandering Johnny Edwards?

Because being a slum lord is far more profitable.
Yeah, because we all know what a "slum" Trump tower is.

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Trump's use of shoddy construction is well known.

Really? Prove it.
See my answer to Crusader Frank.
You gotta love this, these moonbats voted for a guy who had seen very little light outside of a faculty lounge, has worked in the private sector all of what, 18 months... yet question the credentials of a businessman who has made billions.

Obama? Zero questions...
Trump? A million questions.

Right back at you. Donald Trump is no Horatio Alger. He never had to struggle to pay rent, pay for college, buy food, hell, he never had to look for a job in his life. Yet he tells you he had it tough, I don't think any of you know what tough is if you believe his crap.
So Trump's best economic plan ever to create millions of jobs is the Borrow a Million from your Dad initiative?

Does he not know that won't work?

Donald Trump is worth $9 billion. If he started with that $1 million and turned it into $9 billion, that's a 9000% return. I would say he played the game well.

Donald Trump is worth $4 billion he started with $1 million and then $199million on top of that.I'd say it would be hard not to do well with that kind of gift.
It's more than easy to fritter away a fortune. Just look at all the musicians, movie stars and athletes who passed away their fortunes.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Trump too! he declared bankruptcy four times.

That's another libturd lie.

ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:

I wonder if Donald is aware of the boon to business owners Obama has handed us. We are now free to hire temporary college educated illegal aliens in lieu of hiring the kids of American taxpayers. By hiring these illegals we can save an average or $12.000.00 per year per employee. That's a good savings for any employer. With a savings like that, an employer could overlook hiring the best interviewed, the best qualified, etc. I predict a huge uptick in the employment rate of illegal alien college graduates and a marked decline in the employment rate of American college graduates. Thank you Obama!! Keep looking out for all the business owners.
I wonder if Donald is aware of the boon to business owners Obama has handed us. We are now free to hire temporary college educated illegal aliens in lieu of hiring the kids of American taxpayers. By hiring these illegals we can save an average or $12.000.00 per year per employee. That's a good savings for any employer. With a savings like that, an employer could overlook hiring the best interviewed, the best qualified, etc. I predict a huge uptick in the employment rate of illegal alien college graduates and a marked decline in the employment rate of American college graduates. Thank you Obama!! Keep looking out for all the business owners.

American college graduates will just have to learn to work for less.

You know, for the good of American business owners and all.
Donald Trump is worth $4 billion he started with $1 million and then $199million on top of that.I'd say it would be hard not to do well with that kind of gift.
It's more than easy to fritter away a fortune. Just look at all the musicians, movie stars and athletes who passed away their fortunes.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Trump too! he declared bankruptcy four times.

That's another libturd lie.

ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:

I wonder if Donald is aware of the boon to business owners Obama has handed us. We are now free to hire temporary college educated illegal aliens in lieu of hiring the kids of American taxpayers. By hiring these illegals we can save an average or $12.000.00 per year per employee. That's a good savings for any employer. With a savings like that, an employer could overlook hiring the best interviewed, the best qualified, etc. I predict a huge uptick in the employment rate of illegal alien college graduates and a marked decline in the employment rate of American college graduates. Thank you Obama!! Keep looking out for all the business owners.
You spend more time in Fantasyland than Walt Disney ever did.
It's more than easy to fritter away a fortune. Just look at all the musicians, movie stars and athletes who passed away their fortunes.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Trump too! he declared bankruptcy four times.

That's another libturd lie.

ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:

I wonder if Donald is aware of the boon to business owners Obama has handed us. We are now free to hire temporary college educated illegal aliens in lieu of hiring the kids of American taxpayers. By hiring these illegals we can save an average or $12.000.00 per year per employee. That's a good savings for any employer. With a savings like that, an employer could overlook hiring the best interviewed, the best qualified, etc. I predict a huge uptick in the employment rate of illegal alien college graduates and a marked decline in the employment rate of American college graduates. Thank you Obama!! Keep looking out for all the business owners.
You spend more time in Fantasyland than Walt Disney ever did.

Hey, look it up. We can save an average of $3,000.00 per employee just by hiring any old illegal alien. Obama just keeps on giving to us old rich Republican business owners. Why should I hire an American when I can save this kind of money? Put the American on food stamps. Here you go:
FDR had a "leg up" and especially so did the political dynasty of the Kennedy family.
Did any of them whine about it? I'm sure you can find at least one quote from one of them.

...make fun of a guy who parlayed a million into a billion with a real job.

Four bankruptcies. None of you want to talk about that. Never mind that the "real job" consisted of sucking up to Daddy's friends in real estate and using their contacts.

Four bankruptcies. Tell me how this makes him a "leader."

Here you are again telling other people all about business of which you know very little. A lot of casinos went tits up in Atlantic City. Many business go bankrupt and emerge stronger than before. It's done all the time.

Notice you don't see these sleazy turds whining about how the UAW screwed all the vendors and investors in the Obama engineered GM bankruptcy.
You'll have to excuse me if I don't shed a tear for those claiming not to have had it 'easy' despite being winners in the ovarian lottery. There is nothing wrong with coming from a wealthy family and gaining an inheritance but act don't like you really struggled.
Trump isn't whining that he was poor, you petulant dolt. He's pointing out that he built his fortune through his own efforts, and it was not an easy task.

Now go back to your sleazy dishonest spinning.

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I am sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your fluff session. I should have knocked first. lol

It is unmistakable Trump had a leg up when came to building his fortune. Get over yourself.
FDR had a "leg up" and especially so did the political dynasty of the Kennedy family. Everybody admired Camelot even though old Joe made his money rum running and none of the Kennedy brothers ever had a real job. Now the socialist hypocrites come out of the political closet and make fun of a guy who parlayed a million into a billion with a real job.

glad you mentioned it. the difference is those men felt that because they were so privileged, they had an obligation to those who were not born into wealth.

see the difference? or is it beyond you?

When did they donate their own money to the poor?

Yeah, some "obligation."
Not everyone does the same thing. I never played the stock market. I depended upon my own self and my own business - not someone else's business.

Donald Trump took the money and played his father's game, he could have done much, much, better playing the market. It goes to business sense.

He could have lost it all in the stock market too.

Not if he went S&P.

Well, some of pursue other vocations. Get used to it. If everyone invested in the S&P, who would actually build things?

Goes to his business acumen, for someone who went to Wharton I would think he would have known better.

If your business acumen is so great, why aren't you rich?
Not if you provide something to the public they would otherwise not get. There's a difference in using something while producing a return and using something then producing nothing.
LOL, your rationale is wonderful. Erase your debt as long as you provide housing for the rich.

He provided something. That you don't like it is tough shit.

He provided something by having the public pick up his debt. He's no better than the welfare leeches you scorn.

What have the welfare leeches provided? He produced a return. Where's there return on the $22 trillion wasted on them?

The public produced that return, he did not.

ROFL! What an idiot. Did the public build his hotels and casinos? How did they "produce the return?"
Damn! Why couldn't Trump get his money the old-fashioned way like from his daddy's bootlegging business a la president Kennedy, or marrying fabulously wealthy woman like presidential wannabe Kerry, or maybe chasing ambulances like the philandering Johnny Edwards?

Because being a slum lord is far more profitable.
You wish you could live in one of his slums.

More stupid deflection? I live in a pretty nice area, I would never live in a Trump building way too gaudy.

You can't afford it, shit-for-brains.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Donald Trump is worth $9 billion. If he started with that $1 million and turned it into $9 billion, that's a 9000% return. I would say he played the game well.

Donald Trump is worth $4 billion he started with $1 million and then $199million on top of that.I'd say it would be hard not to do well with that kind of gift.
It's more than easy to fritter away a fortune. Just look at all the musicians, movie stars and athletes who passed away their fortunes.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Trump too! he declared bankruptcy four times.

That's another libturd lie.

ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:

Are you going to pretend that he isn't worth billions TODAY?
Trump too! he declared bankruptcy four times.

That's another libturd lie.

ok loon boy... we can pretend that four of his corporations didn't file bankruptcy.

quiet. :cuckoo:

I wonder if Donald is aware of the boon to business owners Obama has handed us. We are now free to hire temporary college educated illegal aliens in lieu of hiring the kids of American taxpayers. By hiring these illegals we can save an average or $12.000.00 per year per employee. That's a good savings for any employer. With a savings like that, an employer could overlook hiring the best interviewed, the best qualified, etc. I predict a huge uptick in the employment rate of illegal alien college graduates and a marked decline in the employment rate of American college graduates. Thank you Obama!! Keep looking out for all the business owners.
You spend more time in Fantasyland than Walt Disney ever did.

Hey, look it up. We can save an average of $3,000.00 per employee just by hiring any old illegal alien. Obama just keeps on giving to us old rich Republican business owners. Why should I hire an American when I can save this kind of money? Put the American on food stamps.
Donald Trump took the money and played his father's game, he could have done much, much, better playing the market. It goes to business sense.

He could have lost it all in the stock market too.

Not if he went S&P.

Well, some of pursue other vocations. Get used to it. If everyone invested in the S&P, who would actually build things?

Goes to his business acumen, for someone who went to Wharton I would think he would have known better.

If your business acumen is so great, why aren't you rich?

I share my personal life as little as possible, my wealth will have to remain one of your great curiosities.

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