My family went to Sweden, I chose India: A Syrian refugee


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
A very touching story of a Syrian refugee.


A few kilometres away from its DDA houses and across the subzi-mandi in South Delhiā€™s Sarita Vihar, a narrow lane lined with ā€˜Forex money exchangeā€™ shops and vendors selling ā€˜green olivesā€™ leads to a four-storey guest house. The 32-year-old can be often found on its terrace. Here, for the past four years, an ā€œundergroundā€ Syrian restaurant has been turning out dishes from back home ā€” syrup-soaked baklavas, pita bread and fresh hummus.

The 32-year-old first came to India from Homs, a city in western Syria, in 2011, when he enrolled for a Masters in English Literature at Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi.

He is back here as a refugee ā€” one among the six million Syrians on the run from civil war and Islamic State-unleashed violence. Homs was at the centre of that violence, declared by the rebels as their capital before they were chased out.

In 2013, the 32-year-old and his family ā€” father an engineer, mother an Arabic teacher, and his three siblings ā€” first left for Turkey as ā€œwe didnā€™t feel safeā€. ā€œWe felt unsettled in Turkey and so decided to move to Europe, like the others,ā€ he says. But when the rest of his family left for Sweden, he came to India ā€” a country where he felt more ā€œacceptedā€.


My family went to Sweden, I chose India where I felt more accepted: A Syrian refugee
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Neither Israel nor "others" precipitated the Syria crisis--- you comment is idiotic.
You seem to have been unconscious for decades ----or kinda enjoyed dancing
on the dead bodies murdered by your hero HAFEZ -----and now your joy is in
danger of --------getting messed up. You should move to Iran-----take lots of
your buddies------make a community and start up an ASHRAM. The Iranians
will love it as they love MODI
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

^^^^ the very first muslim I knew WELL-----was a surgery resident from India-----
He hated hindus-----and was eager to tell me about it ("some day we will drink their
blood") He also proudly showed me a scar on his head with an explanation I did
not understand until much later. It was from a shiite ASHURA cut. After I heard ad nauseum just how disgusting are hindus-----I asked the man, "if you and your family hated hindus so much why did you not migrate to Pakistan"? He did not
explain----just kinda got ANGRY-------that was before I understood the Shiite/sunni
thing--------Could be the Syrians now in India are------SHIITES ----and something
close like alawite------as are the Assad dogs and need to AVOID Pakistan where
Shiites are gunned down in the streets-. India NEEDS lots of shiites
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Phoen------Indians are playing nice with muslims ever since MODI decided to kiss
up to IRAN--------try to understand ----Mahatma Gandhi is a religion over there-----
he said------"play nice with muslims----they are our friends" ----------nice guy that he
was-------more Christ-like than Christ. I learned this stuff from Hindus from India----Muslims from India and Pakistan told me that the world's most idiotic idea was that
"Turn the Cheek" dictum-------that Jesus taught and Gandhi decided to ENSHRINE
in his cult as the first commandment. It sorta worked for him,,,,,,,a little-------but it
DID not result in anything like reciprocity. I am truly fascinated with the alliance
between India and Iran. --------of all people in the world-----IRANIANS whose hatred for the people of Pakistan and India is exceeded only by their hatred for
ARABS --------sheeeesh-----if only charlie chaplain was still alive-----he could do a
I hope Modi survives
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

what are you Vikrant?

Indian or Pakistani?

sometimes I wonder about youo_O
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

According to which islamonazi source, as Syria was started by Assad killing his own people who disagreed with him. Then the insurgents hired by Iran invaded and started to destroy Syria.

Nothing to do with Israel or the Jews who would like to see Syria destroyed by the Iranian paid for terrorists so they can bomb them back to the stone age.
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

what are you Vikrant?

Indian or Pakistani?

sometimes I wonder about youo_O

Lets just say .............. typical muslim ...............
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

sally ----have some compassion for Vik. He is just being a patriotic hindu.
The president of India has decided to suck up to the IRANIANS -----kinda like
becoming a yes man for their filth. Modi (president of India) is innocent----but
stupid. Of all the hatreds I observed over the past 45 years EXPRESSED by
people on "religion/race" grounds the most intense came from IRANIANS ------
and interestingly enough----not even against jews. Irainians spit on anything
they perceive as "indian"---------even to the point of deriding INDIAN SHIITES.
I saw that one up close --------way back in time
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

According to which islamonazi source, as Syria was started by Assad killing his own people who disagreed with him. Then the insurgents hired by Iran invaded and started to destroy Syria.

Nothing to do with Israel or the Jews who would like to see Syria destroyed by the Iranian paid for terrorists so they can bomb them back to the stone age.

Your ignorance is simply astounding.
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!
Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I suggest you take your meds. Maybe you will realize that I am not on this forum night and day like some posters so how in the world could I be posting a billion posts per second about Assad along with other articles about what is happening in the Middle East or what is happening to the refugees? I suggest that you start posting articles about the Middle East and not just come here to bash Israel.
So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I suggest you take your meds. Maybe you will realize that I am not on this forum night and day like some posters so how in the world could I be posting a billion posts per second about Assad along with other articles about what is happening in the Middle East or what is happening to the refugees? I suggest that you start posting articles about the Middle East and not just come here to bash Israel.

I suggest you stop bashing India and get back to topics that are relevant to the Middle East such as:

a. Israel's oil theft enterprise
b. Israel's human right violations
c. Israeli hand in creating Syrian conflict
d. Israelis harvesting organs of Syrian refugees
e. Anything related to the Middle East
Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I suggest you take your meds. Maybe you will realize that I am not on this forum night and day like some posters so how in the world could I be posting a billion posts per second about Assad along with other articles about what is happening in the Middle East or what is happening to the refugees? I suggest that you start posting articles about the Middle East and not just come here to bash Israel.

I suggest you stop bashing India and get back to topics that are relevant to the Middle East such as:

a. Israel's oil theft enterprise
b. Israel's human right violations
c. Israeli hand in creating Syrian conflict
d. Israelis harvesting organs of Syrian refugees
e. Anything related to the Middle East

The sickie is at it again. Ir is always Israel, Israel, Israel in his sick mind. Always accusing Israel of something which he can't prove. Why not discuss this with your psychiatrist, Vikrant?
yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I suggest you take your meds. Maybe you will realize that I am not on this forum night and day like some posters so how in the world could I be posting a billion posts per second about Assad along with other articles about what is happening in the Middle East or what is happening to the refugees? I suggest that you start posting articles about the Middle East and not just come here to bash Israel.

I suggest you stop bashing India and get back to topics that are relevant to the Middle East such as:

a. Israel's oil theft enterprise
b. Israel's human right violations
c. Israeli hand in creating Syrian conflict
d. Israelis harvesting organs of Syrian refugees
e. Anything related to the Middle East

The sickie is at it again. Ir is always Israel, Israel, Israel in his sick mind. Always accusing Israel of something which he can't prove. Why not discuss this with your psychiatrist, Vikrant?

Israel is the most important country in the world hence in the Middle East as well. So, it is natural to keep the focus on Israel at least in the Middle East threads. Do you disagree with the notion that Israel is the most important country in the world?

BTW, what is your thought on Israelis helping North Korea build Hydrogen Bomb?

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