My family went to Sweden, I chose India: A Syrian refugee

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I suggest you take your meds. Maybe you will realize that I am not on this forum night and day like some posters so how in the world could I be posting a billion posts per second about Assad along with other articles about what is happening in the Middle East or what is happening to the refugees? I suggest that you start posting articles about the Middle East and not just come here to bash Israel.

I suggest you stop bashing India and get back to topics that are relevant to the Middle East such as:

a. Israel's oil theft enterprise
b. Israel's human right violations
c. Israeli hand in creating Syrian conflict
d. Israelis harvesting organs of Syrian refugees
e. Anything related to the Middle East

The sickie is at it again. Ir is always Israel, Israel, Israel in his sick mind. Always accusing Israel of something which he can't prove. Why not discuss this with your psychiatrist, Vikrant?

Israel is the most important country in the world hence in the Middle East as well. So, it is natural to keep the focus on Israel at least in the Middle East threads. Do you disagree with the notion that Israel is the most important country in the world?

BTW, what is your thought on Israelis helping North Korea build Hydrogen Bomb?

No, I disagree that Israel is the most important country in the world. It is anti-Semites like you who want to think so. Israel is such a tiny, tiny country, but your friendly Arabs plus the other anti-Semites want to see it destroyed. Meanwhile, there are many countries in the Middle East, but only anti-Semites want to focus on Israel in this forum and nothing else.
BHANG LASSI----why not Pakistan-----or even better---BANGLA DESH?

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

According to which islamonazi source, as Syria was started by Assad killing his own people who disagreed with him. Then the insurgents hired by Iran invaded and started to destroy Syria.

Nothing to do with Israel or the Jews who would like to see Syria destroyed by the Iranian paid for terrorists so they can bomb them back to the stone age.

Your ignorance is simply astounding.

It is you that is ignorant as you fail to produce any evidence of your islamonazi racist attacks on the Jews and Israel from any unbiased and non partisan source. And this is your only answer when put on the spot.

Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

Another LIE in your exagerations, ever thought that the west is starting to see you muslims for what you really are and want you all removing. And that means by force if needed so you cant complain after all you have done over recent years
Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I suggest you take your meds. Maybe you will realize that I am not on this forum night and day like some posters so how in the world could I be posting a billion posts per second about Assad along with other articles about what is happening in the Middle East or what is happening to the refugees? I suggest that you start posting articles about the Middle East and not just come here to bash Israel.

I suggest you stop bashing India and get back to topics that are relevant to the Middle East such as:

a. Israel's oil theft enterprise
b. Israel's human right violations
c. Israeli hand in creating Syrian conflict
d. Israelis harvesting organs of Syrian refugees
e. Anything related to the Middle East

A How about some concrete evidence to your claim
B Name them with all the details of these alleged human rights violations
C Proof that this the case and not just islamonazi propaganda and blood libels
D What is your evidence other than islamonazi propaganda and blood libels
E Like what the islamonazi atrocities in the M.E.
There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I suggest you take your meds. Maybe you will realize that I am not on this forum night and day like some posters so how in the world could I be posting a billion posts per second about Assad along with other articles about what is happening in the Middle East or what is happening to the refugees? I suggest that you start posting articles about the Middle East and not just come here to bash Israel.

I suggest you stop bashing India and get back to topics that are relevant to the Middle East such as:

a. Israel's oil theft enterprise
b. Israel's human right violations
c. Israeli hand in creating Syrian conflict
d. Israelis harvesting organs of Syrian refugees
e. Anything related to the Middle East

The sickie is at it again. Ir is always Israel, Israel, Israel in his sick mind. Always accusing Israel of something which he can't prove. Why not discuss this with your psychiatrist, Vikrant?

Israel is the most important country in the world hence in the Middle East as well. So, it is natural to keep the focus on Israel at least in the Middle East threads. Do you disagree with the notion that Israel is the most important country in the world?

BTW, what is your thought on Israelis helping North Korea build Hydrogen Bomb?

At the moment it is Iran that is the most important as it threatens world peace with its meddling in other Islamic nations. To say nothing of its attempts at making a nuclear weapon so it can wipe out Israel and the Jews along with 10 million Suunni muslims

Sally Vik MAY be an indian Shiite. The very first muslim I knew VERY well-----was a Shiite from New Dehli------young surgeon. I learned all about the Shiite/india POV on jews until I informed him that I am a jew-----then he switched into
ALL HE knew about hindus (and some stuff about Christians). As a Shiite in India he had STUDIED Farsi as a second language-------in his muslim school days. He
was desperate to "make nice" with the Iranian docs who OBVIOUSLY considered him not worth spitting upon. He virtually WORSHIPPED Iran-----all confusing to me
because at that time I had no idea about this "Shiite/sunni" thing. I have no idea what happened to the poor guy------still probably DESPERATE to try his farsi on some
Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

According to which islamonazi source, as Syria was started by Assad killing his own people who disagreed with him. Then the insurgents hired by Iran invaded and started to destroy Syria.

Nothing to do with Israel or the Jews who would like to see Syria destroyed by the Iranian paid for terrorists so they can bomb them back to the stone age.

Your ignorance is simply astounding.

It is you that is ignorant as you fail to produce any evidence of your islamonazi racist attacks on the Jews and Israel from any unbiased and non partisan source. And this is your only answer when put on the spot.


Get out of the bubble.
Sally Vik MAY be an indian Shiite. The very first muslim I knew VERY well-----was a Shiite from New Dehli------young surgeon. I learned all about the Shiite/india POV on jews until I informed him that I am a jew-----then he switched into
ALL HE knew about hindus (and some stuff about Christians). As a Shiite in India he had STUDIED Farsi as a second language-------in his muslim school days. He
was desperate to "make nice" with the Iranian docs who OBVIOUSLY considered him not worth spitting upon. He virtually WORSHIPPED Iran-----all confusing to me
because at that time I had no idea about this "Shiite/sunni" thing. I have no idea what happened to the poor guy------still probably DESPERATE to try his farsi on some

Iran is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. It is hard not to worship a country like that :)
Sally Vik MAY be an indian Shiite. The very first muslim I knew VERY well-----was a Shiite from New Dehli------young surgeon. I learned all about the Shiite/india POV on jews until I informed him that I am a jew-----then he switched into
ALL HE knew about hindus (and some stuff about Christians). As a Shiite in India he had STUDIED Farsi as a second language-------in his muslim school days. He
was desperate to "make nice" with the Iranian docs who OBVIOUSLY considered him not worth spitting upon. He virtually WORSHIPPED Iran-----all confusing to me
because at that time I had no idea about this "Shiite/sunni" thing. I have no idea what happened to the poor guy------still probably DESPERATE to try his farsi on some

Iran is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. It is hard not to worship a country like that :)

Gee, if Vikrant is into beautiful women, I wonder if he is on some dating site for Indians. The women in the Bollywood films are beautiful so surely Vikrant must go to the films up where he lives. - Find Singles with's Online Dating Personals Service :

I really have to laugh at Vikrant. Who is his right mind worships a country because of the women's looks? Every country in the world has beatiful women as well as homely and ugly women, even Iran. Many people would look at the Scandinavian blonds and think they were the most beautiful women in the world, but that does not mean they would worship Norway, Sweden or Denmark.

Meanwhile, I am going to check to see if Mindy Kaling is available for Vikrant. She probably would be a fun date..
So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

According to which islamonazi source, as Syria was started by Assad killing his own people who disagreed with him. Then the insurgents hired by Iran invaded and started to destroy Syria.

Nothing to do with Israel or the Jews who would like to see Syria destroyed by the Iranian paid for terrorists so they can bomb them back to the stone age.

Your ignorance is simply astounding.

It is you that is ignorant as you fail to produce any evidence of your islamonazi racist attacks on the Jews and Israel from any unbiased and non partisan source. And this is your only answer when put on the spot.


Get out of the bubble.

As expected you don't have any evidence so resort to childish ranting and nonsense. Come back when you have something real to report, like the mass murders by muslims or the child rapes in the UK
Sally Vik MAY be an indian Shiite. The very first muslim I knew VERY well-----was a Shiite from New Dehli------young surgeon. I learned all about the Shiite/india POV on jews until I informed him that I am a jew-----then he switched into
ALL HE knew about hindus (and some stuff about Christians). As a Shiite in India he had STUDIED Farsi as a second language-------in his muslim school days. He
was desperate to "make nice" with the Iranian docs who OBVIOUSLY considered him not worth spitting upon. He virtually WORSHIPPED Iran-----all confusing to me
because at that time I had no idea about this "Shiite/sunni" thing. I have no idea what happened to the poor guy------still probably DESPERATE to try his farsi on some

Iran is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. It is hard not to worship a country like that :)

you are sick. Modi made a big mistake and it is clear that you have not
met a whole lot of Iranians
Israel and others who precipitated the Syria crisis have moral obligation to take in the Syrian refugees but since they won't, other countries will have to step in.

You should become his pen pal and ask him why he did not choose Pakistan or Bangladesh.

So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I grew up in proximity to LOTS OF SYRIANS-----in the USA------they were---as
far as I knew----ALL CHRISTIANS------they had a cross with extra lines making
them something like "eastern orthodox". They were refugees from some sort
of horrible tyrant in Syria-------who turned out to be HAFEZ ASSAD. As a kid---
to me -----all such people were "NAZIS" Bashar is, CLEARLY, his father's
son. I also came to understand that even a "doctor" can be a Nazi. I have
worked with Pakistani doctors (most of whom------were NOT ENTIRELY Nazis-----just some who had trouble overcoming the Pakistani educational system. I will admit----most of the Iranians I met were only minimally Nazi or not at all-------but that was a long time ago.)
So when will the arab countries start taking them in, or do they see the extremists that are the cause of the problem using the west's gullibility and stop them from getting into their lands. By the way nothing to do with Israel as you seem to claim all the time, but mass murdering islamonazi dictators like Assad.

Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I grew up in proximity to LOTS OF SYRIANS-----in the USA------they were---as
far as I knew----ALL CHRISTIANS------they had a cross with extra lines making
them something like "eastern orthodox". They were refugees from some sort
of horrible tyrant in Syria-------who turned out to be HAFEZ ASSAD. As a kid---
to me -----all such people were "NAZIS" Bashar is, CLEARLY, his father's
son. I also came to understand that even a "doctor" can be a Nazi. I have
worked with Pakistani doctors (most of whom------were NOT ENTIRELY Nazis-----just some who had trouble overcoming the Pakistani educational system. I will admit----most of the Iranians I met were only minimally Nazi or not at all-------but that was a long time ago.)

You are lying. Hafez Assad was more secular, pro-Christian than even Bashar. The only Syrians that had problems with Hafez were the Sunni Islamists.

"In 1973, President Hafez al-Assad released a constitutional draft that omitted reference to Islam as the official religion of the state, which enraged conservative Muslims. Faced with pressure, Assad eventually restored Article 3 to its original form."
Israel was/is the prime instigator of Syrian crisis.

yeah? you got a MECHANISM that underlies this interesting phenomenon?.
I do recall that it was the BRITS who galvanized the Iranian youth of Teheran
to RIOT IN THE STREETS -----the british TOLD THEM TO RIOT------its all the
fault of the internet and INTRUSIVE BUSYBODY brits

There was the Arab Spring with many protesters out in the streets of different Arab countries including Syria, but big bad Israel is the cause of what happened in Syria according to Vikrant. I wonder when the men in the white coats will come after him while he is still screaming that Israel did this and Israel did that.

If Israel has no stake in Syria then why are you posting billions posts per second about "big bad Assad"!

I grew up in proximity to LOTS OF SYRIANS-----in the USA------they were---as
far as I knew----ALL CHRISTIANS------they had a cross with extra lines making
them something like "eastern orthodox". They were refugees from some sort
of horrible tyrant in Syria-------who turned out to be HAFEZ ASSAD. As a kid---
to me -----all such people were "NAZIS" Bashar is, CLEARLY, his father's
son. I also came to understand that even a "doctor" can be a Nazi. I have
worked with Pakistani doctors (most of whom------were NOT ENTIRELY Nazis-----just some who had trouble overcoming the Pakistani educational system. I will admit----most of the Iranians I met were only minimally Nazi or not at all-------but that was a long time ago.)

You are lying. Hafez Assad was more secular, pro-Christian than even Bashar. The only Syrians that had problems with Hafez were the Sunni Islamists.

"In 1973, President Hafez al-Assad released a constitutional draft that omitted reference to Islam as the official religion of the state, which enraged conservative Muslims. Faced with pressure, Assad eventually restored Article 3 to its original form."

Why Syria's Christians are angry -

Yeah, he was such a swell guy.

1982: Syria's President Hafez al-Assad crushes rebellion in Hama
Fellow posters-----do not buy the crap that Monte throws-----there are lots of
Syrian Christians in the USA-------just ask
Sally Vik MAY be an indian Shiite. The very first muslim I knew VERY well-----was a Shiite from New Dehli------young surgeon. I learned all about the Shiite/india POV on jews until I informed him that I am a jew-----then he switched into
ALL HE knew about hindus (and some stuff about Christians). As a Shiite in India he had STUDIED Farsi as a second language-------in his muslim school days. He
was desperate to "make nice" with the Iranian docs who OBVIOUSLY considered him not worth spitting upon. He virtually WORSHIPPED Iran-----all confusing to me
because at that time I had no idea about this "Shiite/sunni" thing. I have no idea what happened to the poor guy------still probably DESPERATE to try his farsi on some

Iran is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. It is hard not to worship a country like that :)

Gee, if Vikrant is into beautiful women, I wonder if he is on some dating site for Indians. The women in the Bollywood films are beautiful so surely Vikrant must go to the films up where he lives. - Find Singles with's Online Dating Personals Service :

I really have to laugh at Vikrant. Who is his right mind worships a country because of the women's looks? Every country in the world has beatiful women as well as homely and ugly women, even Iran. Many people would look at the Scandinavian blonds and think they were the most beautiful women in the world, but that does not mean they would worship Norway, Sweden or Denmark.

Meanwhile, I am going to check to see if Mindy Kaling is available for Vikrant. She probably would be a fun date..

You seem jealous of beautiful Iranian women.
Sally Vik MAY be an indian Shiite. The very first muslim I knew VERY well-----was a Shiite from New Dehli------young surgeon. I learned all about the Shiite/india POV on jews until I informed him that I am a jew-----then he switched into
ALL HE knew about hindus (and some stuff about Christians). As a Shiite in India he had STUDIED Farsi as a second language-------in his muslim school days. He
was desperate to "make nice" with the Iranian docs who OBVIOUSLY considered him not worth spitting upon. He virtually WORSHIPPED Iran-----all confusing to me
because at that time I had no idea about this "Shiite/sunni" thing. I have no idea what happened to the poor guy------still probably DESPERATE to try his farsi on some

Iran is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. It is hard not to worship a country like that :)

Gee, if Vikrant is into beautiful women, I wonder if he is on some dating site for Indians. The women in the Bollywood films are beautiful so surely Vikrant must go to the films up where he lives. - Find Singles with's Online Dating Personals Service :

I really have to laugh at Vikrant. Who is his right mind worships a country because of the women's looks? Every country in the world has beatiful women as well as homely and ugly women, even Iran. Many people would look at the Scandinavian blonds and think they were the most beautiful women in the world, but that does not mean they would worship Norway, Sweden or Denmark.

Meanwhile, I am going to check to see if Mindy Kaling is available for Vikrant. She probably would be a fun date..

You seem jealous of beautiful Iranian women.

sally, cool it------Vik is just being snotty
Sally Vik MAY be an indian Shiite. The very first muslim I knew VERY well-----was a Shiite from New Dehli------young surgeon. I learned all about the Shiite/india POV on jews until I informed him that I am a jew-----then he switched into
ALL HE knew about hindus (and some stuff about Christians). As a Shiite in India he had STUDIED Farsi as a second language-------in his muslim school days. He
was desperate to "make nice" with the Iranian docs who OBVIOUSLY considered him not worth spitting upon. He virtually WORSHIPPED Iran-----all confusing to me
because at that time I had no idea about this "Shiite/sunni" thing. I have no idea what happened to the poor guy------still probably DESPERATE to try his farsi on some

Iran is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. It is hard not to worship a country like that :)

you are sick. Modi made a big mistake and it is clear that you have not
met a whole lot of Iranians

China is friends with Iran. I do not see you annoying Xi about this.
Sally Vik MAY be an indian Shiite. The very first muslim I knew VERY well-----was a Shiite from New Dehli------young surgeon. I learned all about the Shiite/india POV on jews until I informed him that I am a jew-----then he switched into
ALL HE knew about hindus (and some stuff about Christians). As a Shiite in India he had STUDIED Farsi as a second language-------in his muslim school days. He
was desperate to "make nice" with the Iranian docs who OBVIOUSLY considered him not worth spitting upon. He virtually WORSHIPPED Iran-----all confusing to me
because at that time I had no idea about this "Shiite/sunni" thing. I have no idea what happened to the poor guy------still probably DESPERATE to try his farsi on some

Iran is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. It is hard not to worship a country like that :)

you are sick. Modi made a big mistake and it is clear that you have not
met a whole lot of Iranians

China is friends with Iran. I do not see you annoying Xi about this.

who? why bring up CHINA----it has life long history of barbaric ambition and
imperialism? Modi is like a lamb which jumped into a cesspit. Iranian
Ayatoilets and China are natural pals

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